911 Revisited Poll

911 Happened Because

  • Shit happened like they say...

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Someone dropped the ball...

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • They knew in advance but let it happen...

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • The official story is a fairytale...

    Votes: 20 57.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member

not fires alone, specifically,
......stuff you said..........by trucks and not collapse, and has been hit by trucks many times without collapsing.
My retort:

No, nu uh, nope, sorry, nope, no and No. Like I said, I provided proof to back up every claim, you provided nothing.

Now, as to the trying to compare something like 10 tons of steel to 200,000 tons of steel is indeed ad ridiculum.

Oh and BTW, Gasoline and diesel fuel are different, and burn at different temperatures. Diesel burns at 600F....Gasoline burns at 1054F


Look Over there!!

You proved ........ NOT A DAMN THING.

The driver of the truck, which was carrying 8,600 gallons of gasoline, was hospitalized with second-degree burns.


New Member
im also not saying it was your govt im saying that it was not al queada .. bin ladan was a cia asset back in the 90's that's an open fact .. it was not al queada it was rigged im not going to be the one to say who for sure but the white house lied to all the victim's family's and all you faketriot's are just making it easier on the people who clearly new in advanced what about norad for fuck sake how can you really still believe your govt with all this out in the open


New Member
and to ever's denying all this proof then you clearly get your information from a fucking donkey like jeez ... go research for yourself .......


New Member
there's so much evidence it's unreal and you don't go look it up ?? you expect us to give you hours of proof in a little comment ?? how about do some fucking research and turn of the tv .


Well-Known Member
im also not saying it was your govt im saying that it was not al queada .. bin ladan was a cia asset back in the 90's that's an open fact .. it was not al queada it was rigged im not going to be the one to say who for sure but the white house lied to all the victim's family's and all you faketriot's are just making it easier on the people who clearly new in advanced what about norad for fuck sake how can you really still believe your govt with all this out in the open
I'm not saying that you aren't saying that. I think we know that. I'm not saying that you're not saying, that I'm not saying because you are not saying anything but troll blatter. hahahaahahahah


Well-Known Member
My retort:

No, nu uh, nope, sorry, nope, no and No. Like I said, I provided proof to back up every claim, you provided nothing.

Now, as to the trying to compare something like 10 tons of steel to 200,000 tons of steel is indeed ad ridiculum.

Oh and BTW, Gasoline and diesel fuel are different, and burn at different temperatures. Diesel burns at 600F....Gasoline burns at 1054F


Look Over there!!

You proved ........ NOT A DAMN THING.
OK, please tell and I will trust you to your point of view....what is the point about Building 7? What does it say beyond it set a record for being a skyscraper brought down by fire? Seriously.

It was destroyed on purpose, by the theory....but why?


Well-Known Member
OK, please tell and I will trust you to your point of view....what is the point about Building 7? What does it say beyond it set a record for being a skyscraper brought down by fire? Seriously.

It was destroyed on purpose, by the theory....but why?
WTC 7 contained all the legal files and evidence of all the SEC litigation at the time. Trillion$ were at stake here.

$300 billion in gold bars.

Who knows what else.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
My retort:

No, nu uh, nope, sorry, nope, no and No. Like I said, I provided proof to back up every claim, you provided nothing.

Now, as to the trying to compare something like 10 tons of steel to 200,000 tons of steel is indeed ad ridiculum.

Oh and BTW, Gasoline and diesel fuel are different, and burn at different temperatures. Diesel burns at 600F....Gasoline burns at 1054F


Look Over there!!

