Maui Waui ScroG, 2 x125W CFLs, Flood & Drain, Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Yes she would be very tall indeed. Stretched like crazy during first couple weeks of flower. I should have topped her early and done some lst (which I'm doing on my next grow) but I didnt, and I hardly had time to weave her through but all good, first scrog try... Anyways good luck with your Maui, pumped for the pic update!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yes she would be very tall indeed. Stretched like crazy during first couple weeks of flower. I should have topped her early and done some lst (which I'm doing on my next grow) but I didnt, and I hardly had time to weave her through but all good, first scrog try... Anyways good luck with your Maui, pumped for the pic update!bongsmilie
Thanks! Belated pic update below.

hey man have you thought of defoil n to get a better penetration of light using cfls I would there's great threads here check into it you want regret it
I've considered trying the defoil method, but I'm concerned about the stress it may cause the plant. Cutting away leaves seems to go against the grain for me - surely they use the leaves to photosynthesise and help flower production? I'm no horticulturalist, so I don't know too much about it. I've been sticking with the 'tucking' method thus far (I just tuck the big fan leaves below the canopy every time one is blocking a bud site).

In any event, I've been a little lax with her. I probably veg'd her for a week too long, and as a result she's almost outgrown her box. A couple of the leaves closest to the bulbs got a little scorched since there was little space left for the leaves to stretch into, and her pH has been a little high over the last few weeks, causing some nute deficiencies.

She's about a week away from the chop, and I've been flushing her for about a week.


I'm expecting about 2 zips dried and cured, give or take.. Not my best return, but she'll do. I started an Afghan Kush x Skunk a couple weeks ago, so another few weeks and she'll be ready to flower. I'll lower my ScrOG screen by 6 inches (down from 18 in to 12 in) for this coming grow, so that should significantly reduce the time needed for this little plant to veg.




Active Member
Nice man, shes looking frosty! Hows she smelling? I agree with you better to keep all the leaves on the plant. I should be starting a thread in the next few days on my maui's, 9 out of 10 popped and are now 22 days old so fingers crossed i get 4 or 5 females. Any advice on what this strain does and doesn't like, thanks


Active Member
Nice grow, makes me want to play around with hydroponics more. I trimmed on my last grow but after some research I found its better to keep leaves and supplement the lights with bulbs underneath and all around the sides..etc not sure if that would apply with the SCROG though.


Well-Known Member
Nice man, shes looking frosty! Hows she smelling? I agree with you better to keep all the leaves on the plant. I should be starting a thread in the next few days on my maui's, 9 out of 10 popped and are now 22 days old so fingers crossed i get 4 or 5 females. Any advice on what this strain does and doesn't like, thanks
Thanks man! Yeah, she's pretty frosty now. She smells sort of like citrus and pine.

I'll totally be following your grow, and I have my fingers crossed for a healthy return of females. I found this strain to be really prone to nute deficiencies/burn, so I guess my advice would be to make sure your pH is always around 6, and to go really easy on the nutes. Less seems to be more with her. Good luck with yours!

Nice grow, makes me want to play around with hydroponics more. I trimmed on my last grow but after some research I found its better to keep leaves and supplement the lights with bulbs underneath and all around the sides..etc not sure if that would apply with the SCROG though.
I agree with keeping the leaves on too. It just seems a little counter-productive to butcher the plant.

You should have a tinker with hydro - a decent setup will take care of itself for the most part, plus it's really easy to correct errors straight away - just dump the tank and refill with what's required. Flushing soil because of nute burn sounds like a messy job, although I'm sure soil growers might argue that their end product tastes better having been grown in soil. I've yet to try a soil grow, so I have nothing to compare my hydro-grown bud with.. Lame.

Thanks for checking in, gents.


Well-Known Member
Wow man, that Maui looks great!! I will also be moving to hydro in the future... But on the other hand, I had the EXACT same problems with my Maui, ffof went to shit after 3 months and the ph was way off resulting in a nute lockout. Hell my leaves were fading out at week 4 of flower; never did get it under control. On the lollipoping topic, I am also goin to do a test on my current grow and see the difference because my buds on the Maui weren't as big as I thought they would get.. Smells great tho!!!!


Well-Known Member
Also, SunnyJim would you mind if I posted some pics of the crop? Forgot to mention I ended up choppin mine at day 60 of flower. Makes me wonder about the "Maui" genetics. Dont mean to be rude and post pics all over tour thread, best of luck with your Maui brotha!!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the same issues I had with mine - nute lockout within the first month of flowering. And mine doesn't have particularly huge buds either. I'll harvest her next weekend at the latest, if not midweek sometime, and I'll let you know how much I yielded after it dries for a week.

