Club 600


Well-Known Member
Ok I will be going into clay pebbles in the wilma, I was thinking a drill hole then put my clone in the neoprene coller and just rest through the hole but the hole being big enough to just pick the coller up and put in wilma in pebbles


Well-Known Member
If you can swing it so you can take the same neoprene from cloner to wilma, that would be the best in my head at least. Less stuff to keep around, less messing with the plants and roots. Just an easy swap out.

One thing to watch for if you are using net pots. I learned the hard way. I grew clones out using coller type things and the roots got huge, real long... it was great! Then I had to put them in net pots to go into the hydro setup. Well roots don't exactly just weave their way though the bottom of net pots, know what I mean. So I just had to kinda pile the roots up on the bottom of the net pot. So lesson is if you are going to end up using net pots, start out using those same net pots.

But you shouldn't have to worry about that if you ain't using them. Just wanted to put it out there for everyone.


Well-Known Member
And I'm sure you've been told... but rinse off the clay pebbles real good before using. It's absolutely amazing how much red stuff washes off them. Don't need anything but water on them... just lots of washing with it till the water runs out clear.


Well-Known Member
yeah i was gona use same neopreme collor on the cloner then put that full thing in the wilma and just start the next new cut in a new neopreme bit and so on, just is 1 air stone gona be enough in there or will i need a bigger pump or by a 4 way adapter for the air pump so i can have 4 stones running of it


Well-Known Member
You know how many liters that thing holds... or rather how much it will hold when the clones are in there. You want the water just below where the clones are... like JUST below.


Well-Known Member
I just checked it out. I don't think that air pump is gonna cut it. If the numbers I found were correct it spits out 1.6 L/min. The one I use does 38 L/min. That's over 20x's more powerful. And that's my small airpump, lol. Big one does 60 L/min.

If it were me I'd go with something like this:

That's the small one I got.

No matter what you use, at least a couple airstones is better than one. The more the merrier to a point. 4 should be good.

The real test is to fill the thing with water, put the airstones in, run the pump and hold your hand above the water. If you hand gets nice and wet from the spray of the bubbles... it's good to go. If you aren't getting many drops on your hand, you'll need a bigger pump.


Well-Known Member
good morning folks....... what a very very busy week ive had, full of events and shit and crazy and....well over an eigth of mushrooms and blah blah blah......some vids and pics for ya. start off with some maui kief and errl.P1000138.jpgP1000133.jpg


Well-Known Member
ok il get a bigger pump as it is what u says 1.6l/min ive seen a 4 way air pump on ebay for around 20 quid il have a look at that


Well-Known Member
That sucks bad. I know I watched over my shoulder when two of my places got raided and I was only a customer.


Well-Known Member
Do you have to fill out a different form to be a vendor. All the places that got raided had my rec on file, so they got everyones name... I would hope that the folks at your shop didn't have a file titled VENDORS. I guess there's no way to know, but yeah, be safe for a bit.

EDIT: I'm paranoid about shit, but I wouldn't use plastic either in fears that the alcohol would leach something from it. Lol... even though the damn alcohol comes packaged in a plastic container. haha


Well-Known Member
COF id agree completely, i liked this but im not sure if its for me, pretty good though dabbed clean and is super making some wax, ice wax and tinc ATM


Well-Known Member
Do you have to fill out a different form to be a vendor. All the places that got raided had my rec on file, so they got everyones name... I would hope that the folks at your shop didn't have a file titled VENDORS. I guess there's no way to know, but yeah, be safe for a bit.

EDIT: I'm paranoid about shit, but I wouldn't use plastic either in fears that the alcohol would leach something from it. Lol... even though the damn alcohol comes packaged in a plastic container. haha[/QUOT