Flush 2 days in a row?


New Member
more info needed and situation ?? end of harvest flush or nute lock out flush ??
I'm using Fafard Organic Potting soil. I over fed with my nutes and now I'm getting leaf burn. I am wondering, for it to recover, is it ok to flush 2 days in a row?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, if you can't get it to go down the first time the first day, just keep on flushing untill it goes down...
That must really be some good sheiot....
So a when you are done flushing, how do you get all the plant matter out of the [toilet] bowl ?


New Member
I'm using Fafard Organic Potting soil. I over fed with my nutes and now I'm getting leaf burn. I am wondering, for it to recover, is it ok to flush 2 days in a row?
ok well not sure how hot fox farm is but flushing may make nute burn worse (release nute's from the water being flushed threw)or if not i'd wait for it to fully dry before flushing again.