Well-Known Member
come on now, thats not true.thats why. the dog has a grip of hermie issues doesnt it? jig grew it out and his hermied like crazy but the smoke was sweet.
i never said the 5-0 was yours. i never said the autos were yours either jackass. i said i got the autos from u completely different. the 5-0 i got from f.m. aint no reason to get all huffy puffy. i was just showing that everything will fuck you one way or another and was using them as examples. reg or fem. auto or not. its just up to grower preference really. "if they are well made seeds regardles of them being fem or not you shouldnt have anything to worry about." and those were your words by the way. you said you just prefer not to use them.
Like gifting someone s33ds, jesus dude give it a fucking rest and respect chakas thread.