911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I do not believe in a big conspiracy... and to me... 'dropping the ball' is simply making a mistake... it wasn't a "mistake' it was incompetence... Having a foreign intelligence agency inform the CIA- and the CIA director tells the President IN THE COMPANY OF OTHERS that he has received this info and is told "ok- you did your job- now sit down and shut up"....

That's not conspiracy- it is just the fact that an ignorant self-important ASS was running our Country at the wrong time in history....

Drop the ball!? F*** no..
he handed it to them with a bow on it!

Conspiracy?? No- that would mean he was paying attention to the info and intentionally used that info to allow it to happen... that would imply intelligence and forethought--- neither of which he had. He just was so arrogant that he didn't believe (or want to believe) that anyone would DARE try to attack the U.S on HIS watch....


New Member
there's nothing anti semetic about it ... alot of whistle blower's have come out but as the population is as close minded as you . people still believe the white house's version of the story ...


Well-Known Member
there's nothing anti semetic about it ... alot of whistle blower's have come out but as the population is as close minded as you . people still believe the white house's version of the story ...
i read enough of that rambling clusterfuck of so called "facts" and the only thing even slightly linking anything is that they're jews.

but of course thats enough for dribbling fuckwits like yourself to lap it all up a few references to "shady jews" and idiots just like you foget to check if it even makes sense


New Member
i read enough of that rambling clusterfuck of so called "facts" and the only thing even slightly linking anything is that they're jews.

but of course thats enough for dribbling fuckwits like yourself to lap it all up a few references to "shady jews" and idiots just like you foget to check if it even makes sense
it doesn't matter that their jews its the link with mossad all the idiots think it was was the middle eastern's ... the war going on right now is illegal and everyone know's it thats the main point .


New Member
i read enough of that rambling clusterfuck of so called "facts" and the only thing even slightly linking anything is that they're jews.

but of course thats enough for dribbling fuckwits like yourself to lap it all up a few references to "shady jews" and idiots just like you foget to check if it even makes sense
and ok dude all these year's later and you still have your head in the sand


New Member
that link has a list of name's surely you can then put the dot's together .. it has some pretty thorough info and anyone can easily understand what the motive was


Well-Known Member
it doesn't matter that their jews its the link with mossad all the idiots think it was was the middle eastern's ... the war going on right now is illegal and everyone know's it thats the main point .
and ok dude all these year's later and you still have your head in the sand
lol you have try to reply to me twice?

you seem to have your head squarely lodged up your own arse there mate. ive spent the last 11 years looking at the real evidence. i didnt settle for an anti semitic fucking forum post as my evidence i needed something bit better than that

of course if your personal intellect limits you to accepting such drivel as the "only evidence you need" then double gold stars on your spheshal board for fucking trying but dont presume to infer others are misinformed
