Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013


Well-Known Member
Sick grow man, I've always wanted to try out seawarp or timewarp. I've started early this year as well and still have another month before they go out; I usually start mid may and put out in mid june, this year I've started mid march and am planting in may so I'm about two months ahead. Focusing on fewer plants and tending them better. I'm growing Iranian chemdawg by Docter greenthumb and a few reserva privada and DNA genetics freebies (OG KUSH, OG 18, KANDY KUSH).

Was out yesterday on the long trek and dug 6 holes about 2 feet deep in a marshy area, planning on making some makeshift swamp tubes out of coco coir and peat moss with perlite, and 5 gallon growbags encased in chicken wire. GL and happy growing.
nice looking plants ya got . seawarp is a really nice strain for short seasons like here and is a great strain for shorting up later strains its really mold resistant also which is a big must have . for coastal or wetter climates


Well-Known Member
Where can I get the seawarp beans and how early is early. I grew BC SEED KING Early skunk last year and they were all done september 15th, I'm hoping the iranian chemos are done by Aug 31 with the iranian genes. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Where can I get the seawarp beans and how early is early. I grew BC SEED KING Early skunk last year and they were all done september 15th, I'm hoping the iranian chemos are done by Aug 31 with the iranian genes. Cheers.
reeferman made the seawarp but i haven't seen any of his strains anywhere for a long time


Well-Known Member
how are the other strains doing ?
IA is still the big one of the bunch GM isn't far behind but in line with all my others. I am a bit worried that I am going to have a monster on my hands with the IA if she reveg's before I can pull an early harvest. Not that it's a bad thing. :)


Well-Known Member
IA is still the big one of the bunch GM isn't far behind but in line with all my others. I am a bit worried that I am going to have a monster on my hands with the IA if she reveg's before I can pull an early harvest. Not that it's a bad thing. :)
lol. the island afghani is huge here with a short season so it should be real big out there if let go the whole season haha .. the getaway mountain will get big as well if given the time to


Active Member
I got 55 under my 400w mh and I thought that was a shit load but no this is a shit load. Man your gonna have one hell of a crop. Seems its easier to just grow steady same sized plants instead of huge plants at least here where I am because of the short ass season.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
best of luck to ya getaway, looking forward to watching the grow this season again! stop by and check mine out when I start it in a few weeks :)


Well-Known Member
I have been following your posts,good stuff.You put alot of work in,I know I do and I dont have nowhere as many as you.Keep up the great work.


Well-Known Member
001.jpgwell we took all the babies to the other grow house way up in the bush and transplanted them all into 2 gallon pots until they go out in late may to the 32 gallon barrells . it's weird to not have a house fuill of plants but one step closer to the summer season .. i'm sure momma won't let them tables stay empty very long lol....
Hey, I recently just got my clones outdoors last week. My first grow ever. I have two questions for you.

Why do you use 32 gallon pots for the plants?

And seeing as it's rather cold out there I'm assuming up in Maine. I was wondering if you knew the lowest the temperature can drop without causing permanent harm to your plants? I ask this because my girls have been outside about a full week tomorrow and they're decently established in their pots but it began to snow this morning in my area. The temperature didn't drop below 42.0f outside and no snow stuck to the ground. Should I be worried about them?


Well-Known Member
ya my grandkids call me crazy papa !!lol i'm used to it ,only crochety when out of smoke
from the size of those buckets with blue dream, don't see that being a problem for you.
It appears to me I've haven't set my goals aspirations high enough, pardon the pun.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey, I recently just got my clones outdoors last week. My first grow ever. I have two questions for you.

Why do you use 32 gallon pots for the plants?

And seeing as it's rather cold out there I'm assuming up in Maine. I was wondering if you knew the lowest the temperature can drop without causing permanent harm to your plants? I ask this because my girls have been outside about a full week tomorrow and they're decently established in their pots but it began to snow this morning in my area. The temperature didn't drop below 42.0f outside and no snow stuck to the ground. Should I be worried about them?

the 32 gallon barrells just happened what was on sale when i got 150 of them for water a couple years ago so i just cut the bottoms out and drop down in the ground halfway and the rest of the barrell tops helps alot with keeping rabbits and slug damage down some,it helps . chicken wire,slug dope of course also lol....


Well-Known Member
I was out digging some holes the other day and I forgot just how painful it is. Since my location this year is much more easily accessible and I can go to water more often I was thinking about doing some grow bags. I noticed you used 10 gallon grow bags in a previous grow. How often were you watering them? I can only get 10 gallon grow bags or 5 gallon smart pots in my area that are affordable, the 30 gallon smart pots are ridiulously expensive.