My seeds aren't germinating in the water glass?

I have germinated plenty of seeds but never this way, this is a first, the water glass method. 3 good hard seeds have been sitting in a water glass for about 54 hours now, one sunk to the bottom in 12 hours, the other 2 sunk 16 hours later. There is no sprout, and there is a few small air bubbles around them. I know that you cant leave them in there for more than 3 days but you'd think they sprout by now. should I take them out and put them in a soaked towel in a rubber maid container and see what happens?

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Where are they?

I put mine in the kitchen under the boiler it's relatively warm there.

You can also have them sitting on a heat mat.

But where ever they are they should be warm and preferably in a dark place.
Im not sure what they are, I bought them off a friend, all 3 for 5$. they are beautiful seeds. so could i put them under my couch next to the heating vent? like in the glass or rubber maid?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure what they are, I bought them off a friend, all 3 for 5$. they are beautiful seeds. so could i put them under my couch next to the heating vent? like in the glass or rubber maid?
he sold you bad seeds...should have bought $5 in weed instead.


Active Member
Im not sure what they are, I bought them off a friend, all 3 for 5$. they are beautiful seeds. so could i put them under my couch next to the heating vent? like in the glass or rubber maid?
my first grow was a hermi that threw me over 100 seeds, most good looking, mature, hard. point not being they could be hermie.. but dont buy seeds by how they look. id give you 100 seeds for 5$

but like already said, try putting them in your medium and keep it moist.


Active Member
Bottom line is..seeds are shit..and 52 hours is WAY to long!....drown baby drown!...put them in a moist paper towel on a plate covered with siran wrap..and place on top of water heater or somethng..if they do not sprout in like 2 days..they are garbage...I think he sold you bag got ripped off.


Well-Known Member
Put em on top of the water heater ..damp medium..paper towel in baggie..cup with dzmp jiffy starter etc. Get em out of the water cup.


Well-Known Member
Why did you try a different method if every other time you've germinated its been fine?

I used to presoak seeds, I've tried paper towel germination etc.

Now for me the easiest way by far regardless of medium is to soak the medium and then plant the dry seed into it.

This works for soil, coco, rockwool, peat pucks, jiffy's and so on.



Active Member
I've done this with 100% success rate, put in filtered water for 24 hours then 24 hours on moist paper towel and a paper plate in a zip lock with it half open, I put it on top of my fridge so its warm. Every time they will have 1/4 sprouts then I put them in socked ph 5.5 rockwool. I swear by this, if they don't sprout in 48 hours on the paper towel shit can them and start again. Good luck


Well-Known Member
i always just put them in a glass of water overnight then into a papertowel with some water and a tiny bit of h202 then into a ziplock back. blow some air into it and sit it inside my computer desk and wait a day and check on them. I plant them as soon as the seeds crack. should sprout in 1-2 days usually after that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you're supposed to pull them as soon as they sink. Basically you're giving them enough time to soak up enough water for the first initial stage. If you leave them in after they sink yyou're drowning them, like someone mentioned above.

Probably good seeds. Pull them after they sink, and either paper towel til the sprout or plant them in your medium and wait.

Bottom line, the seed won't sprout under water.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Yeah you're supposed to pull them as soon as they sink. Basically you're giving them enough time to soak up enough water for the first initial stage. If you leave them in after they sink yyou're drowning them, like someone mentioned above.

Probably good seeds. Pull them after they sink, and either paper towel til the sprout or plant them in your medium and wait.

Bottom line, the seed won't sprout under water.
Nope, I sprout them in the water for 48 hours then pot them.