Water Cure Dry Bud

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Interesting shit. I know water curing has been a topic of debate on the boards from time to time. Maybe I'll give it a shot when the Girls are done, just for shits & giggles.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Bump 'cos I can't find the longer thread on this topic... And I've been looking for like 1/2 an hour... And harvest time is fast approaching.


Active Member
+1 Google

Sometimes when I get meds from my spot they have a soapy taste to them. Would water curing get rid of that soapy taste without ruining my meds?


Checked out my buds this morning and a bag with a couple of ounce came up with molds. prematurely bagged it I'm sure. what I am planning to do is to soak all the buds with a 1:10 ratio of hydrogen peroxide and distilled water for about 10 minutes. then rinse it thoroughly (dip rinsing only) by soaking it in distilled water. then putting it in a jar with distilled water air tight and replace the water everyday for 5 days or until the water gets clear. After that air dry to bring down the moisture to 15%. Maybe I'll smoke it or make butter out of it. It's just a waste to throw it away. Question now is: Will my procedure rid of the molds? I don't really seem to care about the taste or smell. I just want the buds to be clean. I'll appreciate any opinion on this procedure. Thanks !


Well-Known Member
Have some common sense people. If you went out and bought a bag of weed, dumped it in water...

You know, no explanation needed. Trying not to be a dick, but shit, this is plain idiocy.


You cant water cure dry bud.... RESEARCH GOD DAMN IT
Chill out man! It's not your bud. This is an experiment to water cure "buds with molds". Yes I did some research but all I got were opinions and speculations, do's and don'ts so the best way is to do it my self and take the risk.


Have some common sense people. If you went out and bought a bag of weed, dumped it in water...

You know, no explanation needed. Trying not to be a dick, but shit, this is plain idiocy.
I did not buy the weed, I planted it myself. It was an issue of humidity and moisture while drying and molds apparently appeared. I'm not perfect but yes your a dick and I'm not an idiot.

xI ZõõTêD Ix

New Member
Have some common sense people. If you went out and bought a bag of weed, dumped it in water...

You know, no explanation needed. Trying not to be a dick, but shit, this is plain idiocy.
You sir, are fucking ignorant.. LMFAO why the hell wouldn't you be able to..? If your referring to the fact that the weed would float, then that's why you weigh it down....... you can 100% for sure water cure already dry weed. Maxfarm you are fine he's just making an ass of himself..


Well-Known Member
You sir, are fucking ignorant.. LMFAO why the hell wouldn't you be able to..? If your referring to the fact that the weed would float, then that's why you weigh it down....... you can 100% for sure water cure already dry weed. Maxfarm you are fine he's just making an ass of himself..
well since it was 4 years ago im sure he figured it out by now.