I understand your reasoning, but it doesn't mean you are right.
The DEA can not get into the list, period. Local police can not get into the list.
Even if they could, what are they going to do, lock up 100,000 people?
They have done nothing in CO except threaten a few dispensaries near schools.
The DEA would have to violate a bunch of laws to get a look at that list.
Naive? They said they have no interest in some guy growing weed in his basement, they also admitted they do not have the resources to go after small time growers. Are they lying to us to lull 100,000 people in to a false sense of security so they can later arrest all of us?
Not every one on the list grows. I doubt half the people that have red cards grow.
So the feds are going to go after a bunch of people that may have a small amount of marijuana in their possession?
With three plants and some 1,000 watt lights you could pull over 3 pounds every harvest.
I probably go through 2 ounces a month and still give away a lot of weed. I have one 600 watt light and 1 250 watt light. I grow three plants at a time. I could legally grow 6 mature and 6 immature as there are two adults in the household. (Too much work). I get around 20 ounces every 3.5 months. I need about 7 of those for me. That leaves me with 13 ounces. That is plenty.
If I upped my wattage from 850 total to 3,000 my yield would be huge. Too much work for me even with a motorized trimmer.
Don't get me wrong, I think a person should be able to grow 27,000 plants and sell the buds as they choose...
It is very easy to conform to the laws and grow more than enough weed.
The "list" becomes almost irrelevant next January anyway. Until then I can still go get shweet cartridges and edibles that are too time consuming for me to make.