
Well-Known Member
E-bullies? Dude, you're not tagging me with that are you? I'm just a drunk redneck that had a bad day having some fucking fun. Shit, can't even cut loose a little bit without someone harshing the buzz.


Well-Known Member
kid, you cant even fucking spell cut right. do you even know what the word means? your words are weak, like your pussy ass arms.
yeah ok mister im 6'4 240 six figure salery home on golf course... whats dat now u just married jessica alba right on with ur bad self.... U FUCKING JAG OFF LOLOLOOL

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
yea man no doubt, im about sick of it myself... still thinkin about opening a grow store.. but the money is good, im at a startup now... with traction... i have contacts at IBM and have been discussing a potential acquisition. that would be retirement.
Sweet!!!!!!......thats where I am at.....almost out of the game but not totally.....you could say I'm Phil....from duck dynasty.....the money is still flowing in but I'm just around.....ya know lol Doing my own thing and taking a call every now and then when people are STUCK!!!! UGH which still annoys the FUCK out of me!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah ok mister im 6'4 240 six figure salery home on golf course... whats dat now u just married jessica alba right on with ur bad self.... U FUCKING JAG OFF LOLOLOOL
This is best summarized with a picture:

(If you missed the context, it's empty, like the dome of theexpress.)


Well-Known Member
E-bullies? Dude, you're not tagging me with that are you? I'm just a drunk redneck that had a bad day having some fucking fun. Shit, can't even cut loose a little bit without someone harshing the buzz.
Nah cut loose by all means mang, pictures are worth a thousand words and I like picture books.. With the pop ups and scratch and sniff.


Well-Known Member
ive posted mad pics of tall money.... one was a shoe box full... ur an idiot n pay mortgage an car note so that shit aint really urs... miss sum payments see wat happends... i pay cash for everything....
one house is paid, one condo in brazil...paid. one car paid, one house with mortgage and another car with payments... i have a 2010 ml 550 and a 2011 lexus 350... i live in one the most expensive places in the country.

and i never have to worry about getting into trouble. i also have a lawyer on retainer... do you know what a retainer is? hint, its not the thing you need to put in your busted crooked teeth mouth.