Can Weed make Sex eventually Blah...


Active Member
I'm not sure how Weed affects women but for guys It makes sex crazy sensitive. I can blow 3 times in 20 minutes sometimes 4 times in an hour. Why does pot make men so horny? I can never get hard on Shrooms because my mind is so off track with the colors. Can repeated use of Weed for sex make the sex blahh?:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how Weed affects women but for guys It makes sex crazy sensitive. I can blow 3 times in 20 minutes sometimes 4 times in an hour. Why does pot make men so horny? .... Can repeated use of Weed for sex make the sex blahh?:blsmoke:
Now son, sit down here, and let me tell you, you are between the ages of 19-25... horny? everyone is horny at that age... how will you be at 30, 40 or even 50 ? Still horny? Yes I am... With pot or without... I can still blow 3-4 times a day... but it now takes 3 or 4 hours, to complete what takes you 20 minutes ... Old guys are just so damn slow....
Keep exersising your prostrate... three times a week every week of your life... for ever... Life can be such a burden at times.... prostrate health, it's not for the weak of arm...or unhorny...


Well-Known Member
3 times in 20 minutes , You have no rythem. Wait till you turn 50 . lol , 20 minutes is still foreplay. Quality sex , not quantity.


Sector 5 Moderator
Weed never makes sex anything but better. The most I've ever nutted in one night was 7 times. But it's not the destination that's so important; it's the journey itself. I've found that weed erases my inhibitions as well as increasing the pleasurable sensations. Start doing Keagles (exercises) and you'll have almost complete control over when you nut.


Well-Known Member
Funny, last time I smoked while having sex she kept complaining about the hot ashes falling in her eyes.


Well-Known Member
if the sex is just blah then its not the weed its you and your partner, to me stoned and sober sex is the same (awesome but really no difference) could just be from my tolerance and that my receptors are all clogged up with res


Well-Known Member
I concur. Sex with pot isn't "better" than without, but it does seem to make you seek it out more.


Active Member
Sex is never bad unless your partner is one of those dead fish that just lay there and doesnt make any noise.
I dont fuck around with girls like that. ugk, just the Thought....

But sex is always about love for me, so if its lame, that ends it for me.

passion. its what makes sex and love so awesome.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how Weed affects women but for guys It makes sex crazy sensitive. I can blow 3 times in 20 minutes sometimes 4 times in an hour. Why does pot make men so horny? I can never get hard on Shrooms because my mind is so off track with the colors. Can repeated use of Weed for sex make the sex blahh?:blsmoke:
its not the weed that makes it blah years down the road, its marriage.