Club 600


Well-Known Member
You guys are right about those OG's. I think my last started flower at 22" as well. Had I not tied down the top she would have definitely finished at over 5 ft!


Well-Known Member
You guys are right about those OG's. I think my last started flower at 22" as well. Had I not tied down the top she would have definitely finished at over 5 ft!
Ya that's what I'm worried about lol. I'm very afraid she is going to become huge and huge fast lol

I'll figure something out I always do


Well-Known Member
Smoking one for you bud, I know it's not the same but I hate to see a brotha down.

Fuck the cops, we aren't doing anything wrong, were not out raising hell or selling poison to kids, were growing a plant and reaping the benefits from it.


Well-Known Member
Well sum time you up and sum time u down and when u down it seems like u never gona be up again but life goes on bud il live to grow again, fuck them what's the worst that can happen I think already has will only be same and court next time which can't be much worse haha


Well-Known Member
Ii that's it a bet there's plenty more to lose in future haha the fucking nobs but I done best thing a think by opening door when they threating with dogs and warrant least council might not hear now since its not a proper bust 1st thing they asking was to see if a had the levy rigged that was me thinking they no the cant do out for what's there if they asking that straight away....
well lucky a got couple on veg and few spare bits just need a ballast off my m8 and it will be going again today or tomoz haha time is money


Well-Known Member
hey 6ers! sooo, a local recommended this burgundy to me. says she is an excellent oil maker..
she is taking to the new feed schedule pretty well.

here she is just two weeks into flower, spewing out crystals everywhere! :hump:



Well-Known Member
My dads coming from Fl today on his way back. I'm sending him home with 3 clones a jackherer for his back yard. 20 years later he decides to take up smoking again, of course he hits me up! It must be his new woman. I like her all ready.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
something tells me buds already back home toking a doob of some sweet n sour and potting on a couple of cuts of some BB's goodness :lol:

Fuck the police!


Well-Known Member
rumoured to be one of the Earths Strongest Strains:)


Deep Blue F4 - not sure why more people are not growing this strain.:neutral:

Peace, DST

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Gona cry me self to sleep just got out cop shop and they took my 3 girls woke me up at bedroom window saying they could smell and were getting dogs if a didn't open door so lost my gear and plants for a caution proper sick I am
Sorry to here. That's why I grow the fuck out of my house. If I get caught . It won't be for 20 plants:bigjoint: plus me and the wife got cards for 99 plants

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
old pics of Smelly Fingerz Joe pics 101.jpgJoe pics 102.jpgJoe pics 103.jpgJoe pics 104.jpgJoe pics 105.jpgJoe pics 106.jpgJoe pics 107.jpgJoe pics 108.jpgJoe pics 115.jpgJoe pics 117.jpgJoe pics 118.jpgJoe pics 140.jpgShoots out to Breeders Boutique for my 2013 outdoor grow and friends. As I gave clones to only close friends of mine. My boy's Blue pits are just about done, so will take some pics today for sure! Frost everywhere and only grown outdoors.


Well-Known Member
That dog has a funny leaf structure like it was thinking about foxtailing or had a lot of N. Real pretty bud. Did all of the Dog's have leaves like that or just the one? I don't know how normal it is cause I'm only starting my second run, but my OG made all kinds of funny leaves (like a reveg's first leaves) and foxtailing. Not sure if it was genetics, my dumbass adding too much N, or the iddy bitty light leak I developed.

I'm gonna be sitting on the front porch waiting for UPS until they get here guys... My tent, fan, and filter are scheduled to arrive!!! I'm so excited to get my babes a little more room. They don't like being this cramped!


Well-Known Member
Gona cry me self to sleep just got out cop shop and they took my 3 girls woke me up at bedroom window saying they could smell and were getting dogs if a didn't open door so lost my gear and plants for a caution proper sick I am
Sorry to hear man.
That's a sickener.
How did you get caught,Did they smell your girl from outside or what?