Coma's first DWC! Bagseed, 400w MH.


New Member
Might want to get that a little lower... at 6.2 some of your girls may be struggling to soak up calcium and other shit. Could be too much nutes too, you can probably do a lot less nutes and not see a them ask for more.



Active Member
So it's day 10, i switched my lights to 12/12 already. not sure if ill reveg them after i find the sex or if i'll just keep flowering. The deciding factor will probably be how much extra growth I get during flower. Here's a shot of the 4 girls. (Was 5, but had to weed out the weakling to give my roots more gallons)
photo (29).jpg
(The girl on the top right of the pic above)photo (26).jpgLooks good :blsmoke:
(Bottom left)photo (27).jpg(the stem curved pretty badly for some reason, but looks good now)
(and the middle)photo (28).jpgLooks great also, node spacing is minimal.

So all there is to do now is wait until I see sex. maybe a week or so most likely.

I'd be happy with at least 2 girls by the end of this, any more than that is great, but i'd like to stay a tad more conservative so the let down will be less if I only turn 1 out.

Wish me, and all my girls good luck!




Well-Known Member
Lookin good. They may take a little longer than a week to show sex though. They are pretty young. Hope you get some nice looking ladies. Be ready for the 12/12 stretch. Good luck!


Active Member
Lookin good. They may take a little longer than a week to show sex though. They are pretty young. Hope you get some nice looking ladies. Be ready for the 12/12 stretch. Good luck!
thanks a ton bro. and ya maybe a week was a tad optimistic, im not used to flowering so young so my expectation was based on a longer veg.

keep stopping by to check em out if you can, ill update as much as possible

thanks again for stoppin by!



Well-Known Member
I will be curious to see what you get. I am trying a 12-12 experiment under a 55w dual spectrum led in a small cab for shits and giggles. Got a couple sprouts going but they're from bagseed where it seems like something happened to the seeds. If they die off, may germ one good gen seed to try it out.


Active Member

Here's the link to the video! it uploaded sideways.
im sure it's because i had my phone sideways during the taping. oh well you get the point!

been on 12/12 for 4 days now.

just added my flower nutes yesterday.

more videos to come later, just need to get better at taping them, SOME preparation before filming is probably a good idea :clap:

either way any comments, or questions feel free!



Active Member
Ok, hey everyone, got a few updates. IMG_0808.jpg here are my girls (hopefully) they STILL have not shown sex, but patience is a virtue, especially in this hobby...

IMG_0812.jpghere's a shot of my girl in the middle ( i think, lol) she is looking great, but she's def sprawling out quite a bit, so much so, that I had to LST 2 of my girls, just to give her some more room.
The stem of the plant shown above.IMG_0813.jpg

Here's a couple shots of the LST I did on the two girls on the left of my res. gave my plants some more breathing room, and I may keep strapping em down, just for shitsIMG_0814.jpgIMG_0810.jpg
These are just some randoms, to show plant health from a couple angles. One on the left is the LST'd one. (right) my middle gal.IMG_0815.jpgIMG_0807.jpg

And last, but definitely not least, a shot of my roots, they r super healthy, and I only took one shot, because all of them look great. IMG_0806.jpg


  1. Brought my ph down to 5.9, and am planning on feeding them their bloom nutes again in a day or so.
  2. I'm not quite sure if I should go half strength on the Nutes yet or keep it lower than that.
  3. The water in my res has just now gotten noticeably lower, but still full. which saves me some work.

Overall, I think things are looking good. but what do you guys think?

How long do you think til they show sex?

and should I bump to half strength nutes yet?

Any answers or comments are greatly appreciated.
Thanks for stopping in.
Looks good man. We are both basically on the same timeline right now. I've got two plants however and are in separate buckets. Did you mention what type of bud you got in those pots? Or is it bag seed? You should check out my grow journal too man, it's my first dwc too. Just showed sex a couple days ago.


Active Member
Looks good man. We are both basically on the same timeline right now. I've got two plants however and are in separate buckets. Did you mention what type of bud you got in those pots? Or is it bag seed? You should check out my grow journal too man, it's my first dwc too. Just showed sex a couple days ago.
i'd love to check it out, you got a link

and ya bagseed.

thanks for stopping by! and keep checkin back!


Active Member
So it's day 15 of 12/12, and I have not seen many signs of sex yet.

On MOST of my plants.

there are 3 plants left, because... I KILLED A MAN YESTERDAY!

