

Active Member
So I still can't put up pictures idk. But I can change my avatar so its four weeks in flower. Also profile picture is another one I have. Please give me feed back. 400 Watts cfls and 13 plants. LOL bagseeds all were female. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
What are you using to browse?
just go to the bottom of the page when replying and you will see the manage attachments link. Or click the icon 3rd from the right on the quick reply which is named insert image and choose one from your pc.


Well-Known Member
I have an android but have never used this site on it. someone who does will have to help you there.


Staff member
well we would love to help you , but you need to stop with the angry teenage attitude, you're coming off really rude, and people dont wanna help others who seem really mean! that being said I can upload from my android phone, are you using the sites APP or are you using the mobile site, if you're using mobile site please find "FULL site" and you will be able to upload photos