Another teen gang rape with no one punished


Well-Known Member
Well, one thing that I've kinda noticed working with college students is that the kids in highschool now are a LOT more sexually active and open and willing to experiment than they were when I was in highschool ten years ago. There is also an increase in violence and it would seem bullying... maybe increase in violent behaviour and sexual openness could naturally lead to teen gang rapes etc.

Not sure why they wouldn't punish them. I think certain micro-cultures today might even glorify that sort of anti-social behaviour.


Active Member
Well, one thing that I've kinda noticed working with college students is that the kids in highschool now are a LOT more sexually active and open and willing to experiment than they were when I was in highschool ten years ago.
Hell, they're a lot more sexually active now than they were FIVE years ago when I was in high school. :/ Most kids are doing it in middle school even, now.


Well-Known Member
People have been saying the next generation is worse for thousands of years. If that was the case we'd all be little dr. lectars by now


Well-Known Member
The father should've skinned the boys and hung them in the streets.
Maybe castration would be a good punishment / deterrent .. if you are convicted of rape, you have the choice to pick which testicle to get chopped off ~without any anesthetics :) If its a severe rape case, then the whole sha'bang comes off..


Active Member
No the boys should have their balls ripped off and then beaten. My wife was date rapped and the police did nothing. Now the mother fucker is in mexico. Now I have a 9mm to take care of things myself.


Well-Known Member
No the boys should have their balls ripped off and then beaten. My wife was date rapped and the police did nothing. Now the mother fucker is in mexico. Now I have a 9mm to take care of things myself.
If this is true, I am really sorry to hear that this happened to your wife.


Well-Known Member
People have been saying the next generation is worse for thousands of years. If that was the case we'd all be little dr. lectars by now​
Where were all these sexed up girls in my highschool or middle school for that matter. Obviously not hanging out with me.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
well, the system failed this girl and her family. its time for dad to do what dads are supposed to do, gather tools and get to work on hunting scum.


Well-Known Member
Just for my own curiousity... were these guys white or black?

No one deserves that or asks for it, but she did seem to put herself into bad situations quite often and the guys I see in her photos (on google search, etc) look like sketchy scumbag tools. We have a responsibility to others, but we also have one to ourselves. One of lifes lessons is that VERY FEW people actually care enough about you to go out of their way for you. And many people will hurt you in many different ways and not feel the slightest amount of remorse.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
if a man is caught on tape raping a girl, he should be thrown into a lion's cage at the zoo or with the rest of the animals.

in some countries in europe and in australia, people have become so PC and accepting of muslim cultural ignorance that the muslim men who admit to raping teens and women get off for being ignorant of western laws and practices, idgaf, if you commit the crime, prepare to pay the consequences. its especially irritating because lawyers who want to make money will bounce the trial and try to keep it from entering court until they come across a judge who can pity the rapist for his ignorance of national law/western understanding that rape is a crime.