My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log


Active Member
Can anyone tell me if it is too late to remove some fan leaves that are blocking light? I want to do it without stressing the plant... dont want any seeds! There are a bunch of budsites that could potentially add more yield but are being blocked by the fan leaves of the surrounding colas, as you can see in the pictures above.



Well-Known Member
hey man, I've got some bubblicious going as well. Day 21 though. your ladies are looking might fiiiiineee mate!

As for the fan leave, why don't you get a piece of string and just tie it out of the way, that way you'll get the light to the budsite and you won't stress the plant.


Active Member
good idea ill try that when the lights come on! thanks!

bubblelicious seems to be pretty popular right now.. I've seen like 4 or 5 current grows just on RIU. represent! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Instead of cutting the fan leafs you should just try and tuck them. You have to understand that the big fan leaves are absorbing most of the light and using it to make your buds. Cutting them would just be silly


Active Member
thanks yeah I decided to tuck some back and other than that let it do its thing. thanks for stoppin by!


Active Member
Day 30 12/12

Took a sample from the bottom under the canopy. Tasted bad, but had a nice high. Only about half way there so I expect the finished product to be excellent



Well-Known Member
lookin good man keep up the god work and do BL and BB smell fruity and you have to let us know if they actually taste like Bubble gum and Blueberry i was thinking about getting a strain of BL or BB but i heard BB is hard maintenance and my friends want a stronger high than BB so we are getting White widow Crystal and ICe


Active Member
lookin good man keep up the god work and do BL and BB smell fruity and you have to let us know if they actually taste like Bubble gum and Blueberry i was thinking about getting a strain of BL or BB but i heard BB is hard maintenance and my friends want a stronger high than BB so we are getting White widow Crystal and ICe
thanks for stoppin by, man and thanks for the kind words.

The Bubble smells really weird almost bad, when you just sniff the buds.. but when you touch them and smell your fingers... oh my god... its amazing. Really hard to explain. I guess fruity is pretty close.. I'd throw spicey in with that description. It smells dank.

The blueberry does indeed smell berry-like. Not very strong, only on your fingers when you touch the buds. I'm bummed that I've only got one cola on that plant - I really love this strain. I'm not sure about it being high-maintenance, but it is sensitive to nutes. And the high is incredible, so you and your friends must have pretty good taste if you want better :shock:


Well-Known Member
just wondering what your feeding schedule/watering was throughout the grow? I only ask because I have been having a hard time with that aspect of my first grow. ty


Well-Known Member
Day 38 12/12
Cant believe I haven't seen this grow till now. Awesome job! These are two strains on my list for sure.... so many to get and grow. :) BTW, hows the t-5 compact fixture working out? Do your buds feel hard as a rock or kinda spongy? Ive been looking at these for my mother & clone chambers but seeing you flower with them has me thinking about some other ideas.