Criteria to meet to be called a slut?


Well-Known Member
I think 52 dudes a year is Slutty.
I meant every other week as in bi-weekly, 26 per year, but you are basically saying that a woman is not allowed to sleep with another guy every week without deserving the label "slut". Sure that's a pretty big number, but that alone still does not make her a slut in my book. Maybe she just wants to focus on a career before getting into a steady relationship. Does that come with the obligation to have a small number of sex partners? Of course not.

I just don't get the judging at all. Obviously slut is a derogative word, who are you (in general, nobody specific) to judge and label someone like that based on numbers.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
If she Fucks the Same dude everyday it's cool but if its different dude 26 days a year yep still a slut, why can't she stick with the same dude and have a vibrator for inbetween, her lack of ability to stay with one mate points to her lack of morals and instability, she knows she is a slut and is okay with it.



Well-Known Member
So what do you call a girl who dress like a whore but doesn't fuck around.
Either someone insecure or just someone with bad taste in clothes. "dress like a whore" is probably as subjective as "slut". I might call her a hot babe while someone else might call the same person a whore based on her clothes.


Well-Known Member
I like your thinking Sativied.

Different partners doesn't exactly equate to being a slut, adding a close time frame
to the equation would definitely play a factor though. Say 5 over 2 days might earn the title
justifiably, but then that might be a group thing, and may not exactly equate to being a slut.


Well-Known Member
If she Fucks the Same dude everyday it's cool but if its different dude 26 days a year yep still a slut, why can't she stick with the same dude and have a vibrator for inbetween, her lack of ability to stay with one mate points to her lack of morals and instability, she knows she is a slut and is okay with it.

Wrong, the lack of desire to stay with one person does not point to her morals or lack there of.
Perhaps, she is seeking the one to dedicate herself to and some come up short to her standards. Alternatively
she may have met a bunch of douche bags and does not want to settle down with anyone.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
I think if you do not leave enough time between fucks to get the results back from a VD test, before switching partners your a slut :)


Active Member
To me, a slut is a chick that is in a relationship, married or dating, and fucks someone other than her partner!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Wrong, the lack of desire to stay with one person does not point to her morals or lack there of.
Perhaps, she is seeking the one to dedicate her pussy to and some come up short to her standards.
fixed that for you.

You can have a romp buddy and not settle down with them.. Could even have two romp buddies.

Going around fucking different dudes every other week is slutty AND a quick way to catch an STD.


Well-Known Member
fixed that for you.

You can have a romp buddy and not settle down with them.. Could even have two romp buddies.

Going around fucking different dudes every other week is slutty AND a quick way to catch an STD.

But you can see why I asked in the OP, there are such conflicting views that it is hard to put a concrete definition
to the term.
I think the term slut is different for everyone, but even a baseline is tough to set with such a wide range of opinion.


Well-Known Member
But you can see why I asked in the OP, there are such conflicting views that it is hard to put a concrete definition
to the term.
I think the term slut is different for everyone, but even a baseline is tough to set with such a wide range of opinion.
Frankly at first I thought this was going to be a 1 star thread, but it's actually interesting to see the difference in opinions. :lol: I consider myself a little old fashion on many things but I think all of this (judging females for sexuality) is a result of woman being repressed for so long that most people, men and women, actually think it's normal. Single is single, free. Enjoy life, have safe sex, try out different guys mentally and physically before you marry your 'one true love'.


Well-Known Member
Frankly at first I thought this was going to be a 1 star thread, but it's actually interesting to see the difference in opinions. :lol: I consider myself a little old fashion on many things but I think all of this (judging females for sexuality) is a result of woman being repressed for so long that most people, men and women, actually think it's normal. Single is single, free. Enjoy life, have safe sex, try out different guys mentally and physically before you marry your 'one true love'.

It's the kind of subject that just doesnt get talked about in detail enough.
My wife and I talk about it and we are of conflicting opinions so I thought I
would toss it out here.

TBH I wasn't sure what the reception would be, and after a couple days without a
hit on the thread I was willing to let it die.

To me, it is actually worthy of debate though because there is such a wide
range of opinion.

I agree with your thoughts on the judgement and reasoning for it. As sunni pointed out
it is different for men, I dont think it should be but it is.

If a woman were able to test the water without fear of judgment I think it would
be better for everyone in the end.


Well-Known Member
So what would you call a man who's promiscuous and don't say lucky!
Im not sure, but the same criteria should apply.
The difference in the label is partially what lead me to ask. There
really is a huge difference in social acceptance between men and women
for acting the same way. Im not exactly sure why, and I don't agree with it but that is
the way it is.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It's the kind of subject that just doesnt get talked about in detail enough.
My wife and I talk about it and we are of conflicting opinions so I thought I
would toss it out here.

TBH I wasn't sure what the reception would be, and after a couple days without a
hit on the thread I was willing to let it die.

To me, it is actually worthy of debate though because there is such a wide
range of opinion.

I agree with your thoughts on the judgement and reasoning for it. As sunni pointed out
it is different for men, I dont think it should be but it is.

If a woman were able to test the water without fear of judgment I think it would
be better for everyone in the end
It's one thing to test the water. It's a completely different thing to soak in it till you are wrinkled like a prune.
