What was your most painful "Self-induced" grow mistake?


Virtually Unknown Member
Not taking into serious consideration how pungent the smell can be outside or how far it can be detected. Got ripped.


Well-Known Member
Not pot related but.....
As a contractor, cut down a tree in a city centre.
Wrong tree......

Still to come...My mate who makes BHO in his kitchen.


Well-Known Member
p.s. I will never forget standing with the council guy, looking at this stump, about 6" left sticking out of the ground and a tiny sucker coming out of the side. I just pointed at it and said "see, it'll grow back". "In a hundred fucking years maybe" he said. Had major shit over that one!


Active Member
I had a really shitty light cause a fire in a room. there was dirty soot shit all over errything. i had to kill em all. they were coated in blackshit.

i dont put shit out there that would harm my rep


Active Member
Had some bugs flying around the grow room. Used neem oil and forgot to shut off the lights. Fried 3 four foot plants that were ready to flower..
Mine was, Eyes being bigger than my brain. :shock:

I already had my own plants but was off to a slow start, all my girls were only about 12in or less and a "nice" guy I knew needed to move and offered me 2 absolutely beautiful and huge plants 2 different strains for free if I would give a few grams off whatever I got. He let me know they have been a bit neglected, he said just a little under watered and needed some nutes, possibly a transplant. My eyes saw at least 20 clones I could cut immediately from both plants and have them already be 6+inches tall. I had played around with cloning and had just gotten it down. I figured I'd clean them up, check them for bugs (even though this organics expert assured me they were clean) give them a week or two to heal and put them in flower while the clones rooted. So I agreed and he said he would bring them later that night.

The night comes, he shows up, brings them in and in a hurry has to go. It was late so I left the plants sitting in my living room and figured I'd double check them and clean them up in the morning. Morning comes and I'm picking off dead leaves for about 5 minutes before I see some mold. He had warned earlier on that they may have a tad bit of un harmful white mold from the leaves drying out etc. and being in a basement for a few days (this guy ran a store and claimed to be an organics expert, I was a mostly new grower happy to be learning so I trusted him) but the mold I saw was brown or blackish. Me not knowing anything about fusarium wilt or fungus and molds I just kept cleaning them up. I picked off every dead leaf and every leaf with any speckles of black spots.
678A0462.jpgthe night they came (sorry for the bad lighting)
Next is around the bottom of the plant. I'm picking up dead leaves from the bottom and start seeing red mites. THESE guys I recognized. I immediately quarantined them to the bath tub and began a foliar and flushing treatment. I called him and told him what I found. He seemed sorry and offered to get me some better stuff for treatment. I didnt hear from him again. After about a week in the tub I noticed another type of bug in the soil. I thought it was a white mite but I crushed it and put it under a microscope and it was a THRIP! I couldnt even believe it. So I switched to a different treatment that was better for thrips and tied garbage bags around the plant with neem at the stem to keep bugs in/out and from getting in/out and while I didnt kill them all, didnt see more than 2 or 3 in the next weeks time. The next weeks I continued to loose leaves at an alarming rate. I figured stress from all the treatments etc. and because they stayed in the bathroom under natural sunlight through an open window because I didnt want to risk contaminating my flower room and cloning chamber.

One day they would look fantastic 678A0470.jpgand I didnt see any bugs so I would consider moving them but then the next day 4 or 5 more leaves would be black and dead. I didnt know if the bugs were still there sucking leaves or something or what was going on. Well, in the beginning of my own growing plants I had a minor problem with fungus gnats. They never went away but never bugged me or the plants until now. Apparently they spread diseases and went from one plant to another. Vegging plants in my clone chamber started getting black spots on the leaves and dying. :wall: That's when I began looking up as much info as I could and found out I had been gifted fusarium wilt, or thats what I believe did it.

I panicked because nothing was working to kill it. After one last failed attempt of light bleach vinegar mixture on the leaves (figured they were dead anyway why not see if it would work). It seemed to for about 4 days. After that I took everything with any sign of black spot and killed it and took anything that had been vegging in the clone chamber inspected it and put it in my flower room. I figured flowering early was better than losing a particularly special strain to me c99xsomango. Well this happened very fast. The fungus gnats spread it to my flower room and by now I started seeing a couple black spots a day on a leaf or two. I ended up harvesting what had already been flowering about 3 weeks early and the vegging plants were now in flower and growing small buds. Every leaf affected was picked off immediately. They didnt make it more than 5? weeks in flower. I tried one last time to save them after finding out I also had root aphids...all that did was make what little bud WAS there unsmokeable, I cant say where they came from because I honestly dont know if I picked them up along the way or if they were gifted to me.

THE FUN PART, this guy called me a few days ago to uhh... see what was up. :X

I burned everything, bleached everything moved my grow area and started over from seed. I will never bring another already grown plant into my home.


Well-Known Member
My idiot mistake took place many years ago. In a time of weakness I allowed someone to see my grow and it didnt take long before I came home one day after work and was gonna go take a peek at the ladies only to see the distruction that was left behind from the person who ripped me off....to say I was pissed was a understatment but it did teach me a valuable lesson # 1 never tell anyone #2 dont tell anybody #3 if you think you want to tell someone refer to rule #1 and rule#2 I learned a valuable lesson that day and have never again been ripped off

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
my biggest mistake by far was being way way way to stoned and working in the garden...period! one instance is i was super baked and turned the water on to fill my mixing resivior and forgot to shut it off...well, i shut it off but not untill it flooded my room with about a foot of water like 3 hours later. needless to say the 8 ladys in fabric pots sitting on the ground were welllll watered..lol
I trimmed the big leaves because I "thought" they were blocking light. Or so I was told. Buds quit growing.
lol I did the exact same thing to a NYCD. She was beautiful but some more experienced grower was going on about how if you cut all the big fan leafs off during the last couple weeks of flower that the buds get more light and grow bigger. I was experimenting already with cloning, and fimming and well, look at her poor gal..678A0400.jpg she pretty much stopped growing. I think she ended around 18in tall and gave me maybe 6 grams dry weight. I learned to leave leaves alone.


Well-Known Member
It's a bit hard to spread any "likes" or +rep around this thread, lol!

Shame there's no sympathy button...or slap button :)


New Member
Someone found my outdoor grow so i had to shove my 8' white widow into my compact car. Yupp didnt turn out good broke the main stem with 2 weeks left to harvest. Could have just tooken the truck instead of shoving it through my trunk of my car with a 20 gal pot sticking out LOL


Well-Known Member
Grew a sativa-dom strain because I liked sativa. Decided to shoot for an 8-week veg cycle because it would max my yield. Bought a 5.5 foot tent because that's what would fit into my apartment.

Got points for realizing my error at 5.5 weeks and flipped when they were halfway up the tent...but two weeks later still had to buy an 8-foot tent with a rush delivery because that strain does a triple stretch!


New Member
My most painful mistake was spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on Barneys Farm , DNA Genetics , ThSeeds and many other Dutch Beans on Attitude, to only be let down once the smoke was in the air !


Well-Known Member
Not pot related but.....
As a contractor, cut down a tree in a city centre.
Wrong tree......

Still to come...My mate who makes BHO in his kitchen.
Damn cues, talk about an oops..., LMAO

I have yet to finish the ++Reps for the painfully funny posts. Seems I can only pass out a limited number per 24hrs and these educational tidbits are coming in faster than rep points allow. I'll keep plugging away every day til I catch up with em all.


Sector 5 Moderator
Went off for a few days and asked my son to watch my plants. Came back and the light had fallen on top of the plants. It not only killed all my D.P. Blueberry but almost burnt down the place.