HELP, I wanna take more cuttings

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Not much happening yet, lol. Temp is a little on the cold side around 65 but i havent got any heat source other than the light so it aint bad considering. Humidity remains good up at 80%. i expect to see some roots by middle of next week. fingers crossed

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i was looking at the B&Q web site and they do a heated propagater for less then £15, i will be getting one for my next grow, i did not think that was too bad.

that smoke i got last night is crap tasted slightly of card board and won't burn well i am glad i only got a Q

have you tried the live chat on this site?. i looked in last night there was one person on

i also think a UK section would be a good idea maybe as a sub section in the general forum

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Yeah ,Ive seen some cheapo ones in my local gardening centre but the owner keeps cheekilly suggesting im growing bloody poppies and mj. I dont know if i can face him again and keep up the pretence, lol.

Some on Ebay too, but i was thinking of sticking my tank heater probe into a container of water, heating that and thus increasing the temp in the tank. Ah fuck it, im going down the garden centre later, maybe get me some fish to go back in the tank ,lol. I need these babies to root better than the last effort.

Dude, id b happy to smoke cardbord at the minute. 2 of my mates went on a mission last night to get some weed. I had a feeling it would be a waste of time and never bothered. They arrived back at mine 2 hours later with about 3 inches off the top of some plant. It was more leaf than bud, complete waste of time, but i got a couple of pulls.

I think i tried to get into the chat, but there was no one there.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
THAT WAS THE QUESTION I WAS GOING TO ASK WHEN I CAME ON was your tank for tropical fish, i was going to say fill your tank a couple of inches and put a water heater in then raise the plants above the water on some thing

tell the nosey Garden centre owner that you are grow super mould #1 and does he sell piss in a bottle ;-)

how did you quick dry it or was it dry?
it's leaving a nasty tang at the back of my mouth if that makes you feel any better wish i had got a £10 bag of mid grade instead

(sorry left caps lock on and did not want to write it again but thinking about it, it would have been quicker to delete it than write this DOH!!!)

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Im just gonna go for the real deal, its only 20 bucks. Yeah ill tell him im into mould in a big way, lol. The guy is actually very nice, i used to deliver supplies to him many moons ago so we have a good relationship.

Quick dried in the oven, I told them to try the microwave trick but at that time of night i didn't really give a hoot. I felt bad cos what I have in the room is way better than what we got last night, at least mine have buds, lol.

No it doesn't make me feel better in the slightest, lol. Hoping to score that other stuff tonight, dunno what the hold up was, mibbee the guy got the wrong train, lol.

I need to go out to pass the time, this is doing my head right in

Catch you later:peace:


Well-Known Member
I use a rooting agent called Rootech , I took 400 clones in 1 day at the begining of the month and ended up with a 100% rooted rate.

Here's a link for Root scaritication

found that I had plants that rooted in 6 and 7 days but some that took almost a month to root but keeped growing while under the dome and had a higher rooting rate then my friend who just did the 45 angal cut and had all his clones not take root. I hope this helps.

Keep her toking:leaf:

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Thanks Frostick,

looks like a little scarifying can go a long ways to success, I like statistics and that kicks ass really! OMG 400 cuttings, surely a typo?

Well, I sent my girlfriend for a propogator and she came back with a garland super 7 propogator, i dont like it so its going back tomorrow! Each compartment is too small and i actually prefer how the fish tank is set up. Need to think up some bull excuse for the manny at the gardening shop, lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Frostick,

looks like a little scarifying can go a long ways to success, I like statistics and that kicks ass really! OMG 400 cuttings, surely a typo?

Well, I sent my girlfriend for a propogator and she came back with a garland super 7 propogator, i dont like it so its going back tomorrow! Each compartment is too small and i actually prefer how the fish tank is set up. Need to think up some bull excuse for the manny at the gardening shop, lol.
hahaha sweet , no 400 isn't a type-o its correct I had to take my mom plants (5) out of my veg area and ahve them sitting just out side of it so that they still get light, sorry it took me a bit to respond I was spray painting my DWC system , getting it ready for the fall just go to diffrent places if you can and buy a thing or two if you can insted of getting it all in once place
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Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
THAT WAS THE QUESTION I WAS GOING TO ASK WHEN I CAME ON was your tank for tropical fish, i was going to say fill your tank a couple of inches and put a water heater in then raise the plants above the water on some thing quote]

I got them a bit warmer now, im hoping they'll start poking through in a few days.



Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
OK long time no update. I have a question RE purple stems? whats the deal with them? My mother is going all punk on me?

Cuttings all rooted successfully. They were put into 10cm pots and are now vegging under perspex. They will be on full root feeding tonight.

Have taken 12 more cuttings that are now in the tank. They are looking good. Too many generations is getting confusing and time consuming.

Please advise about the purpleness


Well-Known Member
Purpleness is normal from what I have read no need to sweet it. Hey Doc hows that crystal coming along?

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Pigpen, long time! Crystal is all gone brother:joint:. Id tell you what I have the now but I have no Idea tbh, :-? Just Harvested my Sativa, got an Indica ready in week, lots more on the way, lol.

The Purpleness is weird. Ill need to take some pics of it. Any ideas why/when it happens. It happened to me at the time when the other plant the same age was ready for harvest. I wonder if this is connected, some kind of natural clock shit? It was also about a week after taking 12 cuttings. There is masses of new growth in place already.

I have wee black flies that live in the soil i think. They take flight at waterings. BASTARDS I hate them. I have 2x venus fly traps but the flies are 2 smll I think. Sundews ordered, ill post feedback on those.

Thanks for looking in buddy

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Ok the cuttings were ALL successful. I proceeded to veg them in this plastic tub, high humidity with the perspex over the top.


Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
A week later they're popping the roof off they're wee box. I have raised the perspex by 3" t okeep them all straight. Im thinking they go to Flower soon.


Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Ive taken to starting things on the 1st of each month. It makes it easier for counting days etc when there is so much going on. Here are some pics of my cuttings after going into flower. There were 3 plants already in the flowering room at that time so I sat my cuttings up on a box so they would'nt be too far from the light.

Yes im dwn to 4 now! I farmed 2 off to a mate who wanted to get into it.




Well-Known Member
Ok first off I just want to say damn! You sure know all about cloning all of you! I just tried my first and its going ok so far..i took the cutting dipped in rooting powder then i put in my medium and now its under the lights 24/0...I put my clone(which is in a jiffy cup) in another cup and then put saran wrap over the cup around the clone to trap some humidity...

My questions are..

-should i put the cup under a heating pad?
-im i doing anything wrong?

any tips or tricks would be helpful, my main goal is to root it then try to force flower to sex the little thing...

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
You want the temp up around 70-80. If you cant achieve this use a pad. saran wrap over a cup will create a humid environment. Its hard to monitor the humidity though.

You are doing nothing wrong, you could make improvements to speed things up, ie propogator, but you have the right idea.

Id root, it for 3 weeks, veg for another 3 before sexing, if she's a she, keep her going