As it is technically written (Amendment 64 section 3-b "[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Nimbus Sans L, sans-serif]PROVIDED THAT THE GROWING TAKES PLACE IN AN ENCLOSED, LOCKED SPACE," is all that they have said so far. However the dispensary owners are complaining because they have to pay a high "off premises" permit fee to grow anywhere other than at the dispensary, and they don't believe we should be allowed grow off premises. The attached structure recommendation has not yet been formally voted on yet by the Amendment 64 committee, and the Gov hasn't signed anything yet, but friends that have been attending the Amendment 64 committee sessions tell me the location thing supposedly is a security risk issue. For who I wonder? So, it is not written in stone yet, but it is one issue (besides thc-dui) that may affect all of us recreational growers. I wouldn't recommend growing outside of your residence until you are sure it is legal to do so (unless the risk outweighs the [/FONT]penalties).[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Nimbus Sans L, sans-serif] There was also some stupid talk in the sessions of a recommendation that we should have to DOUBLE lock our grow room doors in our!! Parents don't have to "double lock" their liquor cabinets or medicine cabinets according to why should we? I did however hear of the recommendation that in residential grow investigations (where sale is not an issue), that the police would "pull up the seventh plant" and over if you have more than 6 plants. Hmmm, we are still waiting to see if there will be any other penalties for having more than 6 plants, ... the police have to be paid for their investigation time somehow I guess, so I imagine maybe a big fine, but no jail or probation time. But in the long run, if one is growing say, only 2 plants every 4 months and getting 6 oz per plant, who would need more weed than that (unless they wanted to sell some on the black market!)? That's 3 oz per month to use (three quarters of an ounce a week to smoke), quite a respectable amount for one person- even to share with friends! [/FONT]