My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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Well-Known Member
I already watched'em all :) Love weed reality tv... love to see what other people are doing and what the cops are trying to do (especially the cops) even if it's played up some for TV...

Yeah LST is the reason for the many colas not mainlining :) they just look pretty similar in their end results. plants need sleep just like people do... sure they CAN go without it, but it's a form of stress, and you're not going to get as good of root growth... and roots = buds. Your bud size is directly tied to root mass. My philosophy is if your plants aren't growing fast enough in veg, get stronger lights :)

As far as preflowers not so far... i've never had a plant i've found with both flowers and balls... have had a few that threw some late flower nanners. This time I called'em 100% right on preflowers not visible to the naked eye, most < 1 month, so that's pretty sweet :)


New Member
I already watched'em all :) Love weed reality tv... love to see what other people are doing and what the cops are trying to do (especially the cops) even if it's played up some for TV...

Yeah LST is the reason for the many colas not mainlining :) they just look pretty similar in their end results. plants need sleep just like people do... sure they CAN go without it, but it's a form of stress, and you're not going to get as good of root growth... and roots = buds. Your bud size is directly tied to root mass. My philosophy is if your plants aren't growing fast enough in veg, get stronger lights :)

As far as preflowers not so far... i've never had a plant i've found with both flowers and balls... have had a few that threw some late flower nanners. This time I called'em 100% right on preflowers not visible to the naked eye, most < 1 month, so that's pretty sweet :)
Nice response boss! And it is a VERY GOOD LOOK for them to put ALL of this shit on TV lol. No matter if it's good or bad..
Ppl will talk about it! And you gotta love the play by play that you get from the fed right?!

And bro, the closer you get to 10,000, the more things like that start happening!(eyeballing sex spot on) :joint:



Well-Known Member
Yeah preflower sexing is definitely somewhat of an acquired skill :) a lot easier once you get a digital scope and can look real close up to see things you can't see with the naked eye or even a lensed pocket scope. i highly recommend them :)

i actually got my camera out and did video of one plant last night just because the leaves were flat as boards.... like paper on a desktop.... it was beautiful. Lotsa high fiving going on... i'm usually not up at that time of the night (around 3am) to see what the night girls do... simple answer, they were putting on a show with no one watching til I got there ;) this is by far the happiest batch of plants I've ever had this far into flower... not that I don't usually do my best to keep'em happy... but i'm used to seeing little burn spots, occasional droops, normal looking plants.... not ones that are so perfect looking you almost might think they're fakes ;) i just hope I can keep them THAT happy all the way through or as far as possible to see if the dank is just off the charts when they've been so happy their entire life. The worst thing that's ever happened to these guys is a mild watering droop for a couple hours :) In fact this one with flat pancake leaves had just been watered around 7 or 8 hours earlier... shit I gotta find some music for my vid later... ;) something not copyrighted so people on mobile phones will actually get to see this one lol.. f'in youtube


New Member

And I know EXACTLY what you mean when you say the leaves look almost fake! I had that going for a few weeks with the bagseed when it was a baby!

<- Is that kinda what you mean?

I wonder if that's a combination perfect temps and humidity? While my fan and lights are on my humidity it at about 30%..
Over night it chills at 50% as that's what it is when I walk in in the morn...I got like 9 gals of water sitting around in jugs just to get it where it is...
Might have to bight the bullet for the next op and get a humidifier...Gotta see what my homie Craig has on the list lol..

I'm also gonna do more aloe foliar spraying during veg in the future too. Didn't do any and now since I've have to use the fans to keep the area cool, I'm having not really problems, but issues why dry leaves..
But my logic in using the a lot is just to coat the leaves and give them a little protection from the wind of the fans, and radiant heat from the lights... I don't really plan on foliar feeding for nutriotion....but who knows lol...Now that I think about it....
Just tryin to figure out how to push it like you can with hydro, but with organics...I think the AACT is the starting place for all that tho.
That and good compost and a good soil mix..

Looking forward to the video tho...Youtube....Been goin downhill with ads every since Google got a say.
Can't do without it tho lol:joint:



Well-Known Member
the funny part is i haven't done anything foliar or really any different this grow than before... just making sure the plants have fresh air and good temps, don't overwater, etc is pretty much it... probably helps that the lights don't generate a ton of heat... but i didn't really notice that effect in my last all LED grow... the plants getting plenty of wind from the fans so that isn't it.... and it's different strains as well so not just one strain that is particularly hardy or anything... can't really question it :) just wish i knew what the one key thing this time that differentiates it from the past :)


New Member
Pardon the typos again DAMN!

