How I Get A Pound With 2 Plants!!!!!!!!VIDEO!!!!


Active Member
the guy is the single handed biggest troll on the forum, whata dick!!!!! TOO MUCH time around the prison system will do that to a guy, LOL!!!!!
When I joined I didn't do much posting. Only recently did I join in on conversations. But I don't have to explain myself. Once again, you're trying to find an argument... Please, grow up.


Active Member
heres a couple for now to shut you upIMAG0817.jpgIMAG0818.jpg looking at your avatar and that being one of your nice buds, looks like a 2.5 gram dried bud to me, my buds are all usually the smallest an eigth, some kholas going over an oz. these ae terrible pics cuz of the light but you can see how far mine go down and the size around is already the size of yours at harvest, I rest my case!
No they're not....

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
No I know why I friended him. He showed me how the site works, +rep and what definitely wasn't his plants if that's what he was hinting to. Kids these days!


New Member
So u wanna call me all these names...try n clown in me...n blah blah blah....n I'm just supposed to sit n shut up n not say anything???....have I ever once called u a name?....have I ever once made fun of u? I ever used any of these"!!!"... no....everything I've said has been in response to something uve said.... go ahead n read back u wanna say how much better ur plants are...and ur growing hydro under hids.... u two are a perfect match.... I mean are u all really this pathetic?....I told u a few posts ago this was entertainment...and u said for like the fourth time that was it...ur thru...blah blah blah...u aren't thru bro...ull be thru when I let u b thru....bitch


Active Member
thanks for all the possitive attitudes from everyone on this thread only a couple of non believers out of hundreds of posts, im happy with that, and for all th people interested in this system, please try it and youll see the performance of a triple hydro system!!!

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
I flipped on 3/11 but I know she's a long flowering, heavy sativa. I'm hoping for mid June. But I've got a few indicas that should finish before that to keep my occupied.


Well-Known Member
Youre the only one who sent vicious PMs and made threats of violence because you cannot take criticism my man lol. Hope you have a great 420 however much you harvest.