anyone know how to make cannabis infused soda?


Active Member
You're quite welcome, Greg. Sharing secrets is my specialty - my own and others'.

Use either purity of limonene, as long as its food grade. The % that isnt limonene will be pure water. Buy a big thing of it if you can, its cheap, and is a wonderful household cleaner, instantly dissolves any gunk or grime, I use it for cleaning more than bleach or oxyclean combined. Also works better than ISO or even acetone as a bong cleaner - doesnt even need to be warmed up, just a quick cold splash in your piece and the nasty burned resin will melt away, no need for even sand or salt as an abrasive.

Similarly, any ethanol source will do, as long as its clear vodka or grain alcohol, you will just have to use more as it will have a percentage of water diluting it. As you are dissolving your concentrate in limonene first this isnt a problem, though if you try to dissolve concntrates in vodka by itself it wont work well, as thc dissolves so poorly into ethanol as it is, any further dilution will just frustrate your efforts.

You may wish to order some flavoring as well, even just an orange flavor from watsons will help round out the single citrus note provided by the limonene into something more akin to fruit.

I have tried these recipes, yes, and many variations of it. There are lots of uses for an aqueous pot solution, you see: better, less greasy baked goods that can withstand a proper baking temp (the complexing raises the vaporization and combustion temp), soups and stews, the complexed concentrate can be used in saline eyedrops for better treatment of glaucoma without the peripheral effects (like getting high), and of course all manner of beverages.

No, Figong, I havent shared this recipe on the other boards, but I am lazily compiling it along with other info on medibles and will eventually (likely years from now lol) release it on the related forums - as I have done with my Vapor Volumes. I've been around just trolling and compiling info since the OG debacle (Free Marc Emery!!!), and I came out to publish it on as many platforms as I could, something I felt necessary to clear up some of the BS the profiteers have been pushing onto the medical/concentrate community.

That said, if its all the same to everyone else, I was planning on sticking around here for a bit and sticking my nose into conversations every now and again, bc this is the most comprehensive pot community, and unlike similar forums, is both dedicated to pot (not psychoactives in general), and isnt sponsored by a single headshop vendor who will delete your posts for pointing out that nails dont actually vape at more than 50% efficiency, bc said vendor only sells nails to vaporize... I never try to be rude, mind you, but I dont tolerate BS and mysticism as a replacement for science, esp in what is a scientific (medical) field, and as a lot of people are inured to the mysticism they can respond with religious fervor when someone points out a common misconception that they have...


Well-Known Member
lol funny question here... so you clean your bowl with the limonene, putting your piece in a glass jar, submerging it, and letting it sit. Now you take water and flavor syrup and make a drink from it. how bad do you think it would be? and would it screw you up? and what would happen if u were to cook it


Well-Known Member
ive seen people using iso to wash their bowl and reclaim some nice gold. i imagine if that gold was mixed in your drink you would be wrecked.but i think you should do the iso reclaim then mix oil with limonene and proceed to your soda making. in my opinion.please call me Terrance,nice to meet you!


Well-Known Member

No, Figong, I havent shared this recipe on the other boards, but I am lazily compiling it along with other info on medibles and will eventually (likely years from now lol) release it on the related forums - as I have done with my Vapor Volumes. I've been around just trolling and compiling info since the OG debacle (Free Marc Emery!!!), and I came out to publish it on as many platforms as I could, something I felt necessary to clear up some of the BS the profiteers have been pushing onto the medical/concentrate community.

That said, if its all the same to everyone else, I was planning on sticking around here for a bit and sticking my nose into conversations every now and again, bc this is the most comprehensive pot community, and unlike similar forums, is both dedicated to pot (not psychoactives in general), and isnt sponsored by a single headshop vendor who will delete your posts for pointing out that nails dont actually vape at more than 50% efficiency, bc said vendor only sells nails to vaporize... I never try to be rude, mind you, but I dont tolerate BS and mysticism as a replacement for science, esp in what is a scientific (medical) field, and as a lot of people are inured to the mysticism they can respond with religious fervor when someone points out a common misconception that they have...
Again, you'll fit right in and are welcome here. There's more than a few who take no BS, and will call it as they see it - without question. If you get attacked, by all means lay it down and fire back. If they attack you while they're new, mail me and I'll drop a few bombs myself as I have no tolerance whatsoever for new users who did nothing at all getting attacked. The only time I will not defend views is in the religion or politics threads - those are free-for-alls, and that's a well-known going in. If you decide to chime in on those, hold on tight. hahahaha


