911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
that link has a list of name's surely you can then put the dot's together .. it has some pretty thorough info and anyone can easily understand what the motive was
pure unadulterated anti semitism is the motive of the op of that link and your motive for linking it her


New Member
pure unadulterated anti semitism is the motive of the op of that link and your motive for linking it her
LOL do some research please . i linked the most simplistic bit of info i could find , if your calling me anti semetic for that you sir have been conditioned by the media .


Well-Known Member

lol you have try to reply to me twice?

you seem to have your head squarely lodged up your own arse there mate. ive spent the last 11 years looking at the real evidence. i didnt settle for an anti semitic fucking forum post as my evidence i needed something bit better than that

of course if your personal intellect limits you to accepting such drivel as the "only evidence you need" then double gold stars on your spheshal board for fucking trying but dont presume to infer others are misinformed

Hey Ginja, since you are a self professed expert on all things 911. What do you make of building # 7?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ginja, since you are a self professed expert on all things 911. What do you make of building # 7?
you mean the building that had a skyscraper fall on it then uncontrolled fires with a subsequent collapse?

dunno perhaps you could use it for hardcore of sorts maybe recycle the steelwork


Well-Known Member
well gee dude, who has the most to gain from an extended conflict in the middle east? It certainly isn't the USA, we have already spent ourselves into a great debt.
your assuming ​that monetary gain was the desire behind the intent


New Member
as i said before enjoy your slumber and ill enjoy having my own thought's and not those of what the tv tells me to think lol because that's how you sound , anyone who talk's the truth about the people who have infiltrated our government's get's labelled a anti semite by the western media ,,

hmm and let's a take a guess why ay ?

first of ,the biggest new's company's of the western world are associated press and reuters ,(there where all other new's company's get most of there new's)
and let's look at the family who own's both of them top new's company's...
if you do your research your'l realise the rothschild's own them both .... and the rothschild's are jewish ....
so why do you think anyone who talk's the truth get's labelled a anti semite by the media ???

so you sir are manipulated by the media to say your little brainwashed comment's yes these are only a few little fact's but if you had actually done your research we would not be having this argument

and your on a thread for alternatives to what happened on 911 so take your close mindedness somewhere else

oh and btw rothschild also own cbs nbc msnbc cnn etc so please come back after you have done your research (rokefeller also have share's to but that's just even more evidence to why they label people as anti semite's for trying to expose them

as i said these are a small amount of facts im not going to right you a 200 page essay explaining there plot so do with them what you will . take them do your own research and your'l find out that its not a "conspiracy" lol and im not anti semetic ..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Regardless of whether some or all of the story is true or not true, the incident was used to shrink liberty and expand USA imperialism.


Well-Known Member
you mean the building that had a skyscraper fall on it then uncontrolled fires with a subsequent collapse?

dunno perhaps you could use it for hardcore of sorts maybe recycle the steelwork
A skyscraper fell on it? Prove that a skyscraper fell on it, I see the building standing and then collapse, nothing falls on it whatsoever. If instead you mean to exaggerate by a HUGE amount and that a very small piece of the tower fell on it causing some very minor damage to the facade, then you would be correct, but since the outside of building #7 is not a part of the support structure and is nothing more than a pretty covering, its destruction would have no effect on the integrity of the building.

You can't have a building fall at near free fall speed unless all support is taken out at the same time, fires on 4 or 5 floors out of 40 cannot cause it, so what did?

Play a game of Jenga


New Member
i can't stand when people do little or no research and they come of acting like they know lol i bet you sit down plop your feet up every night and watch the evening new's with dinner ? @ the guy who called me anti semetic


New Member
well gee dude, who has the most to gain from an extended conflict in the middle east? It certainly isn't the USA, we have already spent ourselves into a great debt.

hmm and if were on the same page here i would say isreal .. as you said america certanally has nothing to gain what's that debt at now ? 16 trill ? nearly ?


Well-Known Member
A skyscraper fell on it? Prove that a skyscraper fell on it,

we been here before...
I see the building standing and then collapse, nothing falls on it whatsoever.
is that because your an idiot?
If instead you mean to exaggerate by a HUGE amount and that a very small piece of the tower fell on it causing some very minor damage to the facade, then you would be correct,
a small piece of a very big tower is still a fucking large piece

that with the added gift of the part building 7 caught had been falling several hundred feet more than just "minor damage" occoured
but since the outside of building #7 is not a part of the support structure and is nothing more than a pretty covering, its destruction would have no effect on the integrity of the building.
your actually getting close here the internal supports failed first as evidenced by the penthouse falling first leaving your "pretty covering to fall
You can't have a building fall at near free fall speed unless all support is taken out at the same time, fires on 4 or 5 floors out of 40 cannot cause it, so what did?

Play a game of Jenga
as the collapse of the penthouse shows the building was collapsing long before the facade went


Well-Known Member
i can't stand when people do little or no research and they come of acting like they know lol i bet you sit down plop your feet up every night and watch the evening new's with dinner ? @ the guy who called me anti semetic
i also strongly inferred you were an idiot:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
we been here before...
is that because your an idiot?

a small piece of a very big tower is still a fucking large piece

that with the added gift of the part building 7 caught had been falling several hundred feet more than just "minor damage" occoured

your actually getting close here the internal supports failed first as evidenced by the penthouse falling first leaving your "pretty covering to fall

as the collapse of the penthouse shows the building was collapsing long before the facade went
tin foil hat people will believe ANYTHING that fits in to their world views. People fucking believe using a little plant spritzer with vinegar will somehow go up several thousand metres into the sky and neutralize "chemtrails", its like people don't understand the concept of distance or logics. Its game over man


New Member
haha ok . i have only stated fact's .. so how can that be idiotic ? your the retard .. who doe's no research but sit's on a activist sorta thread on the internet denying stuff that's true lol one word to describe people like you and that is 'sheeple' you do no research of your own and you get spoon fed your information through your nightly new's

witch all the main media outlet's i stated above are owned by the rothschild this is a fact << google it you idiot


New Member
im not a tin foil hat person i don't believe everything i hear i guess you another one who has done no research atall lol

and dude you have no experience working as a controlled demolition person so you have no idea ............................ many worker's have spoken out about how it look like a controlled demolition ..