first time 400watt dr90 soil grow


Well-Known Member
I have the same size tent, same watt light and the same reflector!

looks great so far man, they will make it good karma being sent. :)


New Member
thanks for the reply the2timer hopefully they will make it as iv give em alot of shit since i poped em but there still here well 1 an a half that is lol


New Member
yeah thats what i was thinkin but could u get like 20 in there from seed or just a few less just a thought


New Member
so with my way of thinkin i would b getin 50 grams a plant if i had 4 in there but with the grow iv got goin at the mo the berry and the white rhino been veged for probly just over 3 monthes with the 400watter over them i shuld get 200 a plant or some where close if i can keep everything in the right range temps an such i 4got 2 say iv got 2 2700k 2oowatt cfls the big ens would i benefit puttin them in 3 weeks b4 im due 2 chop ???


New Member
yeah will keep you up 2 date when iv figured out how to work this fourm out bit of a caveman on a computer ug ug


New Member
just a quick question how do i make a album an put pics off my computer onto my profile just keeps cumin up url in a box ?


Well-Known Member
just a quick question how do i make a album an put pics off my computer onto my profile just keeps cumin up url in a box ?
You head to the create an album section and in the blue bar you see, head to the right of it and hover there. You'll see the links as you go over them.. for some reason they are the same colour as the bar... :dunce:

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
start up a grow journal or a new post under something like the Indoor / CFL section and whenever you click "Go Advanced" you get the option to "Manage Attachments" which allows you to upload pics...