And i think it's most likely perfectly happy plants!
Mine did that under t5 very high output rather than LED.
The T5 doesn't give ya much heat tho...

and do you keep the fans oscillating right on top of the crop? Or you got space in between? My fan is pretty much right on top of the crop oscillating. I se ur online tho ha. Bet u up working hey?! I gotta water with light on at 10 myself!

Good morning fellow worker bees :leaf:


Well-Known Member
the funny part is i haven't done anything foliar or really any different this grow than before... just making sure the plants have fresh air and good temps, don't overwater, etc is pretty much it... probably helps that the lights don't generate a ton of heat... but i didn't really notice that effect in my last all LED grow... the plants getting plenty of wind from the fans so that isn't it.... and it's different strains as well so not just one strain that is particularly hardy or anything... can't really question it :) just wish i knew what the one key thing this time that differentiates it from the past :)
Co2 maybe.....Thts different Rt from the last.......


New Member
Beech they just keep puffing up man!

I'm battling higher than good temps right now...It's hovering at 88...
The fan speed controller I have doesn't work with the new inline I got, so I'm not air cooling the 400w with it right now.
I've got rather two pc fans which aren't doing a very good job lol. And I hooked my old system back up so it's pulling the hot air out but yeah.....They just keep swelling up man up tho man!

Last crop didn't shock me as much as this one did for sure. I'm banking on getting nearly the same harvest as last with this crop! 3 big girls vs. 5 small!

Some Bag seed love! She's got a MEAN Pineapple Twang, and some VERY SKINNY fingers saying to mean that she's atleast 80/90% sativa! Reason I say 80/90% is because my Critical Jack is 80% and this one has skinnier leaves!
And she's got a few colored pistils right now, but mostly white and yellowish, suggesting she might go three more weeks STRONG! :weed:

The gang. Only signs of unhappiness are on my untrained/uncut White Widow, which is far right.
But still, those leaves on it's main are VERY unhappy :/ I figure I'll be done with HPS for a bit in about 3 weeks, so I'll address the issue and get a new fan speed controller by the time I need it.
Also, the White Widow to the back left....That's the one that was the runt! It's now got the biggest 4 colas in the grow room(6 in all), and it the largest plant by a shot! And the main cola on the untrained white widow is of course the largest that I've had to date...The small stature of these guys and the camera don't quite do the bud/cola size it's justice! Not nearly!
And I'm banking on the Critical Jack coming down this weekend! Maybe not but very likely! I'll feature it before I pull it!

DIY Aircooling = Failing.jpgMy futile attempts to cool the room...Just popped in again and I'm 86.2 so I'm hovering about 85-88...Just gonna tough it out!



Well-Known Member
AND Since WHEN did that price on the shoreline drop?! And why are there only fem. seeds now Beech?!
I dunno,But im very pleased with mine.There only 3 weeks F and are so frosty,and some good size buds and 5 more or so weeks left,Gzz.Ive got a WW thts 2 weeks behind a F2,and I know how Frosty the regular WW get so got something to judge em bye.

The Sleestack is nowhere near as frosty yet,at the same time of the Shorelines.Man they are the lightest shade of green ive seen in a long time.It said in the little advertisement Martian Green,and there there almost chartruese green.If I didnt know there supposed to be tht color id think N def.

The WW are so easy to spot a very pretty plant.



New Member
Was just looking at in over in the strain review section if you wanna see another!
It's nice and purple! But yeah I just checked the prices and a 5 pk are $55, which is doable, but I want some reg beans the next time around so I can knock something up, or at least harvest some pollen from a viable male so I can get to making seeds!

And I'm gonna do a little pinup of the WW that I topped and post some nice nuggetry!
I'm confident I'm getting 2oz from it! Just KEEPs getting fat man!

Oh yeah and I put the air on 70 lol to get the temp in the room to a steady 83. Best I could do lol. I rotate the girls every couple hours anyway, so I'm banking on them being good!
Gonna be starting the next round for outdoor here soon! As soon as I can harvest everything in the garden..
3 more weeks max for EVERYTHING!

And I appreciate ya Dr. G! Sure ya know it ha! I'm surprised with how well the flowers are bulking up man! Really shocked!
I'm also a bit shocked at how long they're taking to finish as well!


New Member
Also, Note to self:

Noticed the 1st sign of senescence in the very bottom fans of the topped White Widow today!
None new anywhere else in the garden.


Well-Known Member
Beech, pics of the shoreline?

No co2 for 3 weeks because of stretch... probably gonna go get the tank refilled tomorrow and turn it back on meant to today.
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