Sprouted little leaves


Well-Known Member
i'm bettin your going to find out. leave em alone as much as possible, less is more kinda thing. were you taking seed helmut off?


Well-Known Member
So you messed up a cotyledon on a plant with more than one node? Assuming you didn't f'up the roots, I think you will be OK.


Lets see it. If its just a leaf youll be fine. Next time start out your seeds or sprouts in a solo cup so you can cut the cup and repot without having to mess with the plant itself too much


Well-Known Member
Don't know if you already do this or not, but make sure the dirt is super dried out when you transplant. Makes it way easier and then you can give her a nice a drink in her new pot when its done.


Well-Known Member
I have broken off a cotyledon, the plant recovered easily. I understood your plant already had more leaves? If so, there's no chance of tragic ending, calm down ;) Damaging the seed leaves isn't that bad if the plant has some new leaves.