I am a big fan of rejuvinating. The logic stated against rejuves is same as any person or animal giving anything more than one litter is sub- quality. I disagree, respectfully. "We" can do amazing things with plants that others cannot. You can begin with one seeds, & harvest 1,000's of 20%thc Lbs from it. via rejuves & cuttings. It's pros & cons. Cons, the stress caused by budding imposses ilrepairable damage to the what? The rooting system?, the stalk ?. No, it delets the overall virtility of the plants. Am I correct in your Jamacian logic? No disrespect intended, while drinking Red Strip beer. Americian beer sucks. In the quest of learning the key to growing the perfect plant, which lead to the perfect health of the plant... the perfect living soil, trillions of well fed Microbes. That's the goal, creating a perfect breeding ground (pun intended) to give the babies & Ladies exactly what is need. I dicovered that, like humans & animals, plants have a built-in immunity system. This, alone, opened big doors. In your mind, place yourself in a prison cage. Me, 5 flat. What is the 3 top priorities? #1; survivial. #2. freedom. #3. reproduction. Plants & animals have the same priorties, exactly the same. Crowd a rooting system of a babby, she will morph to male... that plant knows that without the freedom to grow a proper rooting system, she cannot have a sucessful full term reproduction, so it reverts to at least sowing seeds, ie; pollonating, less space, shorter time,..survivial. Point, the 3 priorities does not change after the first season. Pros. The rooting system & complete is already existing. Forget it if you destroy the immunity system by main-linning meth or using Chems, both destroy the immunity system. However, if the soil is healthy (key word "heal") you can rejuve in half the time with a greater harvestet, better, bigger bud. If the Sun shined 24/7, the Ladies would continually Veg, I say, easy, 3years veg is easy. 20 harvest off one Lady. Why not?