Active Member
Well that depends, Nizza. If the piece in question is a concentrate bowl or a globe vaporizer, then the condensate inside will have no combustion taint, then yes, its perfectly safe to drink a small amount of. If it is from a nail rig, or skillet, or just regular bowl, anything that exposes your pot to a temp higher than its combustion temp, then carcinogenic compounds will be formed and you should just discard it. Its possible to remove these compounds, but it is an inefficient process and is much more trouble than its worth.

If you want to save your pipe condensate, then you can evap the limonene off with a warm bath to covert it back to hash oil, or use the limonene tincture as previously described. Dont try to cook with limonene tincture, it has a low flashpoint and cant withstand direct heat. If you're looking to make medibles without making cannabutter, you can do the following
to your concentrate (hash/oil/reclaimed condensate):

If you've got budder, just sprinkle some into your recipe. Its really that easy. If you dont have 85%+ pure powdered THC laying around, you can use regular chunky earwax, bubble, foam, and shatters thusly:
If you are making sweets (baked goods, custards, pancakes, even cinnamon toast), take your concentrate and add an equal volume of powdered sugar, then chop with a putty knife or similar until the concentrate is evenly mixed. This will form tiny grains that are not sticky and can be used like sugar in all recipes. It will be half the sweetness of regular sugar, but as you only need a small amount per recipe, you can use your recipe like normal, just swapping out a teaspoon of sugar for the hash sugar.
If you are making savory items (breads, soups, stews, casseroles), take your concentrate and add an equal volume of starch, then chop with a putty knife or similar until the concentrate is evenly mixed. This will form tiny grains that are not sticky and can be used like flour/starch in all recipes.
A note about these methods: this is not the same as complexing with cyclodextrins, and doesnt make your concentrate water soluble. It just makes it have the physical properties necessary to disperse in your dish evenly without the need for a carrier solvent like butter, oil, or glycerin. Also, temperature restrictions are the same as with cannabutter - too much or too direct a heat can combust the cannabinoids, so you must bake at less than 350 and any stovetop cooking must be done at half power. If you are making a soup or stew, this can be alleviated by cooking your soup as normal until it is done, then removing from heat and throwing in your dose of concentrate/starch. Using the cannabis sugar for creme brulee, for example, where the sugar is being broiled or torched, would destroy most of the actives.

There's another two recipes/concepts for you, that you wont find published anywhere else ;)


Well-Known Member
Another beautiful post, am glad to see some of the founding members of Overgrow appearing here too :D

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to VladFromOG again.


Active Member
Thanks, Figong, I think I'm going to like it here; I just noticed that SubCool is a mod, he's an old OGer himself, from my neck of the woods, and of a similar philosophy, so if y'all like him we'll likely get along just fine :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Figong, I think I'm going to like it here; I just noticed that SubCool is a mod, he's an old OGer himself, from my neck of the woods, and of a similar philosophy, so if y'all like him we'll likely get along just fine :D
Yup, that he is.. I happen to be using one of his oldschool soil recipes for my grafts, with a heavy mod of myco and an insane amount of chelates to try to keep tox to a minimum and really open availability of nutes due to the nature of the graft itself.


Well-Known Member
vlad i really appreciate your reply and learned a lot from what you said
but i don't think I really asked the question right, and you still i think answered my question though
I was trying to say is there a way to eat the resin from weed being smoked, through some process? I know resin in a pipe is ~20%thc which is pretty high and didn't know if there was some sort of way out there to just ingest it, because smoking it really really sucks... but you say if it

what you said though was "
  • If it is from a nail rig, or skillet, or just regular bowl, anything that exposes your pot to a temp higher than its combustion temp, then carcinogenic compounds will be formed and you should just discard it. Its possible to remove these compounds, but it is an inefficient process and is much more trouble than its worth."

