Thundercat's Groooooooow


I'm not sure what would be best. Prolly harvesting the top half of the plants and letting the bottoms mature more since they aren't always done at the same time any way. This might even boost yield a bit. In the future I think I would just try to keep similar strains in each rail if possible. I know you've got a bunch of strains going, but if you find that a few take longer or finish quicker try to lump them together in the same rail. I'm sure you've already thought about that for the future.
That's the plan.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sally hows it goin?

Beech she is extremely smart. When my wife and I are talking to her its absolutely amazing how good her memory is. I'm just hoping she will embrass learning, and enjoy it and use her abilities.

Garden was looking A+ tonight. The rust spots did not seem any worse then the other night when I boosted the calmagic more. So perhaps that is all it was. We'll see how they progress. I'm changing my res tomorrow, and will be going to 3/4 strength bloom and micro, plus the calmagic and floralicious and H2O2. This will bump things up about 25%, which going into week 3 I think should be about right. I'm hoping this doesn't have an adverse effect on the plants that I just put in but they look really happy ATM so fingers will be crossed. Pretty much all the plants are starting to get some sugar on them and the CJ smells awesome up close. I can't place the smell yet but its different and I like that! All the rest of those clones rooted, tomorrow I'll prolly stick the WW ones in cups. I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep the strawberries much longer. The SDG has its third set of leaves which were only a triple set, so maybe the next will be a full five. The leaves on it are still growing out very side so far which is cool, its been awhile since I've had a strong indica genetic in the mix. Well I think thats all I've got on my mind tonight. I'll be doing an ISO run in the next couple days so I'll let you all know how that goes.

Hope all is well in your worlds!

:peace: TC


Well-Known Member
HEHE its not always joy, but I've been trying to make the most of it, and give her the childhood she deserves. Kids get forced to grow up pretty quick now a days.


Active Member
Ninja if he has that setup as some sort of ebb system, then that whole room must have a liner on the floor or something cus it looks like all those pots are on the floor. Either that or the largest tray I've ever seen(maybe 2 4x8 trays I suppose). I'm guessing the res must be HUGE and in the basement or the next story down at least. Those are some really impressive buds for sure. This latest harvest has me seriously considering making some changes to things but i gotta give it a chance to get things back were they should be. Its been really discouraging to be honest, I've been wrecking my brain trying to figure out the solution. The only thing I can come up with is the nutes still so hopefully fixes it. I noticed a few of those rusty spots the other night on a couple of the strawberries again, and one WW. I don't get it cus I'm running a full dose of Calmagic with my regular nutes and my ph is right about were its supposed to be. Its time for a res change again tonight, maybe the plants are just using up what I'm giving them. The PPm did drop a bit the other day so they are eating, I just don't want to lock them out, or burn them with to much.

I never wait for much if any amber either, I like my trippy highs!
Have you considered foliar feeding with Epsom salts? I mean if they're getting a full calmag supplement with each feeding they might need that much more... then again they could fix it on their own with what your giving them... lol guess i'm not being too much help :-? but i'm stoked to see how the girls finish!


Well-Known Member
I've tossed around the idea. It always scares me as I run my light pretty close to my plants. Last batch I actually did a foliar with a small amount of epsom salts with some super thrive in the mix. It was a light mix though I really don't know if it did anything. I'm gonna see what they do this next week. If they start to get worse I may try that. I really don't know 100% that it is a C def, but from all the pictures I've seen, and the pictures I've shown thats what it looks like. I'm eager to, I'm really thinking its gonna be a nice turn around from last harvest. Atleast thats what I keep telling myself........

Kite High

Well-Known Member
HEHE its not always joy, but I've been trying to make the most of it, and give her the childhood she deserves. Kids get forced to grow up pretty quick now a days.
and unfortunately that is the source of our downfalls...we need their imagination and intuition but modern life discourage such and even stamps it out as much as it can...Love her and give her you thing you can do and what she wants most...we fathers are in our children's eyes Gods...we need to live up to it


Well-Known Member
and unfortunately that is the source of our downfalls...we need their imagination and intuition but modern life discourage such and even stamps it out as much as it can...Love her and give her you thing you can do and what she wants most...we fathers are in our children's eyes Gods...we need to live up to it
Nice post!
  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Kite High again.


Kite High

Well-Known Member
thank you all for the reps and likes...felt good to see so many people touched by truth....seems most round here prefer hype...I come from my heart and there is nothing more important to our lives and future than our children


Well-Known Member
True story bud! We like to keep it real around here so no hype, snake oils, or bad attitudes allowed, lol.

No seriously though getting to spend the last 7 months since the accident with my family has been great. Especially since I would have normally been at work 10 hours a day and not have gotten any of this time otherwise.


Well-Known Member
I would look and see if you posted what happened.......But this is a long thread.
Glad your ok man.Man all these young kids are so smart,My son is 12 in June,and
If i need help on these PC or any kinda new deals like the phones he acts like Im a duffus.
I took typing in HS,and it was a manual,Tht should tell ya Im no spring chicken.


Well-Known Member
lol, is all good Beech, I had a motorcycle wreck. It messed up my right arm, did some muscle and nerve damage. Rehab is coming along well though, I'd say I'm at about 70% range of motion but not much strength at all. They said its gonna be 1-1.5 years before I really know how much I'll get back from the nerves so I'm just working through things. I did find out that the reason my wrist has been hurting so bad still is that its been broken the last 7 months. I have asked the DRs about it several times and they kept saying there was no signs of a brake and that even if it was fractured there was nothing they would do about it. Well its been broken and the specific brake is about the worst wrist brake you can get for it healing right. Soooo most likely they will be immobilizing my wrist, we have to see what the specialist says next week. Anyway thats the fun I had when I decided I needed a bike. I had riden off road for many many years without much issue as I have always been a rather cautious person. Well I didn't have it for a week and a half, and came threw a turn a bit too fast and it pulled me to the outside and I hit a gaurd rail. Funny thing is I had ridden that corner every day since I got the bike but always in the inside lane. I think the outside lane was banked differently and in turn had alot to do with my inability to make the corner as I wasn't going that fast (55 in a wide sweeping corner) But oh well live and learn right! Time will heal many of the wounds and life will go on, I'm here to see tomorrow so thats all that matters!


Well-Known Member
Damn i here ya,I raced S/C and outdoor MX for over 15yrs.And have broke many a bone,concusions list to long to mention.
Glad your ok,and hope you heal good,Ive been very lucky.
Like to cut my Damn hand off on Sheet metal at work,I own a HVAC business.
Cut all the tendons into and had two surgeries on it,and its still messed up!


Well-Known Member
Wow man thats gotta be tough too. I've been very thankful that right from the begging my hand has worked perfect so I've been able to position my arm and use my hand even before I could move my arm again. My older brother rode MX for many years and had his share of bang up but thankfully nothing to serious either. Bikes can be dangerous but they are fun!

The not fun part is trying to find work again when this is all over. Depending on what I am able to do.....


Well-Known Member
Started harvesting last night. All I can say is wow! I was away for the past 5 days and the girls really swelled up on just water. Here is a shot of the main cola on the Cantalope kush.


Happy, Happy, Happy! ;)


Well-Known Member
Thats a beauty man very nice. Your gonna have a hell of a harvest on your hands real fast! Thanks for showing it off man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for making this thread feel like somewhere I want to and can share my happiness :)

I would love to burn one with you someday, you seem like an awesome dude!