Firearms Freindly Collective?


Well-Known Member
money is the root-

of all evil. church is second. the reason your theory sucks so bad is the lack of.


Well-Known Member
I was watching PBS kids Arthur with my kid today. got to learn about this nice organization called the fur-masons that helped invent the s(t)ock exchange. and help people when they need it :roll:


Well-Known Member

For thousands of years the word of God has been consistent and the world is a better place for it.

For only about 10 years now Obama has been a member of the US political scene ... Hope & Change?

1.confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.

2.belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesiswould be substantiated by fact.

3.belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion: the firmfaith of the Pilgrims.

4.belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit, etc.:to be of the same faith with someone concerning honesty.

a system of religious belief: the Christian faith; the Jewish faith.


Well-Known Member

i notice you hate anything with real style, or it's own jib, as it were. my goodness, the fact you aren't writing rhetoric for O shows your littleness.

your argument is hard to beat, ill admit. and many ignorant masses will follow you. it's the reason we aren't a democracy.



Well-Known Member
at least your dad-

and auntie had the sense to teach you brevity is the soul of wit.

the pink hat with a blue feather gives it right away.


Well-Known Member

i notice you hate anything with real style, or it's own jib, as it were. my goodness, the fact you aren't writing rhetoric for O shows you littleness.

your argument is hard to beat, ill admit. and many ignorant masses will follow you. it's the reason we aren't a democracy.
yes, we a-

re a constitutional repub-

lic. which means that w-

e follow the constitution, which does no-

t give unlimited gun ownershi-

p rights. also, yo-

u are an idiot.


Well-Known Member
at least your dad-

and auntie had the sense to teach you brevity is the soul of wit.

the pink hat with a blue feather gives it right away.
at least your dad-

is also your brother.


inbred hick.

now go-

thump bibles somewhere.


Well-Known Member

i guess. inbreeding makes very violent people. or is it being eastern european.



Well-Known Member
so -

uncle buck. i was wondering when we could do that interview for man-boy monthly. you're on the cover this month. oh, and they're gonna run your brother/sister story too!


Well-Known Member
uncle buck-

is it true short fat-short dicked men are better lovers?

i understand why you are curious. your situation is common among other bible thumpers.

try toe tapping at an airport restroom stall. works for other jesus freaks.


Well-Known Member
maybe i'm missing something here but the discussion was about guns not religion. believe what you want but don't damn me for not falling in line. yes i am an atheist so what! y belief or the lack thereof has no bearing on my belief about gun ownership


Well-Known Member
thank you, thewoman13, for that nonsense that is apropos to absolutely nothing.
Note that I did not direct that at you fucktard, as you obviously lack the ability asses reality or your position in life.

My comment was to juxtapose the history of Judaiochristian teaching with all the bullshit political rhetoric you spew here regardless of the fact you clearly do not understand either.