what should i do?

hey guys,
i'm wondering what i should do now
my plants just rised up but the seeds are still attached to the plant
should i take them out under the sun or in the box at a warm dark place?




Staff member
patience is key dont fiddle with them, this is normal, let em be and stop starring at em a watched pot never boils man


Well-Known Member
bread won't rise if you keep opening the oven door :)
but yeah they should be in the sun or under some light for 18 hours a day.


Active Member
Wow- look stretched, how close its the light? get a fan going so they move around and keep the lights as close as you can...
Wow- look stretched, how close its the light? get a fan going so they move around and keep the lights as close as you can...
there is no light i still have them in a dark box since they were seeds
should i put them under the sun?
btw there's no sun anymore its almost 8 pm


Well-Known Member
looks like normal strech to me from a seedling, and as for the seed shell staying on i usualy remove them if my enviroment is really dry, but if u got lots of humidity just leave em be.


Staff member
there is no light i still have them in a dark box since they were seeds
should i put them under the sun?
btw there's no sun anymore its almost 8 pm
marijuana THRIVES on light infact most people do an 18 hrs a day on 6 hours off for the first while, you will need a light system in place, or depending where you live in the world you could possibly do outside but it is probably TOO cold in my opinion.

Did you do any reading at all before you grew these?
marijuana THRIVES on light infact most people do an 18 hrs a day on 6 hours off for the first while, you will need a light system in place, or depending where you live in the world you could possibly do outside but it is probably TOO cold in my opinion.

Did you do any reading at all before you grew these?
i growed before i just never had this issue its strange because last time i planted seeds this did not happen


Active Member
That soil is really dry. And I agree with the dude who asked if you read anything at all? You said you grew before, well you should know that once a seedling sprouts it's time to give it light. The light causes the leaves to open with strength.

I can't stand seeing plants in cups and pots like this. These are for houseplants. Not for growing a MJ plant to its full potential. Also just my opinion. I guess I'm just too much of a clean freak as well as a little OCD.


Staff member
That soil is really dry. And I agree with the dude who asked if you read anything at all? You said you grew before, well you should know that once a seedling sprouts it's time to give it light. The light causes the leaves to open with strength.

I can't stand seeing plants in cups and pots like this. These are for houseplants. Not for growing a MJ plant to its full potential. Also just my opinion. I guess I'm just too much of a clean freak as well as a little OCD.
female, im a girl. LOL


Well-Known Member
if you get a seed helmet on them (when the seed shell stays locked onto the cotyledon leaves, mist them to make it softer and they shuld grow ouf of it. Being to dry will cause it to stick sometimes and can kill off small plants by preventing growth. However dont rip it off unless its a last resort after misting a couple times because it may kill it by damaging the leaves too much. Usually a thourough misting of the seedling will make it fall off in a day or so when it grows and pushes the seedcap while its moist.


Well-Known Member
Listen to Hazy. If you try to remove the seed shell by yourself, be careful or you could rip the leaves off. Ask me how I know.:wall:


Well-Known Member
patience is key dont fiddle with them, this is normal, let em be and stop starring at em a watched pot never boils man
actually this is untrue while brewing i spend every bit of 60 mins during a 90min boil watching, "the unwatched pot always boils over but the watched pot wont"