music an growng


Active Member
Many say this dosent effect plants at all. I play music to my plants always. even if it dosent mater, and it has no effect, it makes me feel better knowing i give em music, cuase if i was always stuck in one spot with a really bland enviroment(indoor is way bland compared to outdoor) and my grower couldnt spend all day loving me and talking to me, id want some tunes.just a thought.

im sure glad i aint a mj plant, plus im a guy, so if i were a mj plant, some asshole like me would be
choppin me down before i fucked all his girls and filled his bud wi seeds. lol, we all do things for wierd reasons. lol, i guess trying to put myself in a plants place is kinda strange. but i treat em with the same respect i would a person.
to be hontset i like plants more than 80% ot the people ive ever met.

and as i will ask with all my posts now, respect to all please. i dont want my threads turning into shit tornados, where erryone starts going crazy. im looking for individual opinions, not a massive war, it wont hurt ya if the other guy does somethin in hes garden ya dont like. thanks again for the imput


Well-Known Member
Idk whether the music is really noticeably helpful or not, but what the heck, if it makes you feel better about it then why not do it?

I've got a wee radio in my grow room playing classical music, if for nothing else, at least it promotes a nice atmosphere in the room.


Active Member
Idk whether the music is really noticeably helpful or not, but what the heck, if it makes you feel better about it then why not do it?

I've got a wee radio in my grow room playing classical music, if for nothing else, at least it promotes a nice atmosphere in the room.
I have a large collection or classical, jazz , bues, hip hop, electronic, music from africa, the middle east, ireland, and a shitload of other types of music. I used to only plac classical and really mellow jazz and piano. but one day i realized im sure the plants dont give a shit what they hear(no ears), and i expanded what they got to losten too. and if they do care, sorry babes. lo ;-);-);-)


Well-Known Member
Plants don't have ears but perhaps they can still feel vibrations and sense your vibes too. Like deaf kids listening to classical using balloons to feel the musical vibrations. I play my plants music I like and have done so every grow :)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Mine listen to Alan Parsons continuously



Well-Known Member
My opinion I don't believe music would help a single smidgen. I don't think they use soundwaves at all. I know theres an example of trees using chemicals to communicate with ants in one part of the world the ant and tree live together and when the tree is being attacked it will put off a chemical that the ants detect and they go and defend it. It seems much more chemically driven to me, they would theoretically react more to the way it smells but still possibly in only a few species who knows.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
My opinion I don't believe music would help a single smidgen. I don't think they use soundwaves at all. I know theres an example of trees using chemicals to communicate with ants in one part of the world the ant and tree live together and when the tree is being attacked it will put off a chemical that the ants detect and they go and defend it. It seems much more chemically driven to me, they would theoretically react more to the way it smells but still possibly in only a few species who knows.
Sounds like you better call in a buddy


Well-Known Member
Music/tones in the 432 Hz is supposed to be nature's harmonic frequency. Here's a q&d explanation:

There have been many, many tests done to show this visually. Humans and plants alike (in fact, all of nature) is in perfect harmony with this frequency and it causes a calming and soothing effect. Many, many popular songs have been re-tuned to 432 Hz frequency (most from 440 Hz which has more of a negative, out of harmony effect with nature). Here's Stairway to Heaven converted to 432 Hz if you want to give it a try:



Well-Known Member
Music/tones in the 432 Hz is supposed to be nature's harmonic frequency. Here's a q&d explanation:

There have been many, many tests done to show this visually. Humans and plants alike (in fact, all of nature) is in perfect harmony with this frequency and it causes a calming and soothing effect. Many, many popular songs have been re-tuned to 432 Hz frequency (most from 440 Hz which has more of a negative, out of harmony effect with nature). Here's Stairway to Heaven converted to 432 Hz if you want to give it a try:

I see these "studies" around but have yet to see a single shred of concrete evidence.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, but I figured this was just theoretical anyways. However, the water and sand tests I've done with different frequencies do create some very harmonic patterns. I'm not saying this is true or not, I just wanted to throw out an option ;)

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
There was test's done (don't know when where) were scientists had a room where plants were put in a room were they would shout and be aggressive and others in a room playing classical music. The ones that experienced classical music had an increase of over 20%.

Also a subwoofer or loud music would cause vibrations through the stems, this acting like the wind which will cause the plant to strengthen it's stem structure.

There was a scientist who was experimenting with lie detectors and one day he decided to attach it to a plant in his office, he went to burn the plant thinking that there would be no effect, but he was wrong. The plant responded when he went to burn it, the meter reacted.

Here's something that relates to it, just found it 17 seconds ago and giving it a read, interesting so far.

Life's amazing.


Well-Known Member
Idk whether the music is really noticeably helpful or not, but what the heck, if it makes you feel better about it then why not do it?

I've got a wee radio in my grow room playing classical music, if for nothing else, at least it promotes a nice atmosphere in the room.
It might sound wierd but I think to some degree you and your plants build a bond, and the fact that the music keeps you happy keeps them happy. I started to think about this, i guess Ill say spiritual bond, with my plants last year. everytime Im with my plants I am just greatly happy, I get tingling sensations down my spine, and just feel a great energy and connection there.But its not just that, this I just saw as me loving my plants. Last year, I got ripped real bad, really sucked, but the thing that made me consider this spiritual bond between me and my plants was that, in the days before i even found out I got ripped,I had this horrible uneasy feeling in my gut, like when you feel something bads gonna happen, and just felt uneasy, not physically, but emotionally. And after that I felt that I was picking up the stressful energy my plants were emitting being cut down, in such a violent manner, they knew. Sounds a little crazy, but I dnt think its any crazier than plants listening to music. Plants ARE living things, just as you and I are.


Active Member
It might sound wierd but I think to some degree you and your plants build a bond, and the fact that the music keeps you happy keeps them happy. I started to think about this, i guess Ill say spiritual bond, with my plants last year. everytime Im with my plants I am just greatly happy, I get tingling sensations down my spine, and just feel a great energy and connection there.But its not just that, this I just saw as me loving my plants. Last year, I got ripped real bad, really sucked, but the thing that made me consider this spiritual bond between me and my plants was that, in the days before i even found out I got ripped,I had this horrible uneasy feeling in my gut, like when you feel something bads gonna happen, and just felt uneasy, not physically, but emotionally. And after that I felt that I was picking up the stressful energy my plants were emitting being cut down, in such a violent manner, they knew. Sounds a little crazy, but I dnt think its any crazier than plants listening to music
while i do share a bond with my plants, its different. i believe ganja makes god closer too us, so i have a wierd point of view about cannabis. i think that it must be a spexial gift from god. my belief is something like ganja would have come out of tge garden of eden.

most people who grow for income do so beacause tgey are USUALLY GREEDY. NOT ALL BUT MOST COMMERCIAL GUYS DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT PLANTS. I grow to suplement my income, but i dont do it cause im lazy. i do it cause i like to share cannabis with many, and id rather it be my organic stuff making people happy. id give the stuff away if it wasnt such a expensive thing to produce, plus the risk from the law. At the end of the day, money really dosent matter to me anymore. but i got more than i need. plus im always working, so money isint my biggest objectivw.