400w MH & HPS ~ 4 plant Blue Cheese ~ ScroG


Well-Known Member
Those are very frosty already. I like when even the tops of the leaves
start to pile up! Very good canopy too. That might just solidify.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
LOL....."turn into one gigantic bud"


When I see growth that dense, it is fun to imagine that it just
might fill in completely.

It is important to dream!



Active Member
Got a good feeling about this one CP, think positive buddy ;)

KC :weed:
Hope so buddy. Just gotta keep on keepin' on I guess.
Here's a few on day 34 cause I'm once again, bored as hell.

Trying to be artsy fartsy. Thought it'd make a cool avatar or some shit..


Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Love it, if you don't mind me asking CP, what Camera do you use?, thinking I need to up my Photography game, camera Ive got is a cheap Samsung effort about 8 years old ?


Well-Known Member
Looking excellent man, makes me wish I was further along with my op ... :). Keep it coming, should be a bountiful harvest!

KC :weed:


Active Member
Looking excellent man, makes me wish I was further along with my op ... :). Keep it coming, should be a bountiful harvest!

KC :weed:
I'm starting to wish I had a 2nd hood and ballast for my MH bulb. Really keep things moving along..

Love it, if you don't mind me asking CP, what Camera do you use?, thinking I need to up my Photography game, camera Ive got is a cheap Samsung effort about 8 years old ?
Didn't realize it until after I posted the pics, but looks as though photobucket made them huge! Pretty distorted and blurred now..
Why would I mind you asking? It's a Canon Powershot G3 with a seperate macro lens I use for the close ups.


Well-Known Member
Looking good CPM.

Patience is the key. The best answer to so many things that
come up is "do nothing", but you are in the long middle part.

I gained a lot of patience from amateur mycology, but my solution
there was, in part, to have a lot of experiments going on.

This will have to wait for the sun, I suppose.

...if I could run four tents....fuck!


Good luck,



Active Member
Sounds great until you have them all aet-up and have staggered harvests in each one :shock:. It is a lot of fun though running what you want pretty much when you want it bongsmilie

KC :weed:
Sounds like my last grow where I stuck 6 strains in one tent. Was next to impossible trying to keep multiple plants of multiple strains all on the same page.

looks great man, just read thru it. you should get a good harvest, im guessing anywhere from a qp to hp
I appreciate you stopping in. I can tell you're a man of experience, so your vote of confidence really does mean a lot to me.


Active Member
Patience is the key. The best answer to so many things that
come up is "do nothing", but you are in the long middle part.

I just had to bump this quote to help put my mind at ease. I have this overwhelming feeling that my scrog has stalled. The buds don't seem to be progressing in the least.. Yesterday was the final day of week 5 on 12/12, and my nugs seem rather small (for this stage) and are neglecting to fatten up any further.
But alas, I shall continue waiting and following my feeding schedule.


Active Member
Was reading through some threads and just put my own worries to rest.
I am at week 5 of 12/12.. not week 5 of flower. Technically, I'm only at week 3 of flower..
So looking at people's pics that say "week 5 of flower", which make me cry when comparing to my plants.. I'm just confused as to my weeks.
*whew* Now I feel better.. Only downfall is instead of a projected harvest of mid May, now I'm looking at a harvest the first week of June.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
I agree CP someone, I think it was Kite high, ( a good grower ) made a thread about how he only started counting the flowering days after 2 weeks had passed from when he '' flipped '' the hours to 12/12, his thinking being that it took the plant 2 weeks to adjust its hormones over to a flowering state of mind ( do plants have a mind ? ) anyway it seemed like reasonable logic to me and that's what I'll be doing from now on as well.


Active Member
Gotta learn as we go..
Or should I say,"Learn as we grow."

I'm just going to amend my future updates to something like:
May 1st ~ Day 42 of 12/12 (week 6), day 28 of flower (week 4)

Very specific on all fronts. Save myself any confusion..


Well-Known Member
I agree CP someone, I think it was Kite high, ( a good grower ) made a thread about how he only started counting the flowering days after 2 weeks had passed from when he '' flipped '' the hours to 12/12, his thinking being that it took the plant 2 weeks to adjust its hormones over to a flowering state of mind ( do plants have a mind ? ) anyway it seemed like reasonable logic to me and that's what I'll be doing from now on as well.
I manage to eliminate most of this `adjustment stage` for the plant by giving 36 hours of darkness before turning the lights on for their 12/12. I see preflowers and resin in the first week (if not in veg for some keepers).

KC :weed:


Active Member
KC, have you heard of giving the plants a 50 hour dark period before harvesting? Something about the dark period speeding along the drying process.. ?
or something, I forget.