He was the first to show signs of sex, and his preflowers were jutting from the crotch of most of the branches on the plant. Since it was the first to show sex, and his preflowers did not grow pistils after 48 hours, AND his preflowers were jutting off the branches. I was pretty sure, he was a he.

So, I ripped him out, and threw him in a cardboard box, two floors above my growroom. (Maybe i'll throw him into some edibles or hash after harvest)

My other 3 girls (I hope) have not shown sex yet, not even preflowers. damn 12/12 from seed taking so long to mature!
I did veg, but for only a few days.

Here is a couple shots of my other 3 girls, just to show that there is no real sign of sex yet.


And here is a few shots of how BIG they got over the last few days. Sorry about the quality, my HID was heating up as i took the shots.

So, there they are in all their glory, I really hope i get some fem's to show up soon.

How long do you guys think it will be?
How do they look?
Think i'll get 3 girls?

Either way just needed to throw an update up, thanks for stopping by to check my shit out
and keep popping in, Hopefully I'll have 3 beautiful girls to show you next time you do.



Active Member
So, since I posted a few days ago, i've gotten some great news! I have 2 definite girls, and one that is most likely a girl. (due to how long it's taking to sex, just like the other girls did.)
my 420 present was finding 2 girls in my grow room, which was super well timed!
I also did some LST'ing because I took a male out of my res, so i wanted to utilize the room I made, so I bent one of my girls that way, and she is shaping up. IMG_0826.jpg
I also decided to strap one of my other girls arms down, she was getting lengthy.IMG_0825.jpg
Here is a shot of them strapped and BIG!IMG_0827.jpg

Here is my problem. My biggest girl is getting close to my 400... like 4-5 inches from it. (shown here)IMG_0828.jpg
I can only raise my light another 3-4 inches....(shown here)IMG_0829.jpg
here they all are today, just for reference. IMG_0830.jpg

What's my BEST course of action to take?
it's probly too late to top right?
is LST my only option, if it is, i'll need to do a lot of strapping so i'll need to get to work soon!

because in a day or two (maybe less) she will be kissing my lights, and I can't move them much higher.

please if anyone has any advice or ways to keep her this size (roughly) till harvest.
Not sure how far into flower I am, just check out my last post to figure it out.

Looking for some help,


Active Member
So it's been 6 days since my 3 big girls showed their sex. and things are going great!
(I got a couple bad quality pics this time, so please bare with me :leaf:)

This mornings stats: 77deg F, 22% Humidity, PH of res 6.3.

Here's a shot of all of them, almost touching my light...

These are all going to be baby bud porn from this point on! lol

just some shots of my pistils, that was this morning, and even since then they've boomed in growth!

I can't raise my light too much so I had to super LST, even more. My bitches are very well trained now, in such a way that my side branches are going to have some big buds on them along with the main colas!

I'll post pics of the LST'ing i did in my next update.
just figured i'd show off my ladies!

Thanks for stopping in,


can any1 tell me how i start my own blog as im new to this and have a few problems with my grow in dwc bubbler bucket


Active Member
So since I last posted I've gotten some nice growth!

Maybe a little too much... but that's ok, I'd rather them too big, than too small.

Here's today's specs:
Day 16 since pistils.
PH: 6.3
Temp: 78 F
Hum: 48%

Here's some shots of the canopy (after being strapped)
I needed to strap them some more, because I dont have much more room to bring my lights up, next grow I WILL DEFINITELY be Scroggin' it.

The lenky growth is because she is a bagseed, mids plant. Obviously good genetics are also something to invest in after this grow. Any suggestions on strain?
And last (but NOT least) Some budsite close-ups, hopefully after the LST, it will get much more light, and growth on my lower branches, AND colas. I gave them a lot more room to breathe.

Well there are my girls.

For bagseed mids, I think they are looking good!

What do you guys think?

Thanks for stopping in


Active Member
Looks awesome, I just went and bought a 5 gallon bucket and getting it set up for my first DWC! Will do it on my next go after my soil run finishes. I am going to do one plant under the same light you have....only issue is I grow in the spare bedroom closet and my temps average around 80 with lights on. I am worried my res temps will be hard to maintain around 70 ;( going to run some experiments now. How are you doing maintaining your res temps? I topped on my current soil grow and during stretch period put a net over and trained my larger shoots and opened the canopy so the smaller guys could catch last hydro run (ebb flow) I grew green crack it and it would not stop growing :( I had some issues with it getting to close to the light. Literally a few inches and although the heat wasn't an issue I had some over saturation. How far are your plants from the light now?


Well-Known Member
looking good Coma. Good to see you got times worked out. Looks like it"s going good.

peace! keep it going.