Dabump's Love Chamber (600w Perpetual)


Well-Known Member
I might fiddle with my PH more than I have been. I keep getting brown spots on my leaves and most people think it is cal/mag BUT some think it's PH. I'll check it again. TONIGHT!

Not sure what brought the PH thing on. I'm assuming it is that one big yellow leaf there in the front. It's one of the original leaves (I didn't lolipop at all, No leaf removal(wanted to see how it did with and without)) Got me trippin! None of my leaves look like that though.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad you did. I added more stuff and the PH was 4ish after I added it all (to include calmag) So I used some baking soda and raised it up to 6.5 - 7 (I use the dropper test) So thank you very much!


Well-Known Member
i just read that molasses will fuk with your PH also...im looking for something that serves the same purpose as molasses but dosent swing PH so badly..


Well-Known Member
There is a new thing out that the guy that made that soil modification uses and he loves it. I use sucitant or w/e the fuck it is. But he changed it. Maybe because it does fuck up PH. Thanks again for making me think about it. Lol one of my vegging plants was drooping real bad and I was lik great now I've got tamping off again but I stuck my finger in the dirt and it was bone dry three knuckles down so... I'm a bad dad. :(. Haven't seen them since i watered them. (St patty's day festivities)


Active Member

These are the flowering girls! They are doing great! I let them get way too dry. They were sad as fuck when i found them last night but I watered them and they are as happy as ever within an hour so... I don't think there was too much shock there. They've bulked up considerably since these pictures.

A little under watering is no big deal but try fixing an overwatering problem in an hour. Plants look great by the way. I never paid much attention to the PH runoff; I always found it lower than what the actual Soil PH was. Plants do strange things to the PH of their home weather it's Soil or Hydro. Take a handful of soil out of the pot if you can and mix it with just enough distilled 6.5 water to be able to squeeze out some water to PH that runoff. This will be a little more actuate in my opinion, now it's only guess work on PH from here, did it go up or down or did it stay the same. I always wanted a soil Ph meter and not one of those cheap ones either, maybe someday.


Well-Known Member


I was waiting on my light to turn off and I was taking a hit and the camera was dieing and I couldn't see anything in the box.... So needless to say, This is all I got as far as a "lights off" picture. As you can see I didn't give enough SS and she is WAY too faded for 44 days flower. I really wish she would just bulk already and be done. Because, shit, IDK, I'm high... I am very dissapoint with the super fadedness of the mom...



Well-Known Member
that one in the back looks close to done m8 :) YAY!!!!!!!!!!

sorry if i missed anything i havent had much time to visit my sub's just trying to stop in rq and say whatsup :)

looking great though man...if you have any specific questions for me my hmu in my inbox


Well-Known Member
yay harvest time :joint:

2 more weeks for me, its almost here...been a long long grow this round but ill be chopping down 10 plants that are all mine...mwahahahahaha hoping to pull at least a Lb out of my room this round.


Well-Known Member
O shit it's Darth!! Yea man I'm burnin it right now. I was too busy gettin blazed to take a lot of pics but this shit is hella frosty. Not a kick you in the dick high but it's nice and it has mad bag appeal.

Darth Budder

Well-Known Member
O shit it's Darth!! Yea man I'm burnin it right now. I was too busy gettin blazed to take a lot of pics but this shit is hella frosty. Not a kick you in the dick high but it's nice and it has mad bag appeal.
very cool very cool. We had someone move in with us, so i had to down a 6 week old crop and put my stuff away for a while. Got my veg box running now with 9 (5 bag seed, 4 white label double gum) seedlings under 192watts of 6500k cfl. My wife got me 2 150 watt hps lights for my birthday (strangely enough, on 4/20) so this should be a good crop!

I can't wait. its technically only my second grow, but i am sure it will be MUCH better then the first harvest.


Well-Known Member
Cool man! I promise to put pictures up soon! I've just been chillin lol. I guess I'll get ones up of my other plants too!


Well-Known Member
So I'm pretty sure I've got a full blown hermie here. I'll leave it up to you guys to tell me what I already know.

Not the greatest pictures but I'm sure they tell the tale.