So your saying the butane +whatever your burning with it will cause yucky compounds to form and it will be more worth it to just throw out? (which is what i always do)


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmm hash sugarrrrrrrrrr yummy dip my cannafried dough in that after topping with cannabudder, also make my fried dough from hash flour


Active Member
Nizza, it has nothing to do with the butane: every chemical has two properties called the evaporation temp and combustion temp. The evaporation temp is the temperature required for the chemical to turn into a gas(vapor), and the combustion temp is the temperature at which the chemical breaks down into different chemicals. If the evap temp is less than the combustion temp, you can vaporize a chemical. Now, cannabinoids are all a little different but they evaporate at roughly 300 degrees and break down at roughly 500. Past that 500 degree point the cannabinoids break down into completely non-psychoactive compounds, including benzene, a potent carcinogen. Now, a lighters flame is 15000 degrees, as is a glowing hot nail/hotknife etc. The only reason you get any psychoactivity at all from these methods is because before it all burns up into carcinogens and bad, a small amount of cannabinoids get vaped ahead of the flame by the hot gases surrounding the nail before your concentrate drips and sizzles and burns on the nail/knife itself, or by the flame/ember heating up the air and the hot air vaporizing some of the unburned pot in your bowl/joint.

What all this means is that the black resin recovered from a pipe, while it may approach 20% cannabinoids (for comparion, the shittiest hand rubbed hash is about that, as is medium grade medical), it will also be about 20% carcinogens, and the rest just carbon. Now, pot may cure gliomas and other carcinomas, but benzene is an incredibly potent mutagen, and the cannabinoids youre ingesting with the resin will not cancel out the carcinogenic effect. Prolly wouldnt hurt you once or twice, similar compounds are found in grilled meat, but doing it even semi regularly can lead to oral and esophageal cancers.

Terrance, careful there, it is possible to OD on concentrates. Like, really. I came close when I vaped 1g in a gravity bong topped with a concentrate bowl. And this wasnt some trophy nail rip like they do on youtube "OMG 1g dab" where they take a huge dab that all burns and runs down the side, this was a ~90% efficient vaporizing method. THC is paradoxically cardioprotective whereas other CB1 active cannabinoids will cause strokes, palpatations, and arrest in large amounts, but man that esoteric knowledge is cold comfort when you find yourself in the Jungle hallucinating wildly.... I'd expect 10g of 80%+ purity concentrate to be lethal orally. Course thats a thousand doses, so this is still a very safe compound: all Im saying is its easy to misjudge how much you've put in of the powdered concentrate, so go easy :)

Yes, benzene is a tiny molecule and will dissolve in butane. It dissolves more poorly in xylene, so you can dissolve the oil in xylene, add water, which wont mix into the xylene, shake, which helps the benzene and carbon migrate to the water, then evap the xylene, then repeat the process about ten more times. Eventually you'll get all the dark crud out, but keep repeating the process past that point bc that only indicates the free carbon is gone, there may still be benzene in the resin. Really an involved process that isnt worth it. If you want to reclaim your resin, switch to a concentrate/wand bowl, you can just scrape them out and vape the condensate without further processing, as there was no combustion involved at any point of the vaping process.

On a different note: apparantly RIU uses a third party spam block which blocks TOR exit nodes. They dont currently block all, but once they do, I shall be unable to access the board, so if I disappear, dont fret, Ill be back every now and again as I can, to release as much as I can.


Well-Known Member
i have thought of that so i have saved your posts. this is knowledge i cant buy and love every word you type. lol much respect to you and hopefully to riu...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Agreed on this, he's in definite need of more rep - this is something brand new to the boards, and as of now.. is not posted on any other that I can see, in any semi-close/sane fashion as well. RIU on the bleeding edge as usual! :D
+rep taken care of. I'll see if I can swing a real heavy hitter this way ;)


Well-Known Member
+rep taken care of. I'll see if I can swing a real heavy hitter this way ;)
Thank ya much as well, greatly appreciated and am glad to see brand new info that's not total theory presented in terms of processes like Vlad has done. If you haven't read it all the way through, definitely check it out :D

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Wow Vlad, def hope you stick around, I was completely ignorant to this idea before I read this post, lots of good info +rep
I know I'm not a heavy hitter but I'm sure this guy will get his rep up real quick