Please go right ahead and post some of your bud porn here!

Trying to give you all some more rep, but it seems that I haven't been sharing it around enough..


Well-Known Member

This Maui from Nirvana was a whorled phyllotaxy, had 3 branches per node all the way up. A first for me!! Just had the final weigh today 116.5 grams!!! Big difference from my previous best 35 gs!! haha This shit is potent, damn havent even cured it yet and it has a fruity earthy taste. My eyes feel like there nearly closed.. bongsmilie Hope you all enjoy the pics, excited to hear what ya got SunnyJim!!!


Well-Known Member
Holy Hell!! 116 grams?! Tremendous yield, dude. Seriously well done.

I'm hoping for half that weight dried and cured.

It's super potent? That's encouraging, because I read in a few places that it's supposed to be fairly mellow. I'll be chopping mine on Wed or Thurs, so I'll post some pics after it's all trimmed down.


Well-Known Member
Thank you, cant wait to see how she is cured! Sorry I was a little under the influence at the time, i shouldnt have said super potent but damn it will stop your day for a while. I've only grown blue mystic and bubblelicious, but this Maui is by far the best. Covered in crystals and nearly puts me to sleep! Tastes great not even cured. Very impressed, I would definitely grow this again when I have a little more experience!


Well-Known Member
Oh man, I can't wait to roll one up. I've read a lot of smoke reports on the Maui, so I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully I'll yield enough to keep me happy for a few months, so we'll see.

I've got an Afghan Kush x Skunk going now, and after she's done, I'll do another Ketama (a Moroccan landrace strain that's the most delicious Indica I have ever tried), and if this Maui is as awesome as you say, I might have another crack at growing it after the Ketama, and take better care of her this time.


Well-Known Member
Chopped my Maui Waui this afternoon.

Having hung all the buds I'm drying for smoking (I have another bag full of small, popcorn buds which I'm going to turn into hash), I'm amending my projected yield. I think it'll be a stretch to get 2 ounces from this crop after it's properly dried and cured. It's looking more like 1 - 1.5 ounces, maybe 40-50 grams. That's a little weak, but hopefully the quality of the bud will make up for the low(ish) return.

Here she is just after I cut her at the base:


Then the main buds, removed from the plant and crudely trimmed:


What was left of her after removing the smokable buds:


Manicured buds hanging to dry:


And finally, my Afghan Kush x Skunk. I sterilized my grow environment and put her in there after having liberated the Maui. Another 3-4 weeks of vegging and she'll be put into flower:


Onwards and upwards.


Well-Known Member
Dried and jarred for curing today. It smells incredible.

Final weight: 57g, so 2 ounces. Not disastrous, not a lottery win either. It should last me until my Kush is done (hopefully) in 3 months(ish).

Peace in the Middle East.


EDIT: Just sparked one up - it tastes delicious. It's hard to describe the taste - pine with citrus and a bunch of other aromas I can't quite put my finger on. Stoked with it so far.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah bro, those are 57 grams of some delicious nug!!! I noticed you had an afghan x skunk, will you be keeping up with this in RIU? I have an afghan x nl 4 weeks veg atm. Would b awesome to compare the strains, again! Lol also this Maui is getting very skunky with a hint of berry, another week or so left of curing. Getting anxious :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I should probably start another thread for my Afghan Kush x Skunk.

Here she is at about 4 weeks (pics just taken):


I only had her under a single 125 watt CFL, so she was a little slow to start. Now she's under 250 watts.

Let's see some pics of your AfKush x NL. It would be cool to compare the two grows.


Well-Known Member
Here is my afghan kush x northern lights at almost 4 weeks under lights. Also known as "aurora indica" which I purchased through Nirvana. Just before water, starting to droop a little. Shes under a 250 watt daylight blue hortilux. No nutes yet, shes onlyl in promix. I will however be transplanting into my SS soon! Cant wait to see how these strains compare, good luck to ya man! Happy smokin :peace:


Well-Known Member
She looks great, dude. Mine will probably take 1-2 weeks before it's the size yours is right now.

It'd be cool to keep these updates going between our two grows every week or so. Happy smoking :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! Yes I agree, that would be awesome. Ill post some pics in another week or so. Lookin forward for the updates my friend! Take it easy, stay high :blsmoke: