My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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New Member
Like everything else in the garden ATM, this girl is 104 days from seed, and I feel like she'll go another 2-3 weeks as well!
She's not showing any signs of senescence yet, and she's about 12" tall I'd say.
I didn't F.I.M or top this one just to see how it'd grow in comparison to the others, but I did LST the lower digits a little later on into flowering,(about week 3 or 4) to pull the branches away from the main stem!
She's battling heat stress as you can see by those few leaves at the top, but good nonetheless.

Also transplanted this girl when she was between 3-5wks flowering, from a 1 gal grow bag, to a #3 smart pot with NO ill effects!

If you transplant out of grow bags, you will NEVER disturb your rootball. Unless you're straight STUPID or drunk lol.

Anyways, my second of three Seedsman White Widow that I'm currently flowering:




Well-Known Member

This is the classic WW leaf,I was talking about very distink looking.Damn 420 think your gonna Yield great


New Member
Cheers boss! They've all looked pretty damn identical as you've seen.
4 out 7 seeds are pretty much the exact same pheno....I figure since it's a hybrid there'd be a lot more variation in the 4...
Maybe the other 3 are the variety lol!
And yes sir about the yield man! So far it's more than I'd expected so I'm good!
These buds are all so much bigger than the first crop man...
It's really not close...

Maybe it's the light intensity that makes the difference, as I've been upgraded since the op started!:peace:


New Member
And I just looked up and saw that this thread been seen 25,000x since I started it haha. WOW!

All I can say is that I hope you all learned as much as I did during this time!!!

Wanna go ahead and thank ALL OF YOU who've been chillin' along the way! We're about to wrap this one up by the end of the month and then it's onto the 3rd op! The next one won't be me final stop tho....Gotta move here just before summer and then at the end of the year I'll be making move again, which is when I plan to GET IT IN!



Well-Known Member
And I just looked up and saw that this thread been seen 25,000x since I started it haha. WOW!

All I can say is that I hope you all learned as much as I did during this time!!!

Wanna go ahead and thank ALL OF YOU who've been chillin' along the way! We're about to wrap this one up by the end of the month and then it's onto the 3rd op! The next one won't be me final stop tho....Gotta move here just before summer and then at the end of the year I'll be making move again, which is when I plan to GET IT IN!

that this thread been seen

We talk just alike,Too funny:mrgreen:


New Member
Wonder what it'll be when I'm done with it lol?! That's cool tho! Lots of shiii to learn from!
I tried to post as much as I could to make it worth while, and to show what I knew at the point in time.

Can't wait to closed this thing down and do it BIGGER! and BETTER with little to NO error!


New Member
Also should note that I'm bringing the critical jack down this weekend, after this LONG ASS TIME flowering haha!!

Been looking for ripe bud and when I snap some pics, I hope and believe that you guys will concur that It's time!
I literally don't see anymore space on the plant for the bud to grow lol!
Gonna give a good trich check tomo just to be sure!
As far as the "ripe" look, the pistils being at least 70% red/brown rather than yellow tells me time is near if not here!
The level of senescence as the leaves have been dying slowly now for a couple weeks...
And just the swollen look of the calyx's!

I feel like I'm looking at about an ounce and a quarter dry! I'll be ok with that! Happier for a zip and a half but still happy!
Anything less to me is a fail....I spent three months worth of energy on this freebie lol :joint:

Ps....Did I mention the Delicious Seeds Critical Jack was a freebie?!
And so what the Blue Widow! So far I've had 2 nice freebies! Hope that xmas promo keeps it rocking for me with these hazes and kushes!


Well-Known Member
Also should note that I'm bringing the critical jack down this weekend, after this LONG ASS TIME flowering haha!!

Been looking for ripe bud and when I snap some pics, I hope and believe that you guys will concur that It's time!
I literally don't see anymore space on the plant for the bud to grow lol!
Gonna give a good trich check tomo just to be sure!
As far as the "ripe" look, the pistils being at least 70% red/brown rather than yellow tells me time is near if not here!
The level of senescence as the leaves have been dying slowly now for a couple weeks...
And just the swollen look of the calyx's!

I feel like I'm looking at about an ounce and a quarter dry! I'll be ok with that! Happier for a zip and a half but still happy!
Anything less to me is a fail....I spent three months worth of energy on this freebie lol :joint:

Ps....Did I mention the Delicious Seeds Critical Jack was a freebie?!
And so what the Blue Widow! So far I've had 2 nice freebies! Hope that xmas promo keeps it rocking for me with these hazes and kushes!
With that healthy looking main, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised if 1 1/4 dry is all you're expecting.:clap:


New Member
Cheers boss! The nugs are every bit as solid as they look too!

And what you working on ATM? Gonna start another thread anytime soon?!


Well-Known Member
Cheers boss! The nugs are every bit as solid as they look too!

And what you working on ATM? Gonna start another thread anytime soon?!
This is the thread I got going now, sorry I've been lagging, but lazy, had company, and just had to take a break for a few.
Just posted a few late weekly updates yesterday, and if all goes as planned, I'll be putting up the weekly update on Sat. evening.


New Member
Attitude's 4/20 promo is here! Say to say it's not as impressive as I need it to be lol...

Tho I do like the sounds of the Reg. Bay 11 freebies....Ahhhhhhhh

Now to convince my self to drop the cash when I don't need to...



Well-Known Member
LMAO Beech! ahahahaha

I'm gonna check out the promo now. haven't even poppd a single seed from my last order!

EDIT: Not that impressed. I'm gonna pass on this one.

I have a male Kollossus that I'm thinking about flowering and collecting pollen from. Hmmmm

EDIT EDIT: Tomato Tone has arrived!


Well-Known Member
Holy chit its COLD 38f and raining,In the middle of April.....Weird weather!
Are you sending your goofy weather up my way?
I just went from sunny and 75 degrees all day, within 3 minutes, I got 30 MPH winds, cloudy and dark, and a downpour for less than 2 minutes and now it's clearing up again.:shock:
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