World Of Hempy


Active Member
Good Reason, looks great and don't be so impatient with the girls, we love to be fussed over, so let her finish, Ya know the song...Waiting on a woman.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah im good at waiting. I just have a vacation and such planned and my schedule was to cut at 8 weeks this time, but now that im at 8 weeks I just cant do it as i know another week will make my girls real tasty.

Besides once these tops dry ill have some good smoke to tide me over. Looks like around an ounce of the skunk and ehh..10 grams of sandwidow...or 7 haha.

I popped something in the mail Whocares...i hope it wont be too late. Its Usps ground.


Well-Known Member
Morning fellas. Just wanted to share a bit of news from Denmark. Shit is crazy atm.
Schools are closed. Teachers are striking. Lots of people in trouble!
The politicians tried to close down Christiania. Resulting now in ganglands in three different parts of Denmark. Gangs are controlling and police wont enter. New shootings everyday WTF!!! Get ready for gang war in Denmark!!!



Active Member
I had an exchange student from Denmark, I hope he's ok...he's in college right now..

Shiva, Thanks he is still hanging on...real bad night last night, I'm having his nurse come over and give him a catheter...because he can't get up to go and he says it's standing he feels he has to stand and he's not strong enough.

Wish I knew someone close with Oil, it's the only thing that seems to help....Please pray for him.


Active Member
I have found a way to get a little oil into him today....he did not eat anything at all yesterday...drinking a little better today...I'm waiting on my Miracle. Thanks for caring everyone.


Well-Known Member
so fellow hempyneers, i have thought up a sweet 3L sog system using an air floor and 3L poland springs bottles. I had just recently put 4 clones into 4 seperate bottles, each with a different resevoir level. I did this to experiment which level resevoir would be best. So i put the holes on the sides and it occurs to me that there could have been a hole in the middle check it---> poland-spring-spring-water-natural-1014-fl-oz-3-qt-54-fl-oz-3-lt.jpg so what i'm going to do next here is cut the bottom with a 3/8" hole and put a screen on it, what do you guys think? i have like ~30 of these things. put em all on a floor with holes in it with an intake below the floor and put the bottles on top of the holes and there we have it, a hempy on an air floor what do u guys think?


Well-Known Member
Nizza, you rock! +REP for your sense of innovation. I looked and looked at those containers in the grocery store wondering how the roots would pattern themselves in that shape of a container...never thought about the hole in the "bevo-mirage" cone down under. Only possible issue could be premature overflow when watering since the hole faces up....but it couldn't be much. Since any "hydo" method depends on air just as much as water I would think that the medium would breath with more of a natural convection than with a hole on one side. The holes in the floor would be the enabler as you pointed out.


Well-Known Member
Nizza, you rock! +REP for your sense of innovation. I looked and looked at those containers in the grocery store wondering how the roots would pattern themselves in that shape of a container...never thought about the hole in the "bevo-mirage" cone down under. Only possible issue could be premature overflow when watering since the hole faces up....but it couldn't be much. Since any "hydo" method depends on air just as much as water I would think that the medium would breath with more of a natural convection than with a hole on one side. The holes in the floor would be the enabler as you pointed out.
Wouldn't the air blowing directly in the medium dry it out quicker also? I know we want air drawn into the medium when watering/feeding but to force it in to the root zone would cause problems, just a thought.


Well-Known Member
I put multiple smaller holes spaced evenly around my 2Ls, rather than just one large hole. Not sure if it makes a difference but my general thought was to draw fresh air into the whole root zone and not just to one side. I will have to try a couple with just the single hole to find out. Unless ofcourse someone has already run an experiment. Peace!!


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't the air blowing directly in the medium dry it out quicker also? I know we want air drawn into the medium when watering/feeding but to force it in to the root zone would cause problems, just a thought.
i thought about that and i think you'd have to have other holes in the floor to allow passive flow when the medium is too wet, and also to not allow to much air through, but i was really trying to think of how awesome it would be cause i really like the concept of air floors and root aeration.


Well-Known Member
@ Nizza the only draw back I can foresee is that you will end up with a very small rez. the bubble up is only about an 1 1/2" above the bottom and the little dome eats up about 1/2 that space. And if you can't water more than once a day you could have a problem when they really get kicking.


Well-Known Member
Been quiet at the house today, lost cable, internet, & phone about 4hrs ago, and the power was out for 1 1/2 hrs during that period.

Here's some shots from a few days back, day 25 the smart pots are sorely behind, at least a ft shorter than the hard buckets.
GR 006.jpg

Here's the Maui Thunder, just put the support ring on, may have to size it down, then again maybe it will grow into it.
GR 009.jpg
GR 010.jpg

Now the 2gal same new strain as the smart pots, mainlined to make 4 separate mains
GR 015.jpg
GR 019.jpg
GR 024.jpg

Whole rm
GR 025.jpg

My current problem is in my veg box, as the seasons are changing my heater isn't coming on as much and the cool air is settling in the box. It's been 60-65 for the past wk. Been leaving the door off with a small fan blowing through the last couple light on periods, and it's helping. Soon I'll be complaining about the heat.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Watt, can't remember if you are a PK13/14 user or not...but the plant in the 1st pick and the plants in the last 4 pics are just about at that perfect moment when you would add it for a few feedings (when the small buds start connecting up to form the main colas). I'm estimating they are late in week4 or in week 5, am I correct? BTW, I had to ditch the Cannabis Cup in Denver, I'll catch up with you some other time for sure.


Well-Known Member
maybe you could add something like a hose in the reserve?
Hi Who-kie! the hole does form the level of the res but some believe the hole in the side is large so air can be exchanged. When watering (stale air is flushed out), then as the surface of the medium transpires and roots uptake liquid, air is drawn back in through the hole. It's definately part of the success of the hempy "eco-cylinder".


Well-Known Member
Watt, can't remember if you are a PK13/14 user or not...but the plant in the 1st pick and the plants in the last 4 pics are just about at that perfect moment when you would add it for a few feedings (when the small buds start connecting up to form the main colas). I'm estimating they are late in week4 or in week 5, am I correct? BTW, I had to ditch the Cannabis Cup in Denver, I'll catch up with you some other time for sure.
Photos were on D-25 today is 4wks. For boosters I use Cha-Ching & KoolBloom dry.
I was planning on running a base line grow with the new medium, just to see how it does. I can be THE worst enemy in the grow rm when I start playin' mad scientist.

Shame you can't make the Cup. 1st time ever in the States. Hopefully events like this will help change the Federal MJ laws. You'd think they would have to they are gonna be leaving a chunk of tax money on the table.