911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
funny that you can deny stuff thats true just because you where taught to not be open minded about anything and where taught to listen instead of express , enjoy your head being bent over and put in the sand then as it's nice and in there zibneiw will give you his 12 in penis balls deep untill you promise not to believe in these wild theory's these "nut jobs" believe hahaha


Well-Known Member
The people on this site confuse the hell out of me.

You would think on a cannabis site, people would be open minded and interested in the truth... But that is not the case here - the majority that openly post here are zealots that have been brainwashed by the media and US education system... The are unable to think for themselves.

Don't disturb their little perfect red, white, and blue world... If you do, you'll be labeled anti-Semitic, a troll, or crazy. The truth hurts their tiny pussys.
Post facts. We are discussing facts. Give some if you have any.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
research is what i have to say and prove me wrong ...
"research" is not reading the loony-tunes blog posts of people who blame the jew conspiracy when their morning shit isnt the propper white man's colour, nor does "research" involve watching youtube videos in your underpants.

all your claims are either complete fallacies which only make sense after you have gone down your personal rabbit hole, or are such obvious statements of fact as to be banal, but only you can see how sinister the Jews really are.

jews own many businesses, jews also are heavily involved in the entertainment industry and the media. jews also are deeply involved in the manufacture of jewelry, the buying and selling of commodities, particularly gold and diamonds, and jews are deeply involved in the financial industry.

none of this is a result of conspiracy. it is in the jewish character. 2000 years of being thrown out of country after country has resulted in a jewish character which values knowlege, expertise, portable wealth, and the performing arts, since these things GO WITH YOU when you get ejected from the latest country you called home.

read the merchant of venice (shakespeare, written in the 16th century) . jews have been moneylenders for CENTURIES because a moneylender can pack up his money and run, while a farmer really cant roll up his farm, tuck it in a cart and take off down the road.

ill leave it at that, you think about that for a while, then re-evaluate your conspiracies through the eyes of somebody who has been kicked out of every country his people ever lived in, with only what they can carry. if you have a functional brain you may derive some enlightenment, and it wont even require "research", just thought.


New Member
"research" is not reading the loony-tunes blog posts of people who blame the jew conspiracy when their morning shit isnt the propper white man's colour, nor does "research" involve watching youtube videos in your underpants.

all your claims are either complete fallacies which only make sense after you have gone down your personal rabbit hole, or are such obvious statements of fact as to be banal, but only you can see how sinister the Jews really are.

jews own many businesses, jews also are heavily involved in the entertainment industry and the media. jews also are deeply involved in the manufacture of jewelry, the buying and selling of commodities, particularly gold and diamonds, and jews are deeply involved in the financial industry.

none of this is a result of conspiracy. it is in the jewish character. 2000 years of being thrown out of country after country has resulted in a jewish character which values knowlege, expertise, portable wealth, and the performing arts, since these things GO WITH YOU when you get ejected from the latest country you called home.

read the merchant of venice (shakespeare, written in the 16th century) . jews have been moneylenders for CENTURIES because a moneylender can pack up his money and run, while a farmer really cant roll up his farm, tuck it in a cart and take off down the road.

ill leave it at that, you think about that for a while, then re-evaluate your conspiracies through the eyes of somebody who has been kicked out of every country his people ever lived in, with only what they can carry. if you have a functional brain you may derive some enlightenment, and it wont even require "research", just thought.
omg you dont read i said ages ago this is not all about jews im trying to say that your country is defending isreal and giving them aid .. your misinterpreting what im saying ..........


New Member
then fliping it round like im wrong you people really need to think for yourselfs your like a gang of sheep all working together to defend your herder


Well-Known Member
Why do people believe in highly improbable conspiracies? Conspiracy theories connect the dots of random events into meaningful patterns and then then infuse those patterns with intentional agency Add to those propensities the confirmation bias (which seeks and finds confirmatory evidence for what we already believe) and the hindsight bias (which tailors after-the-fact explanations to what we already know happened), and we have the foundation of conspiratorial cognition. Mostly from stupid people.
How deluded does somemone have to be to believe that people will hijack a plane, commit suicide and kill thousands just because they hate our freedoms?


New Member
"research" is not reading the loony-tunes blog posts of people who blame the jew conspiracy when their morning shit isnt the propper white man's colour, nor does "research" involve watching youtube videos in your underpants.

all your claims are either complete fallacies which only make sense after you have gone down your personal rabbit hole, or are such obvious statements of fact as to be banal, but only you can see how sinister the Jews really are.

jews own many businesses, jews also are heavily involved in the entertainment industry and the media. jews also are deeply involved in the manufacture of jewelry, the buying and selling of commodities, particularly gold and diamonds, and jews are deeply involved in the financial industry.

none of this is a result of conspiracy. it is in the jewish character. 2000 years of being thrown out of country after country has resulted in a jewish character which values knowlege, expertise, portable wealth, and the performing arts, since these things GO WITH YOU when you get ejected from the latest country you called home.

read the merchant of venice (shakespeare, written in the 16th century) . jews have been moneylenders for CENTURIES because a moneylender can pack up his money and run, while a farmer really cant roll up his farm, tuck it in a cart and take off down the road.

ill leave it at that, you think about that for a while, then re-evaluate your conspiracies through the eyes of somebody who has been kicked out of every country his people ever lived in, with only what they can carry. if you have a functional brain you may derive some enlightenment, and it wont even require "research", just thought.

omg ino it's not a fucking conspiracy iv been trying to say that for ages but being ladled a anti semite in the mean time ....

jew's have control over educational sytems and governments and the media this is not a conpiracy it is a open fact it is only a conspiracy to thoes who have their head in the sand

iv been trying to say this for like an hour now ....


New Member
How deluded does somemone have to be to believe that people will hijack a plane, commit suicide and kill thousands just because they hate our freedoms?
exactly what the fuck would they gain from it nothing ..............................


New Member
but the people who actually did it did have a lot to gain a whole lot .............official story is a spoof how did these people pull that of ... if you think a untrained person could accurately fly into the world trade then you are retarded


Well-Known Member
How deluded does somemone have to be to believe that people will hijack a plane, commit suicide and kill thousands just because they hate our freedoms?
its because they were fundamentally religious (islam in this case)

your "freedoms" were incidental to that


Well-Known Member
I think that people just cannot believe that an underground terrorist group got the jump on us so badly and that our government was too incompetent to stop it. So people invent a conspiracy.
Got the jump on us? Were talking MEGA FAILURE of every defense component the government has, TOTAL FAILURE. ANd not just failure in the beginning, total failure throughout the entire ordeal.

The only way the government could be that incompetent was by purposeful action.


New Member
now for instance if i where to say hitler did not finish the job then that would be straight up hate toward's jewish people but im not one of thoes kinds of people i just have an interest in the rothschild's vast amount of cash and control they have they are a truly smart family to get themselves where they are today . hat's of to them as for the the other stuff im not anti semetic nor a conspiracy theorist lol just have an interest in what's actually going on as opposed to going and voting like a true sheep lol


New Member
freedom of expression is what separates men from sheep (or animals) so why can we not all do so without fear of scrutiny from people who have not done any research apart from what there shiny box tells them before dinner every night


New Member
and the links to mossad being involded in 911 are there so believe what you will

i personally believe that the war's going on now are illegal 911 was used as a front for them to gain control over even more of the world and to get the lithium and oil of course .. these are fact's not theory's lol ...