Harvesting for seeds; what do I need to know?


Well-Known Member
I have a plant I gave extra flowering time to get seeds to come out.
Well they have started showing; what do I do now?
Are there stages of seed development? Should I chop now, and wait til
it's dried them pluck the seeds from it? Do I store them like normal, or are
there any precautionary measures I need to do before hand?

Thanks for any help,



Get one of the seeds to check and light press between your fingers, if it cracks so it isnt ready yet.
If its hard enough you can harvest already. Letting dry is easier to remove as the seeds just falls out, but you can remove it manually.

Keep on a dry place to conservate.



Well-Known Member
Get one of the seeds to check and light press between your fingers, if it cracks so it isnt ready yet.
If its hard enough you can harvest already. Letting dry is easier to remove as the seeds just falls out, but you can remove it manually.

Keep on a dry place to conservate.

Muchas gracias canal, thanks homey! Will do.


Well-Known Member
I don't mean to sound stupid but you did pollinate it with a male plant yes?

Don't want to be condescending just wanna make sure your on the right track :)


Well-Known Member
No I did not. Don't keep males, or colloidal silver, did it the natural way. Let it age.


Well-Known Member
I would be careful doing that. Might happen a bit earlier each time
I needed the seeds, it was a strain I was wanting to retire; but not wholly give up on. So it worked out well :D
If it happened any earlier it would be a blessing, I've had that sucker in flower since Halloween.


Well-Known Member
My understanding is fully matured seeds will drop as in nature... But the closer you can get to that better. IMO


Well-Known Member
let the plant age. wait it out untill you see these things turn brown. once brown wait a week or so more. then chop dry deseed and smoke.