Club 600


Well-Known Member
yeah its there now. i just didnt know if i was the only one. all i did was go to your journal and figured the newest pics where the same ones,? but now i see them here also,.


Well-Known Member
Looks lovely ialan. Looks like the exo cheese in structure with its crazz ass foxtailing.


Well-Known Member
Doobiebrother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just the best news geez. Really really chuffed for ya, I know you are gonna dig it!
Thanks, D :-)
Well, it's not like anyone is preggers, but it's big news for us ;-)
I get to buy a ladder, and a lawn mower, and a weedwacker, and a lawn rake!
No, I like yard work.

No more apartment inspections...
Except the one after we've moved out to see how much of our deposit we'll get back. ;-)


Well-Known Member
hi lahada, I was growing the clone only version of exo cheese from the UK. I finished with it a while back though (I think I have about a joints worth left in a tub somewhere). I have never really had the ghs version, I have heard mixed reports, some say great, others say, not so great. But then that's often the case with seeds.

Ialan, turned out dam good then!!! looks like the exo as I said.


Active Member
Clones from another blue cheese plant not as frosted but looking great I say they have around 2 weeks left


Pics arent so clear iether :s they are sticky as fuck though


Well-Known Member
This is Exo Cheese, the original clone only to come out of the UK. This is what was used to make the Blue Cheese, which was Exo Cheese x Afghani as far as I am aware. The GHS Exo Cheese is a knock off from this clone only (a feminized variety). There are also backcrosses of this strain that have been done as well. This is where you get the foxtailing from in your Blue cheese. I think th eclone is 20+ years old.

Peace, DST


Active Member
very nice, yes it is similar and i noticed in mine it had little ammount of leaves and the fan leaves where massive


Well-Known Member
Good morning 6er's. My other 600 with cool tube should be here today. I also have a load of building materials on the way to finish up my house now that it's feeling like spring. I said the hell with the tent and ordered some 2x4. I have a friend dropping of some silver lined soup box befor its made. It's 4x100ft. By tommorow hopefully I'll have a new home for my girls. This way i won't be limited to hieght being my ceilings are 10ft tall.Not to mention these plants have out grown just 1 light. Hopefully in about 4 weeks I can put the other five outside with the 18 clones if they make it. It's been 7 days no roots but still alive and kicking. In 2 weeks it will be time to think about what i want to run next inside.004.jpg


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the build Jimmer. Always fun making your own space.

Good morning 6er's. My other 600 with cool tube should be here today. I also have a load of building materials on the way to finish up my house now that it's feeling like spring. I said the hell with the tent and ordered some 2x4. I have a friend dropping of some silver lined soup box befor its made. It's 4x100ft. By tommorow hopefully I'll have a new home for my girls. This way i won't be limited to hieght being my ceilings are 10ft tall.Not to mention these plants have out grown just 1 light. Hopefully in about 4 weeks I can put the other five outside with the 18 clones if they make it. It's been 7 days no roots but still alive and kicking. In 2 weeks it will be time to think about what i want to run next inside.View attachment 2607844


Well-Known Member
This is one of my two auto's. It's not looking good. It's only been fed once besides straight water. That was about a week ago. Any advice! Thank You.007.jpg008.jpg


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like it is taking up any water, so perhaps a lock out of some description. Having not grown autos before I don't want to advise you to do something and then kill the thing. The medium does look rather wet though? Perhaps a water with some H202 would help create some air in the medium.....that's all I can think off at the minute Jimmer.


Active Member
Fire away chap.
I heard of a guy that cures his bud in an air tight container in a fridge is this true? he says it increases potency, I am scared that the condensation will enter the jars somehow have u ever heard of this


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like it is taking up any water, so perhaps a lock out of some description. Having not grown autos before I don't want to advise you to do something and then kill the thing. The medium does look rather wet though? Perhaps a water with some H202 would help create some air in the medium.....that's all I can think off at the minute Jimmer.
Thanks for the input. I never have grown an auto either. I was kind of thinking it's a medium problem. At first I thought it wanted more water. It's probably will need a bigger home so maybe I'll try a transplant into a 5 gall bucket with different medium?I'll be back later but still interested in input. Thank you.