This May Seem Like A Silly Question.......


Well-Known Member
i agree u would think stonners would be more relaxed. what would it matter what he grew it for? smoke not smoke / sell / giveaway. that reason does not matter to u he asked a simple question granted it cant be answerd because u will never know how gd it is till its smoked. guess my friend was right so many hot heads on this forum just chill answer if u can but no need to flame the guy geez...


i agree u would think stonners would be more relaxed. what would it matter what he grew it for? smoke not smoke / sell / giveaway. that reason does not matter to u he asked a simple question granted it cant be answerd because u will never know how gd it is till its smoked. guess my friend was right so many hot heads on this forum just chill answer if u can but no need to flame the guy geez...
Thanks....That's what I was thinking.


Well-Known Member
He could do that with buds.
Buds just bounce off, they don't go splat which is the fun part. And you can't throw them but maybe 15-20 feet so you have to stand right beside the road.

And I'm not flaming, just made a little joke.


Active Member
I didn't say I did it for the learning experience I said it was grown for the fun and enjoyment of growing. I used to grow Venus flytraps, I never smoked them or ate them and I still had fun, but as many of you have said in your own special way, each to their own............But thanks anyway !
Venus flytraps aren't completely illegal in most of the world. Except Bolivia. They hate flytraps down there.
Why risk so much over the experience? I don't understand.


Well-Known Member
Why yes my good man....I completly agree with you it is your right to grow anything you want for the pure enjoyment it may bring you and with that being said I must now take leave of this forum so I can retire to the dungeon and hit myself in the balls with a hammer........why you ask because I enjoy doing so


I'm not really sure why people take time out of their day to write things that are a waste of everyones time, I appreciate people have different opinions but as the saying goes "If you have nothing good to say don't say anything !"



Well-Known Member
I personally think he's a terrible troll. No one in their right mind would grow a plant that is illegal in just about every part of the WORLD if they weren't going to smoke it or sell it. Any adult with half a brain knows about cannabis and knows just how illegal it is. Why would he risk his freedom for the simple enjoyment of cultivating? There are thousands of different types of plants he can cultivate, some you can even eat! So my conclusion is...

1: Worst troll in the history of the internet
2: Exceedingly ignorant beyond my wildest imagination
3: LEO
4: All of the above


Well-Known Member
Maybe he lives in a place where it's legal. I'm not a big smokers, but I have friend who chain smoke blunts everyday all day long. One of my friends started growing and had too many plants and he gave me a couple to get within his limit. So that was my start. I like researching and learning, friends thought giving them to me would be a joke, until I started showing them my results. Now they keep checking in so they can sample my work. i thought it would be fun and i was good at growing shit. But i'm not investing all this time and money for the hell of it. I will be sampling my results. I started with one strain and now have seven strains, so I should have something i will like and something others will like as well. So grow for fun if you want to. Move to Wa. And you won't have to worry, just be happy!


Well-Known Member
Tell the cops that one while they bust you for cultivation. Their going to laugh their asses off, and you are going to jail. Grow tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he lives in a place where it's legal. I'm not a big smokers, but I have friend who chain smoke blunts everyday all day long. One of my friends started growing and had too many plants and he gave me a couple to get within his limit. So that was my start. I like researching and learning, friends thought giving them to me would be a joke, until I started showing them my results. Now they keep checking in so they can sample my work. i thought it would be fun and i was good at growing shit. But i'm not investing all this time and money for the hell of it. I will be sampling my results. I started with one strain and now have seven strains, so I should have something i will like and something others will like as well. So grow for fun if you want to. Move to Wa. And you won't have to worry, just be happy!
You can't legally grow in WA unless you have a medical card. The only place in the US where anyone can grow "legally" is Colorado.


Active Member
Technacally there's nowhere in the world where cannabis is legal with the exception of N. Korea. There are countrys that take a relaxed view on the law and some have decriminalized it. There are the medical states in the US, but federally it's still illegal. Even in the marijuana capital of Amsterdam it's still illegal, but decriminalized. Besides, if he did live in such an area I would think he would have mentioned it.


Well-Known Member
You can't legally grow in WA unless you have a medical card. The only place in the US where anyone can grow "legally" is Colorado.
Sorry, but you can be designated to grow for someone who has a card. You don't have to have a card yourself. You become their provider.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but you can be designated to grow for someone who has a card. You don't have to have a card yourself. You become their provider.
That still falls under Medical. Why would someone move all the way up there to do something they can do in what? 19 states? That was my point.

Maybe he lives in N. Korea. He didn't say he doesn't live there.
They don't have internet. :lol:


Well-Known Member
You think your asking a pretty straight forward simple question and you get this....
You won't know the quality until you or someone else samples it. Probably someone who has experience with other strains and has been smoking for a while so their opinion is more broad.

You're welcome


Active Member
mr2shim beat me to it. N. Korea is communist which I believe is why they don't have the internet. Maybe the goverment there does, but not the regular people.