Urinalysis... sigh... any advice?


Well-Known Member
1st piss down, couple more to go. Been an hour, so good that I'm getting a timeline down on how long it'll take...


Well-Known Member

And urine doesn't go through the kidney to the bladder, if the bladder is coated (part of the digestive system) nothing will get through in the time limit.


Well-Known Member
Agreed! And urine doesn't go through the kidney to the bladder, if the bladder is coated (part of the digestive system) nothing will get through in the time limit.
OK, i see the reasoning, but drinking/eating pectin should only coat your digestive tract
but urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder
and to get pectin in the bladder doesn't sound possible by swallowing it


Well-Known Member
2nd piss out, we'll see here soon enough. Just hope if it does work, they test first thing in the morning. I run a delivery truck, so I'd imagine they'll try to get all of us before we go out rather than when we come back...

WHEN it works... gotta stay... err... positive right? (punn intended)


Well-Known Member
Remember you have a time window after the first hour of drinking.

As far as anatomy goes, I'm not an expert, this is a grow site. I apologize if my answer was anatomically impossible. I'm only explaining as best as my knowledge on the subject permits. Perhaps I should have said "Idk bro it's magic, just do it!"

Edit:grow perhaps it's worth the $10 investment in supplies to try yourself and figure out why it works. Then you could educate us all on what is really happening.


Well-Known Member
Well, I drained it before drinking the first one with the pectin, as morning urine is the most concentrated, and trying to replicate what I'd do tomorrow/next day whenever. Been 2hours 15 minutes since the first sip of pectin Gatorade and 3 drains later, almost ready for 4th. Dead clear atm, so I may have to take a vitamin or two, but should know soon...

If nothing else, I should be pretty diluted by now? Had the Pectin cocktail, another 32oz gatorade, then 32oz water and working on another Gatorade atm. For the test I'll just drink all gatorade I suppose.

Was also trying to figure out tonight how long it will take to piss 4 times, as it's been a while since my last test in the Army, and I know that first one takes a bit if you're empty. Plan on waking up a bit early every day till the test comes. Feel the 4th coming, so moment of truth coming up I suppose.


Well-Known Member
it's tough to be certain what goes on with some of these drug testing companies, they're doing shit behind a curtain, and we can't see exactly what it is
i suspect there are a good number of positive tests that don't see the light of day
a lot of industries couldn't afford to get rid of everyone that has some weed traces in their system


Well-Known Member
I agree. Bad thing is, I can thing of a dozen times I been to work drunk from the night before and driving a truck for them, yet not once in my life have I ever gone to work high... fucked up how people view our favorite way to relax...


Well-Known Member
Really wanna pass...? This method is old and still works to this day. You MUST follow it to the letter though. Aspirin doesnt mean Tylenol etc...Creatine and vitamin B12 are also critical parts of the process. I used to work as a CDL driver and I know this method works. Creatine can be a little upsetting on the stomach though. Anyways, check it out here. Even though 10 years have passed, it still works like a charm, and except for having to buy Creatine tablets and B12, theres not much expense to it.


Well-Known Member
Was 2 1/2 hours from first sip of cocktail, and sure enough same test that came hot yesterday was definately negative today. Is a 12 panel test so pretty legit, so just need to get lucky on timing it out at work now. Certainly not in the clear yet, but gives me a lot more hope now!


Well-Known Member
Works like a charm! You'll be fine tomorrow! But let everyone know please. I better get mad rep+ for this haha jk.


Well-Known Member
thank you for doing this 'live' test, very believable
not sure how the pectin would affect it, maybe it's just dilution from the gatorade
but if you see a change from no pass to pass, well, i'm impressed, great info


Well-Known Member
Preciate it. It makes me happy that we can fool their expensive ass tests with less then $10 so I tell everyone!


Well-Known Member
LOL, my brother is a Chemical Engineer and he was SURE it was bullshit... Gonna wait till I pass and then pass it around to every damn body I know! Welcome for the live test!


Well-Known Member
That's pretty funny. Stick to the plan. Make sure you allow yourself time to wait at the testing facility incase you don't get to immediately pee when you show up. I'm not certain how long it will last but it does last.

I smoked a blunt otw to the probation office in highschool after doing this and still passed.