/////Too much light?//////


Well-Known Member
odd, nobody mentions photosynthesis stops at anything over 5000 footcandles. can be increased to 7000 footcandles indoors.there is such a thing as too much light. a light meter is really the only way to tell.


Active Member
Would CO2 enrichment counter the excess photosynthesis...(due to excess light, photosyth occurs faster...SO, technically speaking, all it would need is more carbon (CO2) to continue respiration...thus preventing photo-bleaching and such issues?) I'm new, and that could be completely wrong tho...


Well-Known Member
Would CO2 enrichment counter the excess photosynthesis (due to excess light, thus preventing photo-bleaching and such issues?) I'm new, and that could be completely wrong...
co2 would more than likely be one of the things that allows you to push it to 7000 footcandles indoors but I don't really know. I was told this by a "scientist" at sunpulse lamps.


Active Member
odd, nobody mentions photosynthesis stops at anything over 5000 footcandles. can be increased to 7000 footcandles indoors.there is such a thing as too much light. a light meter is really the only way to tell.
I knew there was a point of dimminishing return, but didn't know exactly what it was. Like I said, I assumed he already has the 600w and was trying to see if he could use it in that small of a space. Good to know the limit, but I always thought it was 10,000 lumens.


Well-Known Member
co2 will also allow higher temps which sounds like it may be a problem. it always is it seems :/
the problem being sealing the room , I've been fighting that for a few days now in reworking my room.


What's your canopy temp?

co2 will also allow higher temps which sounds like it may be a problem. it always is it seems :/
the problem being sealing the room , I've been fighting that for a few days now in reworking my room.
Agreed. Its also important to note that cannabis efficiently uses CO2 at higher temps, 78F+.
All the best,