Hi, this is my first grow and unfortunately due to lack of resources/technicalities of where I am in the world, my plants have undergone some stress.
Supposedly "white widow" bagseed.
Started out with 7 seeds, 2 of which ended up being male, and were tossed.
Started with 24 hour CFL veg for 8 weeks with NPK 20/20/20 once a week (all that can be found here)
followed by 12/12 CFL flowering (only nutrients: NPK 20/20/20 once/week), currently on day 1 of week 12 in flowering.
week 11 I switched to 11/13 (longer dark)
just turned the dial to 10/14 for (what I'm hoping to be) the final week.
Grow is indoor and with soil. Watering 3-4 times a week. Stopped feeding nutrients last week.
I can't find a 40x lens here to check the trichomes.
I need expert advice, here are some pics, and sorry for the quality..
Do they look ready to harvest in a week?
If I'm forgetting any details let me know, thank u!
Supposedly "white widow" bagseed.
Started out with 7 seeds, 2 of which ended up being male, and were tossed.
Started with 24 hour CFL veg for 8 weeks with NPK 20/20/20 once a week (all that can be found here)
followed by 12/12 CFL flowering (only nutrients: NPK 20/20/20 once/week), currently on day 1 of week 12 in flowering.
week 11 I switched to 11/13 (longer dark)
just turned the dial to 10/14 for (what I'm hoping to be) the final week.
Grow is indoor and with soil. Watering 3-4 times a week. Stopped feeding nutrients last week.
I can't find a 40x lens here to check the trichomes.
I need expert advice, here are some pics, and sorry for the quality..
Do they look ready to harvest in a week?
If I'm forgetting any details let me know, thank u!