You proved ........ NOT A DAMN THING.

gasoline burns at 495 degrees in open air.
diesel burns at 410 in open air.
lowly coal,burns at 800-1000 degrees
even charcoal produces more heat than either gasoline or diesel in open air burning.

your claims of gasoline's 1054 degree blast furnace level heat is impossible without a refactory or high pressures. with such a refactory, like say... a concrete and steel highrise, even natural gas, diesel or lowly charcoal can develop sufficient heat to melt steel which none of these can do in open air.

but thats the core of the Troofer's assertions. steel does not have to be MELTED to be softened, and when softened it can cause a building to collapse, much in the way the stick of gum that comes with baseball cards can be used as a weapon, but once you have gnawed on it for a while it becomes a shapeless mass which can be blown into an impressively large air filled sphere.

see thats why you can walk on a lake's surface in the dead of winter, but come august that same lake simply will not support your weight. the water only got like 20 degrees warmer and it lost all ability to hold it's shape or support a load.

metals can do the same thing, but most require much higher temperatures (except mercury)

i dont have to prove that diesel fires COULD cause a collaspe of a steel framed structure, or even that a wood fire of sufficent size could do it. it's simply a fact. steel doesnt need THAT much heat to soften, anyone who ever used an acetylene torch can tell you that, and when it's under a load, softening causes the steel to fail, and the structure WILL fall.

what you really do need to prove, because it is an outre' and bizarre claim, is that the cia,, mossad, the us congress, the fbi, or 7 foot lizard aliens hatched a plot to destroy the world trade center towers and building 7 so some jewish guy could collect the insurance money...

im still not entirely clear which crazt theory you are espousing, save that you are indeed espousing ONE of them at least.

the main bee in your bonnet seems to be the assertion (which is WROOOONG!!!!) that the NIST declared WTC7 fell down because of ordinary office furniture fires with no other contributing factor, which you then demolish, as it stands there helpless and impotent like any good strawman should.

maybe you dont get the "strawman" idea. it's not a scarecrow or a fiction for it's own purposes. the "strawman" is actually more like this:

so when somebody says strawman, think "inflatable punch clown" instead.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
there's so much evidence it's unreal and you don't go look it up ?? you expect us to give you hours of proof in a little comment ?? how about do some fucking research and turn of the tv .
Still not grasping the whole "reply with quote" thing i see.

also, "jeez, its obvious, go do research" is just a ridiculous cop out. it means you cannot answer the question and instead simply accuse the questioner of being dumb.

if you cannot answer a question about WHY you believe something, then the obvious reason WHY you believe something is "because somebody told me shit and i believed them" which would make YOU the idiot


Primus: the government says marijuana is a deadly drug, and i will die if i use it,, why do you use marijuana?

Secundus: because despite smoking marijuana for DECADES i am still not dead,, nor am i a hopeless useless drug addict lying in the gutter, and i have never once sucked anyone's dick for pot.

in contrast, heres the same question when answered in the manner you prefer:

Primus: the government says marijuana is a deadly drug, and i will die if i use it,, why do you use marijuana?

Secundus: Fuck you dumbass, go do your own research,, jeez youre stupid you cant believe the TV,, go to hell you moron.


Well-Known Member
the sound of the explosion if you listen carefully (slow the video down as the explosion happen's you can quite easily tell that you hear several little explosions not just one boom of the jet fuel exploding ... please keep replying your actually quite funny to to wind up .. are you a faketriot ? loving a country that's destroying innocent people's live's ? please defend the white houses story all you want can even read it before bed just so you know every line it still doesn't make it true
Tell me, where did you learn what the sound is supposed to sound like?


Well-Known Member
WTC 7 contained all the legal files and evidence of all the SEC litigation at the time. Trillion$ were at stake here.

$300 billion in gold bars.

Who knows what else.
What kind of bullshit is this? Even in 2001 I assure you they had most of their files in electronic systems, and regardless, most of the files you're referring to are probably in Washington anyway, and then scattered throughout the country in other regional SEC offices.

As for precious metals, I think you're talking about the wrong building. A quick Google search has all the conspiracy web sites talking about World Trade Center 4 in that context, not World Trade Center 7. Of course, those metals were all recovered, so there's nothing there anyway.

These are pretty shoddy motivations. So who was responsible? Business interests trying to impede SEC investigations? Metals traders trying to drive futures prices up?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
What kind of bullshit is this? Even in 2001 I assure you they had most of their files in electronic systems, and regardless, most of the files you're referring to are probably in Washington anyway, and then scattered throughout the country in other regional SEC offices.

As for precious metals, I think you're talking about the wrong building. A quick Google search has all the conspiracy web sites talking about World Trade Center 4 in that context, not World Trade Center 7. Of course, those metals were all recovered, so there's nothing there anyway.

These are pretty shoddy motivations. So who was responsible? Business interests trying to impede SEC investigations? Metals traders trying to drive futures prices up?
Yarrrrr Twer PIRATES! Recoverin their hidden booty!!

Some scurvy dog built the World Trade Center atop their Plunder so they laid a few cannonade agin' their timbers and sent 'em tae the briny deep!

When they dropped them towers and spotted their course what be in their path but WTC7! So up they ran the guns,, and brought that one low too, by "CANNON FIRE ALONE"!

Once they had secured their spoils, 'twas back to fabled Tortuga for wenching and debauchery till they set forth on their next High Seas Adventure!

And this makes much more sense than Troofing.


Well-Known Member
Yarrrrr Twer PIRATES! Recoverin their hidden booty!!

Some scurvy dog built the World Trade Center atop their Plunder so they laid a few cannonade agin' their timbers and sent 'em tae the briny deep!

When they dropped them towers and spotted their course what be in their path but WTC7! So up they ran the guns,, and brought that one low too, by "CANNON FIRE ALONE"!

Once they had secured their spoils, 'twas back to fabled Tortuga for wenching and debauchery till they set forth on their next High Seas Adventure!

And this makes much more sense than Troofing.
Highly entertaining. :lol:

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

It be all there if ye open your eye tae see it matey!!

Ohh Aye, a chilling tale indeed ye lubbers.

"When There's Treasure In The Ground, There's Murder In The Air"

Truer words hae ne'er been spake by any Buccaneer!

If'n ye dare say me tale be untrue, tis likely ye works for THEM, and by them i be meanin, the Spanish Crown!


Well-Known Member
WTC 7 contained all the legal files and evidence of all the SEC litigation at the time. Trillion$ were at stake here.

$300 billion in gold bars.

Who knows what else.
What else:

Multi trillion dollar wars and the money the companies supplying the weapons get to use to pad profit margins (which are absurd thanks to no bid contracts).

Multi billion/trillion dollar security industry growth.

Political agenda too. Pure power grab initiated on peoples fears. Because governments always want to be more authoritarian. It's a matter of protecting power. And that's a governments first job. No political scientist would argue as much, which is why many were disturbed by the power grab after 9/11. But most were too scared to be completely objective. The implications are staggering.

I'm pretty sure we're all completely fucked regardless. It will take generations to change peoples mentality. Most are hopelessly caught up in their own bullshit and believe it too.


Well-Known Member
What else:

Multi trillion dollar wars and the money the companies supplying the weapons get to use to pad profit margins (which are absurd thanks to no bid contracts).

Multi billion/trillion dollar security industry growth.

Political agenda too. Pure power grab initiated on peoples fears. Because governments always want to be more authoritarian. It's a matter of protecting power. And that's a governments first job. No political scientist would argue as much, which is why many were disturbed by the power grab after 9/11. But most were too scared to be completely objective. The implications are staggering.

I'm pretty sure we're all completely fucked regardless. It will take generations to change peoples mentality. Most are hopelessly caught up in their own bullshit and believe it too.
I still don't get it. We don't a govt, like this. We have a rabid and unfettered press. They see their job to bring down anyone they can. Talk about big bucks and set for life. OTH, lies and lies about lies are as simple as an open mouth.
If there is anything to this the press would not cover it up. And we don't have a closed in Parlimatary Crown govt. with a clamped press and no real freedom of speech. We don't have hate speech here, for example. Only hate, ACTIONS are crimes.

So, does anyone stop to think about the troofer agenda? The Hate Bush smear? The payback for Gore? The after reaction....way after, for hitting Iraq and not sticking with the Afgans?

And I am not fucked. The 2nd A and the 9th is still valid in my life.