What is everyone using for Outdoor Nutrients?!!


Active Member
What are you guys using for outdoor nutrients. id like to see my plants as little as possible. Are you guys digging big holes and putting time release stuff? 12 or 3 part? Organic? yada yada yuh know im looking to switch up my game so please hook me up with some nutes and maybe little techniques?


Active Member
just got back from digging some holes this season. I dug 3' wide x 2' deep. Threw down 1/4 of water storing crystals. then filled holes with spag. peat, mixed in a cup of Happy Frog's Organic 5-5-5 and will be back next month to plant my girls.


Well-Known Member
I thow in a handful of water control, some slow release osmocote, lots of dolomite, some azomite, and as much organic matter as I can aford per plant

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
is osmicote inorganic?
No, Osmocote is not "organic". But it is extremely slow in its release of macronutrients. Applied sparingly, it can provide excellent results for the grower that wants to use the "K.I.S.S." method with fewer trips to the grow site. I've done guerrilla grows with this product several times and seen high quality yields with as little as 2 tablespoons/plant of 19-6-12 Osmocote for the ENTIRE season and 6 total visits to the site from installation to harvest. While this may be purely anecdotal evidence since my native soils may be slightly better than others, I've seen little benefit in weekly trips to check on them unless spider mites or other pests are in season (hot, dry conditions). Ask your plants if they can determine a noticeable difference between organic NPK and synthetic NPK and you might be surprised at their stoic response. The phosphorous and potassium are mined from the ground, the nitrogen is extracted from the air that we all breathe. Hard to get more "organic" than that.


Well-Known Member
Harvest moon organics....
12 part liquid nutrients...spendy as all hell but it works!!! I'm pretty sure it was started by some stray advanced nutes and down to earth employees.


Well-Known Member
Harvest moon organics....
12 part liquid nutrients...spendy as all hell but it works!!! I'm pretty sure it was started by some stray advanced nutes and down to earth employees.
and Im pretty sure your well overpaying. 12 part nutrient line? Seems like a clever marketing scam to me