Do you want to grow 6 more legal plants ? Or know someone that does ?


Well-Known Member
I can easily qualify for a medical card , probably with an increased plant count , if you desire to grow more plants , my need is simple , I need a permanent address to be able to get my medical card . Will be arriving in Colorado mid May . Denver area .


Well-Known Member
My caregivership expires in may. By that time, I am wanting to grow for myself instead of handing it over to a dispensary.

6 Plants is a decent number for me, I doubt I can qualify for more. It would be lovely though!

I am in a similar situation to you as well. As soon as I move out of here (not grower friendly) I can begin my journey!


I would typically offer here, but i really have no interest on having my address on any lists.
Why do you need your red card? In Colorado you have the right to grow your 3/3 per person over 21, so you have the ability to grow 12 with 6 or fewer flowering. With the exception of shopping at MMCs there really is very little reason to get a red card at this point.


Well-Known Member
My caregivership expires in may. By that time, I am wanting to grow for myself instead of handing it over to a dispensary.

6 Plants is a decent number for me, I doubt I can qualify for more. It would be lovely though!

I am in a similar situation to you as well. As soon as I move out of here (not grower friendly) I can begin my journey!
I don’t quite understand how the caregiver thing works , I guess you mean if you’re a patient and have a card you can assign your plant count to the dispensary , but if that’s the case what does the dispensary do for you ? Good luck on your journey . Let us know how it turns out finding a friendly location .


Well-Known Member
The OP however is not, and that comment was directed at him. :mrgreen:

Heck I’m so far past 21 that I can’t even remember what being 21 was like , before I was 21 I was married and had 3 kids then 2 more kids after that , then spent 45 years telling my kids to stay away from drugs especially marijuana because it was a gateway drug , boy was I an idiot , talk about being brainwashed , glad to see this generation is turning things around .


Ok the caregiver thing dropped off dramatically after hb 10-1284 made it so a caregiver could only have 5 patients.
But basically a caregiver is someone you can sign your plants over to so they can grow them for you. The caregiver can have up to 5 patients plus themselves. They also wanted you to register the location of the caregivers grow with the state, and provide caregiving beyond just growing the plants for the patients.
O and you couldn't charge more than it cost you to grow. So obviously everyone bailed ship on that one, lots of used equipment hit cl after that!


Well-Known Member
By signing over your plants to a dispensary, you get member discounts... that's it as far as I know for what you get. I wish I wouldn't have joined RiverRock, but I plan to sign up with Natural Mystic next month... I don't have anything against dispensaries, there are some excellent ones around, just be careful which you choose cause its a 120 day commitment.


Well-Known Member
By signing over your plants to a dispensary, you get member discounts... that's it as far as I know for what you get. I wish I wouldn't have joined RiverRock, but I plan to sign up with Natural Mystic next month... I don't have anything against dispensaries, there are some excellent ones around, just be careful which you choose cause its a 120 day commitment.
I think what is messing up my thinking is that if I have a medical card I’m allowed to grow 6 plants and if I don’t get a medical card I can still grow 6 plants , it might make more since if I had a medical card and I could grow 12 plants ( 6 for having the card and 6 for being over 21 )

So the only advantage to having a medical card is the ability to go to the dispensary?


Yes and the joy of having your name on a list!
In theory you could get a higher plant count, but that is only an affirmative defense, and if the cops came knocking you could end up in jail.
If the feds came knocking you could in theory have medical backing behind your Amendment 64 rights in Colorado, but feds don't typically interfere when there is less than 99 plants. Just my .02 though, i am not a lawyer :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think what is messing up my thinking is that if I have a medical card I’m allowed to grow 6 plants and if I don’t get a medical card I can still grow 6 plants , it might make more since if I had a medical card and I could grow 12 plants ( 6 for having the card and 6 for being over 21 )

So the only advantage to having a medical card is the ability to go to the dispensary?
It really is pretty simple. Did you try google? Don't play around with the law based on assumptions.

You get 3 mature and 3 immature plants per 21+ year old in a residence. You do not get to double your plants if you have a card. Doctors can recommend more plants, but that does not change the law. It does offer an affirmative defense. That might not be enough to keep you out of court. It might be enough to keep you out of jail.

The advantage of having a card is less tax once they open rec stores, you get to carry around 2 ounces instead of 1.

I just renewed so I can get vape pen cartridges. I doubt I will renew again.


Well-Known Member
Yes and the joy of having your name on a list!
What is the problem?
This whole 'name on a list' thing is weird.
A list that by law can not be looked at by law enforcement. A list that I am happy to be on. There are over 100,000 people on that list. If the feds could see the list, they have already stated they won't do anything about it even if they had the resources.

What makes you believe that anything bad can become of being on a medical marijuana list? Why would the feds risk the little credibility they have by messing with medical marijuana users?

Sure they have gone after some dispensaries in CA, but I have not heard of any users being targeted.

