The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
@iindikat, lol , thought u might ! IDE love a bit of land & a little house miles from any cunt ! Ain't gonna get it working hard that's 4 cunting sure !

yep thats the plan

indoor grow with 6 lights running a monthy thrun around ( 2 lights at a time )
also to supplement the cost then theres the outdoor , theres the plot of land i live on that will have a 3-4 monsters grown on it this year strain unknown as yet , most likely M39 , then theres the woods which is a dead end , the paths that do run though go to nowt so although we are having people coming and going its only dog walkers , given the topography is hilly as a bastard and the woods either side of these paths a private then theres a degree of security growing there , plan is about 30 to 50 plants with approx 10 males as most are clones spread over vrs areas , this should alone pay the rent and given its 20 grand a year i need to be on it thats for sure

tried working for others for years , walked the structure of middle management and all that bullshit , cant get on with the abstract stupidity shown on a collective basis and tend to get stroppy call everyone cunts and walk out , mix in a smudge of psychotic behavior and a few pills to chill me the fuck out then this means im almost unemployable , not interested in being a drain on society so ive changed my name and simply dropped out , im under the radar and only bob to the surface when needed to , fuck working for the man for 50 years for a clock and a grave marker , i wake when i want and im off to las vegas again next year because i can , lifes interesting living this way , work is hard and long for sure but at least you know what you earn you earn without the 30% cut to someone else


Well-Known Member

fish in the sea taken from the room 7 floors up , i just love this camera


talking of fish fingers ,,,, 8 am , the walk of shame , woke to find some fella furiously fingering his bird in the sea outside our window ,,, good lad


Well-Known Member
u still chatting shit moggys? we all nkow YOUR the blonde in that pic..

i just ot me a 16 MP camera a fugitsu! or wateevr the fuk but all the same OMG wat a spankingly good picture,,!! keeping it real 1 snap at a time!


Well-Known Member
got absolutely nothing to do today, no people no shit to sort out, nothing hanging around in the background to cause stress, think ill be playin footie in the garden wiv me son an have a nice lunch, fuk ive nearly killed myself over the years wiv the stress of ambition an all the fukin unbelievable shit that goes wiv running something plus all the chemicals an booze to cope wiv the unremitting stress of other people. I am a changed man an better for it, but i still need a bit of stress in me life...plenty of that comin round the corner wiv an inspection loomin ha fukin ha


Well-Known Member
Morning slaves - fuck working hard, work smart! I'll be off to see my grandson again today after another nice lie in. It's all about replication :)
Get 5 hard workers put em together & take 15% off each, then do it again & again.


Well-Known Member
haha, that's basically what I do. I got IT engineers sitting in offices across Europe earning me a nice % while I tend to ma greens. Working smart is def the only way to work.


Well-Known Member
haha, that's basically what I do. I got IT engineers sitting in offices across Europe earning me a nice % while I tend to ma greens. Working smart is def the only way to work.
You're smart DST :)
I'm IT related too - I also buy/sell used motorbikes
Don't keep all your eggs in 1 basket


Well-Known Member
I've been getting into lately DST, if i get an IT job that's a bit over my head or boring I punt it out to some patels in india with a $100 budget then charge my UK punter up to 10x that, those patels certainly work hard & fast put put ting.
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Well-Known Member
indeed, that's why I decided to start up Breeders Boutique with some of the I have the odd dable in the Oil and Gas investments (I know, I hang my head in shame!)

You're smart DST :)
I'm IT related too - I also buy/sell used motorbikes
Don't keep all your eggs in 1 basket


Well-Known Member
it get's done by the big guys regularly, so why not. Most of my customers have progressively moved their locations around Europe as the investment funds are made available by the European Union and all the new member states gagging to get on the technology ladder...
Makes life a real chore!!

We do more what is called "detachering" over here. So when I get a project I hire the guys as employees and then charge them out on contractor rate, so 25% plus margin can easily be achieved. It's a bit riskier as you have to tighten up on contracts as people take sick days and want holiday pay and what not, but it's a tidy earner (when the big clients actually pay you!!!) cunts, the lot of em, haha.

I've been getting into lately DST, if i get an IT job that's a bit over my head or boring I punt it out to some patels in india with a $100 budget then charge my UK punter up to 10x that, those patels certainly work hard & fast put put ting.
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Well-Known Member
it get's done by the big guys regularly, so why not. Most of my customers have progressively moved their locations around Europe as the investment funds are made available by the European Union and all the new member states gagging to get on the technology ladder...
Makes life a real chore!!

We do more what is called "detachering" over here. So when I get a project I hire the guys as employees and then charge them out on contractor rate, so 25% plus margin can easily be achieved. It's a bit riskier as you have to tighten up on contracts as people take sick days and want holiday pay and what not, but it's a tidy earner (when the big clients actually pay you!!!) cunts, the lot of em, haha.
....yawn....puff....i just send me mrs out to work .......


Well-Known Member
....yawn....puff....i just send me mrs out to work .......
you are all on to it...nice, I get a news letter from a hedge fund manager and spread bet the info, shorting the yen dollar and shot selling gold has been lucrative, but if ya greedy you end up in an ambulance and loose yer house ooh the stories of it going mate lost everything and he was minted..wife didnt know he was spunkin the cash on a get rich quick bender wiv nothing but blind greed to inform him