Ready for harvest?


This is my first (successful) grow. I've read pages and pages of grow guides, forums, etc. .......but I'm not at that level where I can determine if my trichomes are good to go. Most of the hairs have turned red already and there isnt any kind of substantial growth anymore. Its 8 and a half weeks into flower now...bag seed so I forgot what I planted in which pot, I dont smoke shit weed either so I know its decent at least.


Sativa Dragon

Active Member
Same here, if you harvest now you will miss out on some potency, and the cannabinoid profile will not be representative of what your strain was described, how many weeks? what did they say as for as flowering time. I find smaller plants mature faster than large plants ime.



I've read everything from amber trichomes give you more of a body high, to they contain degenerated THC and much more CBD, CBN, C......


Its 8 and a half weeks into flower now...bag seed so I forgot what I planted in which pot, I dont smoke shit weed either so I know its decent at least. Its only about 16-18 inches tall. Small closet test grow

New Age United

Well-Known Member
That is a possibility, the CBD is what causes the body stone I do believe, which is why indicas have more of a body stone than sativas, but on here I've heard everything from 10%-70%, but never just milky white


Well-Known Member
Definitely wait it out a bit longer. No amber. I'm looking for 10% when I cut. I'm not a fan of couch lock and wanna get them before the thc degrades. Shouldn't have a whole lot longer though, they look pretty cloudy to me. Did you buy something for your camera to take those? Almost looks like you just hooked your jewelers scope up to it. Been thinking about a good way to do that instead of buying an attachement

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
I've read everything from amber trichomes give you more of a body high, to they contain degenerated THC and much more CBD, CBN, C......
THC, CBD, CBN....all theses cannaboids are strain dependent. While it is true that Trichs at different stages of color/ripeness do produce a different high.....the rule of thumb is that clear trichs will produce more of a heady high, Milky ususally is a mix of head and body and finally amber usually produces a heavier body stone....again....just a rule of thumb but not etched in stone as I said earlier.....much of what you get is strain dependent.....just because you let the trichombs turn amber does not mean you increase CBD.....those factors are genetically predetermined and mostly strain dependant. I like a mix of milky with some amber....but not allot of amber.....and one other thing...i find that it usually takes longer to reach that perfect ripeness...longer then what the breeders say. In this case...its just a matter of time because your not working with any breeder info....

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
That is a possibility, the CBD is what causes the body stone I do believe, which is why indicas have more of a body stone than sativas, but on here I've heard everything from 10%-70%, but never just milky white
Just a quick comment....dont want to hijack this thread ..but not all Indicas are high in CBD and in fact there are some Sativas that actually are pretty high in CBD as well. Just thought i would point that out.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yeah I can't see either, which wouldn't help you a lot as I'm a newbie too. But what I was going to say was post a picture of the plant. So we can get an idea of it's over all maturity.

I am currently doing a strain survey so almost every plant in my pan is a different strain. My plants are all maturing differently. For example I have a very sativa phenotype Aurora Indica from Nirvana (my first genetics, cheap easy to grow and mids at best), it doesn't go cloudy. Instead it goes from mostly clear to amber! So on my AI if I see a small smattering of amber I know it's time to chop. I posted pictures of it's trichomes in my last message in my current grow journal (if you want to see it it's my current grow journal in my sig).

So also look at the plant maturity. Oh and I'd definitely take a small sample bud if you do this one week apart and make a note in a journal an image of the trichomes and a personal smoke report. Voila perfect harvest next time based on your smoke preference.

If you want to just harvest this one and didn't clone it and it turns out to be a jackpot plant, leave a branch on it so you can re-veg and rescue your jackpot pheno. Anyway just a few of my hard won lessons I've been learning about harvesting.


Well-Known Member
I would say you have a week maybe two. My personal preference is when I see maybe 5% amber they come down.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Good info thanks everyone. How much longer should I let it go for?

FYI - I did flush it 6 days ago
So its recommended to flush 6 to 10 days before you harvest.....from what I could see on one of the pics....the Trichs looked milky.....which some consider PEAK ripeness BUT....that can be a matter of opinion simply based on what type of high you prefer....Do you like a good head buzz....harvesting early ( clear ) can sometimes produce a racy,trippy, heady high....not my cup of tea as I like to function thru my buzz....I'm older brain does not cope well with that type of in my youth that was a different story. I dont think you have much longer to go...I would try to shoot for some amber....slight amber...Also keeping the plant in cool temps and complete darkness for about 48 hrs ( some people say up to 3 to 5 days) will increase resin production quite a bit.....and yes..I do this with my girls a couple of days before I harvest.


Well-Known Member
Amber trichomes are.degraded thc and this produces a shitty swollen head slightly sick feel. I would never.recommend 70% amber. Genetics determine up high or down high ect. The only thing over ripening bud does it make it slightly heavier and less fun to smoke.


Active Member
So its recommended to flush 6 to 10 days before you harvest.....from what I could see on one of the pics....the Trichs looked milky.....which some consider PEAK ripeness BUT....that can be a matter of opinion simply based on what type of high you prefer....Do you like a good head buzz....harvesting early ( clear ) can sometimes produce a racy,trippy, heady high....not my cup of tea as I like to function thru my buzz....I'm older brain does not cope well with that type of in my youth that was a different story. I dont think you have much longer to go...I would try to shoot for some amber....slight amber...Also keeping the plant in cool temps and complete darkness for about 48 hrs ( some people say up to 3 to 5 days) will increase resin production quite a bit.....and yes..I do this with my girls a couple of days before I harvest.
what he said :)


Active Member
Definitely wait it out a bit longer. No amber. I'm looking for 10% when I cut. I'm not a fan of couch lock and wanna get them before the thc degrades. Shouldn't have a whole lot longer though, they look pretty cloudy to me. Did you buy something for your camera to take those? Almost looks like you just hooked your jewelers scope up to it. Been thinking about a good way to do that instead of buying an attachement
How about using your cell phone? $15 and you have quality macro shots. I promise.