The UK Growers Thread!

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
lol i remember when i was 1st trying this and found it confusing aswel.
click account on sr and it says it in front of you, to deposit bitcoins send them to this address. copy the address underneath. if you have coins in your wallet who you bought the coins from you can send them to your sr account by clicking send coins and paste the link from sr deposit link.
like i said in the PM though you need internet banking to buy coins. although someone said on here the other day people on ebay sell them. silly price at the moment the coins are... when i 1st bought some i paid £30 for 3 coins.
ps was ment to quote redeye...
yeah theres a fella that will instantly put the bitcoin (up to 5) in your wallet and let you pay via paypal I have used him but there is always mtgox or Nordic that are good,just a couple of months ago bitcoins were £8 each lol it amazing how much there value has gone up there is no point buying them in bulk now as I feel they will come down in value again soon.


Well-Known Member
yeah theres a fella that will instantly put the bitcoin (up to 5) in your wallet and let you pay via paypal I have used him but there is always mtgox or Nordic that are good,just a couple of months ago bitcoins were £8 each lol it amazing how much there value has gone up there is no point buying them in bulk now as I feel they will come down in value again soon.
i'm using last time i bought some they took 2 days to put the coins in my wallet.
so he charges whatever the other places are yeah? same price?

trichome 1

Well-Known Member
i'm using last time i bought some they took 2 days to put the coins in my wallet.
so he charges whatever the other places are yeah? same price?
I think he adds about a quid or so but it is worth it for instant bitcoins and you are covered by paypal also,i have used him a few times I think his name is xbox360 or something like that lol,he also sells 0.1-0.9 bitcoins just message him if you want a different amount and he will sort you out:)


Well-Known Member
I think he adds about a quid or so but it is worth it for instant bitcoins and you are covered by paypal also,i have used him a few times I think his name is xbox360 or something like that lol,he also sells 0.1-0.9 bitcoins just message him if you want a different amount and he will sort you out:)
pretty sweet if you ask me. cheers dude may have to use him next time as you can buy what you want when you want and no chance of the prices rising after you've bought your coins and waiting for them to hit the wallet!


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning two bag of vape... read the uk growers thread on RIU and ...fuk me now I want fogponics frutella and weapons of mass destruction , fukin amazing info thanks a lot even having second thoughts about letting me trim dry before ah make hash..nah.

Gza Ob1

Quick question does anyone else here use OR HAVE USED --- Plant MAGIC PLUS ORGANIC GROW soil ???

I've had problems with drainage since the beginning the soil just does not drain from bottom , although i read somewhere its best NOT to let it run off as this can drown the roots at the bottom or some shit ?
Ive got the growers bible book here and that tells me to let off 10 to 20% run off after every watering , MINES WILL NOT RUN OFF AT ALL lol

Is there a way to pack the soil properly to allow drainage ? should i pack it loose or tight ? I have cultivated the soil at top every time before watering although i still get no run off at all !!!!
I usually just scoop the soil with the pot I'm using then pat down the top a little my pot is 1 gallon i believe - is 250ml enough water or should i use more when watering my 4 week old 6 inch high preteens ?

This is my updated pic , someone told me this is defo NUTRI BURN , can anyone else confirm this ?

2013-04-07 08.40.28.jpg2013-04-07 08.41.00.jpg2013-04-07 08.41.32.jpg2013-04-07 08.41.46.jpg2013-04-07 08.40.10.jpg

redeye jedi88

Active Member
Quick question does anyone else here use OR HAVE USED --- Plant MAGIC PLUS ORGANIC GROW soil ???
im using it atm and i know someone else on here is using it aswell but im not having any problems with drainage you must not be feeding it enough water, let it dry out between feedings and try give it some more next time, how long have you been using nutes for?

Gza Ob1

Been using the nutes for just over a week now only 2 feedings the recommended dosage on the bottle is 1ml per 1 litre of water , i use 500ml bottles so i put in 0.5ml to 500 ml when i water i use 250ml so i add 0.25ml of boost the last time i did it tho i added about 0.525 ml to a 200ml watering so im guessing thats what it is if it is actually nute burn . I also on a couple of occasions misted the leafs with nute added by mistake i found thats a serious problem as the lights cook the solution on the leafs and cause burning , i wont do this again and i just today raised my light another 4 inches as i heard the hooking of my leafs and stuff can be cause its just too hot ..

My pot is a 1 gallon pot is 250ml of water each watering gonna be enough ? thats about half a mug full of water .

redeye jedi88

Active Member
sounds to me that your using too much nutes for a plant that young, you're not ment to start off on the recommended dosage straight away start of 1/4 strength and build your way up. what nutes you using?