my baby hasnt been showing any bud growth help


My baby girl isnt showing any signs of bud growth she smell like dank and so does the area im growing her in please help me dont leave any bad comments im not trying to be a pro


Active Member
Not a lot of info to go off of buddy...How long has she been flowering for (under 12/12 light), and what's your light source (HPS/MH/CFL)? Also, pictures always help...


Active Member
How long did you veg for? 4 weeks of 12/12 should have induced flowering man, Also try clicking "Go Advanced" on the bottom right and upload pics using that, I'm new to the site still so can't really help to much with loading a pic up...


Well-Known Member
Sounds like they may not be getting enough light. Lower branches tend to grow buds very very slowly and stay very small due to lack of light. (Not saying they are lower buds but using them as an example for ya) So maybe moving the lights closer or adding more light into the area would help.


Well-Known Member
No one is asking you to behave like a pro, but try not being a total amateur..

What are you growing in? How often do you feed your plant? How much? Ph of your water? Temps? Humidity? How many bulbs? What wattage? What spectrum? What distance from your plants? Cooling? Give us something to work with here. Are you certain you have a female?

Sorry to be critical of the post above, but it doesn't "sound" like anything at this point - we have absolutely no information on which to base a diagnosis..

"Help! My plant is broken! Tell me how to fix it with total guesswork and don't be mean!" C'mon, guy..


Well-Known Member
24 hours of light to 12 hours of light will slow/halt growth for about a week... takes around 2 weeks to show pistils/balls... any light leakage during the dark period will delay flowering... make sure you have your lights close to the plants and make sure it is completely dark during the 12 hours of darkness...


Ok i have 2 45watt cfls one is 1inch away from the top and since i topped her shes less bushy so i have the second light on the side and i dont use nutes i water her every other day but if the soils still moist i dont to avoid root rot ive herd that males show signs first snd she hasnt shown any signs of being a male