Ursus marijanus
Nizza, it has nothing to do with the butane: every chemical has two properties called the evaporation temp and combustion temp. The evaporation temp is the temperature required for the chemical to turn into a gas(vapor), and the combustion temp is the temperature at which the chemical breaks down into different chemicals. If the evap temp is less than the combustion temp, you can vaporize a chemical.
Do you mean flash point, or do you mean autoignition temperature?
Now, cannabinoids are all a little different but they evaporate at roughly 300 degrees and break down at roughly 500. Past that 500 degree point the cannabinoids break down into completely non-psychoactive compounds, including benzene, a potent carcinogen.
1) the amounts of benzene formed are tiny. 2) Benzene is a known carcinogen, but it isn't potent. Low levels are much safer than the industrial-level exposures that revealed its toxicity.
Now, a lighters flame is 15000 degrees, ]
Those are plasma torch temperatures! 1000 degrees is more typical of an object soaked in a butane flame.
as is a glowing hot nail/hotknife etc. The only reason you get any psychoactivity at all from these methods is because before it all burns up into carcinogens
Carcinogens? Link? Specify?
and bad, a small amount of cannabinoids get vaped ahead of the flame by the hot gases surrounding the nail before your concentrate drips and sizzles and burns on the nail/knife itself, or by the flame/ember heating up the air and the hot air vaporizing some of the unburned pot in your bowl/joint.

What all this means is that the black resin recovered from a pipe, while it may approach 20% cannabinoids (for comparion, the shittiest hand rubbed hash is about that, as is medium grade medical), it will also be about 20% carcinogens,
Data? Link? I question this.
and the rest just carbon.
No. Carbon cannot be washed out with solvents; hemp tar can.
Now, pot may cure gliomas and other carcinomas, but benzene is an incredibly potent mutagen,
Incredibly potent? It's in the middle somewhere. If you must use these spectacular qualifiers, back them with data. This sounds like classic organic-dude chemophobia. Jmo.
and the cannabinoids youre ingesting with the resin will not cancel out the carcinogenic effect. Prolly wouldnt hurt you once or twice, similar compounds are found in grilled meat, but doing it even semi regularly can lead to oral and esophageal cancers.
The compounds in grilled meat are nitrosamines. These are distinct from the PAH considered present in tar.
Terrance, careful there, it is possible to OD on concentrates. Like, really. I came close when I vaped 1g in a gravity bong topped with a concentrate bowl. And this wasnt some trophy nail rip like they do on youtube "OMG 1g dab" where they take a huge dab that all burns and runs down the side, this was a ~90% efficient vaporizing method. THC is paradoxically cardioprotective whereas other CB1 active cannabinoids will cause strokes, palpatations, and arrest in large amounts, but man that esoteric knowledge is cold comfort when you find yourself in the Jungle hallucinating wildly.... I'd expect 10g of 80%+ purity concentrate to be lethal orally. Course thats a thousand doses, so this is still a very safe compound: all Im saying is its easy to misjudge how much you've put in of the powdered concentrate, so go easy :smile:

Yes, benzene is a tiny molecule and will dissolve in butane. It dissolves more poorly in xylene,
No. Benzene is miscible in, and extractible into, any of the common organic solvents. Its polarity is close to that of the cannabinoids of interest.
so you can dissolve the oil in xylene, add water, which wont mix into the xylene, shake, which helps the benzene and carbon migrate to the water, then evap the xylene, then repeat the process about ten more times. Eventually you'll get all the dark crud out, but keep repeating the process past that point bc that only indicates the free carbon is gone, there may still be benzene in the resin. Really an involved process that isnt worth it. If you want to reclaim your resin, switch to a concentrate/wand bowl, you can just scrape them out and vape the condensate without further processing, as there was no combustion involved at any point of the vaping process.

On a different note: apparantly RIU uses a third party spam block which blocks TOR exit nodes. They dont currently block all, but once they do, I shall be unable to access the board, so if I disappear, dont fret, Ill be back every now and again as I can, to release as much as I can.
Some wisdom here operationally, but I am sorry to say that the biochemistry is not well or correctly presented. cn


Well-Known Member
i just used benzene as an example. i know this is a bunch more you dont want in your concentrates, dont drink it man! lol