The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
cant u test coke purity by heat?? like the heat it disolves, so obviously the cutting agents go first then wats left is the coke and by wat degree it desolves u wokr out purity,, yeh orite i seen it on that blow film but the point remains??

easy MG u cunt,, hows trikls,, u get that fertalizer u was after?? buying a ton tho,, hmm u dodgy cunt

and trich that pic looks s hopped to death,, thers sum lumanesant colours ther lol looks a tad over done and dont rate these by ther colours, means noffin
lol who's the druggie now lol. I no nothing about that sorta shit m8.
im good m8 just gettin a bit fed up waitin on these couple of clones grow into mothers for clones for my grow, the way things are goin it's goin be a while

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
cant u test coke purity by heat?? like the heat it disolves, so obviously the cutting agents go first then wats left is the coke and by wat degree it desolves u wokr out purity,, yeh orite i seen it on that blow film but the point remains??
No mate, Hollywood bollocks.

Theoretically it seems to make sense when you watch the film but it's a fail.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
You can clean your shit with a suitable solvent though, if your rocking oz's or such like!

Proper gear you can just look at it and squeeze it between ya fingers and you know.


Well-Known Member

how cum ya clones taking so long to get bushy mg?? shouldnt do like or they from a shagged out momma>


Well-Known Member

how cum ya clones taking so long to get bushy mg?? shouldnt do like or they from a shagged out momma>
There in a m8s gaff. Had nowhere for them so they had to stay in the propagator for too long, only got them stuck in a hydro system bout 5-6 days ago, seen them a couple of days ago and the had grew to about 4-5 inches still skinny as fuck tho. Goina be a couple of weeks anyway. And that's just for something to get more clones off so then I gotta root the ones for mine ffs, could nearly squeeze a grow in between


Well-Known Member
There in a m8s gaff. Had nowhere for them so they had to stay in the propagator for too long, only got them stuck in a hydro system bout 5-6 days ago, seen them a couple of days ago and the had grew to about 4-5 inches still skinny as fuck tho. Goina be a couple of weeks anyway. And that's just for something to get more clones off so then I gotta root the ones for mine ffs, could nearly squeeze a grow in between
lol aye ya could,, i always seem to get skinny stalks but bigbuds so dunno only with exo or physco tho,, i dunno wat to say may be a cheese thing??

as for coke best way is to disolve with acetone then burn the shit and let it dry on the mirror, then u know ur getting coke and not the bash,, simplez,.

get sumnice pure blue spec over em mate, for the wait u could order a mh bulb and get them under it and youd cut a few weeks off,,


Well-Known Member
as for coke best way is to disolve with acetone then burn the shit and let it dry on the mirror, then u know ur getting coke and not the bash,, simplez,.,,
That true ice???
Got some acetone in the van Nd wouldn't mind seeing actually how much shit they put in the stuff up here.
Don't want it to melt the shit out of the lot! lol


Well-Known Member
LMFAO! You've just googled that, admit it.
what?? are u forgetting i used to like my class A?? i could wash a ounce of coke to crack and rock your world!"lol no seriously we used to used carb and amoia for the crack, got good at it,, but you can use any alcohol,, best things is nail varnish remover

we used nail varninsh remover for the cleaning of utensils,, pipes and such,, pur it onto a mirror and set on fire,, wen it goes out just leave the remnants. thats it scrape with a card and smoke away for thepurest bom diggly

and unlike you yorkie i dont need to google my asnwers to try looksmart,,/////////////////////// those who matter know im thick anyhows .

and them pics or yours are more levnder than purple btw


Well-Known Member
So let me get this right lol
You pour a small puddle of acetone/nv remover on a mirror, guessing crush the rock up put it into the acetone/nv remover then set it on fire?
And you end up with pure coke?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
what?? are u forgetting i used to like my class A?? i could wash a ounce of coke to crack and rock your world!"lol no seriously we used to used carb and amoia for the crack, got good at it,, but you can use any alcohol,, best things is nail varnish remover

and unlike you yorkie i dont need to google my asnwers to try looksmart,,/////////////////////// those who matter know im thick anyhows .

and them pics or yours are more levnder than purple btw
I'm going to take that with a pinch of salt mate because if you've ever washed up stone with ammonia you wouldn't be asking if you can test the purity by burning it!

No you can't use any alcohol.

And nail varnish remover is watered down Acetone, which you would also know.
You try washing up stone with Acetone and I'll show you a numpty blow his kitchen up!

The colour is due to camera flash, it's deep purple.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
So let me get this right lol
You pour a small puddle of acetone/nv remover on a mirror, guessing crush the rock up put it into the acetone/nv remover then set it on fire?
And you end up with pure coke?
No mate, you end up with a fireball on your mirror that will leave a black residue as your coke will have congealed into a burnt mess!

If it doesn't burn away completely with the acetone.


Well-Known Member
yorkie wtf are you talking about??
lol yorkie obvoiusly on this occasion u know absolutely naff all about wat ur posting

2 ways to make crack from coke
either 1 part coke to 3 part bicarbinate of soda put in a ladle heat up slowley then stick a metal sewing needle in as it cools to have thecrack stik to it in a lump the on tissie it goes
2nd method is AMONIA-- put amona in spon or ladle and tipur coke in, heat up and as it cools use the metal pin method again

to use nail varnish remover to clean id say use aither a metal thing out of a inhalor as the cap pops of tip in the coke and a small amount of varnish remover, shake and tip ot onto a mirror then set alite, it will brun for maybe 10 seconds as the alcohol evaporates, wen finshed ur just left with the residue i.e no bash just coke.,

so yorkie u should thinkor at least do sum research before u TRY making urself look smart coz ur last coment just made u look a cunt, coz it qwuiet celarly showz u know nothing of what u r statinG but u insist on trying to belittle epople wen u think u know better, u need to get of your soapbox man,, take that with as much salt as u fancy


fyi also done with amonia is 100000X better than baking soda