Club 600


Well-Known Member
sure is, Guzias. Place is as flat as a pannenkoek and prone to winds nigh on all the freaking windy ass time.:) Not as bad as the, Outter Hebrides where everyone walks at 45degree angles.....
this could be the start to a veryyyyyyyyy early morning , but the sun went down only 4 hours ago :p

it above avg. windy in your part of the world DST?


Well-Known Member
Being an Information Junkie, this is one of the billions of reasons I don't want a smartphone:
(I'd end up a smartphone zombie walking around oblivious to the world while looking for info on... everything...)

A series of photos of the moon to show how much it wobbles each month.
The wobble is called: Libration.
The wobble allows us to view 59% of the moon's surface, as opposed to just 50% if it didn't wobble.

*I'm mooning you, and there is nothing you can do but enjoy the view... ;-)


Well-Known Member
Made that oil last night, and HOLY SHIT! What a wonderful thing! I haven't been that high since the last festie I got some oil at. I ended up using a thick aluminum spray bottle and taking off the sprayer. Drilled a hole on the bottom and blew through that. Packed one can and got about a g. I had troubles getting that sticky goop into a new container and mixed keef in with it now I have a more pliable potent green goop. I'll throw up a pic later if I can find my camera.

Thanks for the help guys! Used store credit for my 7xn-butane cans so I got a free g of oil last night =D


Well-Known Member
ok, last night, while ya'll were goofing around. I was watching animal planet. and I learned that mosquitos suck sugars from plants. and i realized that all those mosquitos I've killed wasn't in vein. and I figured out why they chill on my plants leaves.. they're just using my baby girls for they're sugar. so fuck those bastards.


Well-Known Member
dude and one mosquito can keep me awake all night you can here the lil thing just flying around.. sounds like its got some mini subs on its back. it like changes the air pressure.. then I get up turn the lights on and hunt that mother fucker down, mid summer I get good at It and i start murking them hoes left and right .. one snatch one kill's my motto. im like a jedi master of they're trajectory. now if i could just kill those freakin fruit flies.


Well-Known Member
Played me some Rush this morning:

(4min 37sec)

Where's My Thing?
(3min 49sec)

New World Man
(3min 43sec)

The Fountain of Lamneth
(19min 59sec)

The Camera Eye
(11min 01sec)

Natural Science
(9min 41sec)

*still working on re-incorporating the use of my ring finger after rupturing a tendon in it last year.
I'm now back to "1 finger per fret" playing style, and not taking it easy on my ring finger anymore, so it's leathery like the others, but not nearly as thick & worn as the other fingertips yet.
But it's almost 100% back to normal, which is a relief.



Well-Known Member
did ya'll hear about the Texas college student who dressed kinda weird and carried stuffed animals around with everyone thought he was harmless but he just eneded up stabbing 14 students! isnt that fucked up? lol. beware of men that carry stuffed animals.shit
alright whos going to the cypress hill concert next week?
im going to be climbing the 2 big rocks at the ampitheater the night of the show. can anyone help with my belaying? lol.
dude that was like 10 minutes away from my house if that, fucking disturbing.. ran a few scenarios through my head as to what I would do..none seem to come out pretty. but I think i would take a slice for an innocent person If I had to. welli know I would really, cant just sit back n watch pretty girls get sliced up.. or anybody for that matter. I don't pay to much thought about the crazy shit that happens in other states.. but when its like you coulda been there..and school? somewhere that you should feel safe.. that could fuck your head up. andi knowimabit late but thanks for the words of advice from everyone.


Well-Known Member
ok, last night, while ya'll were goofing around. I was watching animal planet. and I learned that mosquitos suck sugars from plants. and i realized that all those mosquitos I've killed wasn't in vein. and I figured out why they chill on my plants leaves.. they're just using my baby girls for they're sugar. so fuck those bastards.
lmao. indeed. I was goofing around. currently I am ignoring whoever the fuck has been calling/texting me on my phone all morning as well.


Well-Known Member
I think that people may have picked on the Gingers too long.
my sisters fiancé is a dirty ginger, and so is my nephew. I actually have a red beard, but dark brown hair. my sisters fiancé tries to tell me im part ginger, and I tell him I would kill myself if I were a ginger. I do carry the ginger gene I fear. I must select the carrier of my brood wisely.