In theory you could get a higher plant count, but that is only an affirmative defense, and if the cops came knocking you could end up in jail.
If the feds came knocking you could in theory have medical backing behind your Amendment 64 rights in Colorado, but feds don't typically interfere when there is less than 99 plants. Just my .02 though, i am not a lawyer :bigjoint:
The Feds said they do not care about a guy growing a few plants in the basement.
If you need to grow 50+ plants, I doubt you are trying to comply with any law.

I think weed should be regulated like tomatoes, but if you grow for yourself, three plants in veg and three in bloom can provide one with enough variety and weight to keep almost anyone happy.


Cause the feds care about their credibility, LoL.
The DEA (and other government) will get into things like this list and then make it so no one can say anything to the public about it.
I have no interest on being on a list for something that is still considered federally illegal, name address or otherwise. Or government is corrupt, and the less info i willing provide them with the better.
Obviously the feds wouldn't lie to us, lol. Because they said they wouldn't do anything with the list obviously means they won't, pretty naive of you trousers. I do not care what the feds claim they are interested in, because they are a lying entity just like the rest of out government.
Also many of us (myself included) give more of our harvest away than we keep, so 3/3 is not as plentiful as you may think.

When i stated that he would be allowed 12 with 6 or less flowering that was based on him and his wife each being able to grow their 6 for being over 21.


Well-Known Member
I understand your reasoning, but it doesn't mean you are right.
The DEA can not get into the list, period. Local police can not get into the list.
Even if they could, what are they going to do, lock up 100,000 people?
They have done nothing in CO except threaten a few dispensaries near schools.

The DEA would have to violate a bunch of laws to get a look at that list.

Naive? They said they have no interest in some guy growing weed in his basement, they also admitted they do not have the resources to go after small time growers. Are they lying to us to lull 100,000 people in to a false sense of security so they can later arrest all of us?

Not every one on the list grows. I doubt half the people that have red cards grow.
So the feds are going to go after a bunch of people that may have a small amount of marijuana in their possession?

With three plants and some 1,000 watt lights you could pull over 3 pounds every harvest.

I probably go through 2 ounces a month and still give away a lot of weed. I have one 600 watt light and 1 250 watt light. I grow three plants at a time. I could legally grow 6 mature and 6 immature as there are two adults in the household. (Too much work). I get around 20 ounces every 3.5 months. I need about 7 of those for me. That leaves me with 13 ounces. That is plenty.

If I upped my wattage from 850 total to 3,000 my yield would be huge. Too much work for me even with a motorized trimmer.
Don't get me wrong, I think a person should be able to grow 27,000 plants and sell the buds as they choose...

It is very easy to conform to the laws and grow more than enough weed.

The "list" becomes almost irrelevant next January anyway. Until then I can still go get shweet cartridges and edibles that are too time consuming for me to make.


We could certainly talk numbers if you really want, but my point was simply that for a lot of us 6/6 isn't as much as it seems like. 3 plants or 6 plants, same number of lights, same size room, yields aren't going to differ much (assuming you grow the 3 larger). I smoke basically what you grow myself, then i support 4 other heavy smokers in the family for free, plus when buddies need help. So you numbers really don't mean anything in my situation, and i know many others who do the same thing.
I will not trust the government enough to be on a (mmj) list, unless i am making 6 figures a year from it.


Well-Known Member
So Is there a definitive answer on how many plants? I was told by attorney that med card has nothing to do with Rec count. According to him A person who has their red card and is over 21 can legally possess 6 plants in veg and 6 in flower. I would love to hear from someone with other word or experience in this.


Well-Known Member
So Is there a definitive answer on how many plants?
RTFA (read the fucking amendment)
or the post I made above

I was told by attorney that med card has nothing to do with Rec count. According to him A person who has their red card and is over 21 can legally possess 6 plants in veg and 6 in flower. I would love to hear from someone with other word or experience in this.
That guy is a shit lawyer.

3 mature plants and 3 immature per person over 21 at a residence.
If you have a red card you can have 3 mature plants and 3 immature plants per person that has a red card.

Amendment 64 has nothing to do with medical marijuana and vice versa.
This isn't the freaking tax code, it is pretty simple.


Well-Known Member
Me: You smoke weed just like me. Why not get a card?

My Sister: I don't want my name on a list the government can open and be like, let's take out her"

Sums up a ton of people in this state. Maybe it's just me, but, people tend to be too paranoid about their buds.


Not buds, just family. CPS pretty well told me my red card made no difference to them at all, given that was before Amendment 64, but we are still criminals in their minds. Have a drink in front of your kid every single day of their life, smoking cigarettes in the car with the windows up and the kids in the back seat, these things are all perfectly acceptable in our society. Now smoke a little weed in the same house as them, where they can't even see you or access anything (like they can with the ciggs and alcohol) and you are a criminal. So the less they know about me and my situation the better.